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Posts posted by Woodjr55

  1. Decide to start a journal because I plan on hunting a lot of predators this winter and didn't want a new thread every time.

    I've been out twice now on solely predator hunts the first one I made a thread for

    My second hunt I went out with my buddy who seen 4 coyotes multiple times during deer season. He has seen a couple black ones and a big white dog.

    We went out on Sunday morning. It was a farm close by I'm erie county. Got there at 6 am got ready and headed out to the back field. We had to cross the field behind the house and then thru a small patch of woods and we were in the field where he was seeing the dogs. On the way out we were scanning the fields and saw eyes off to the left at about 120 yards. I knew it was a dog of some sorts but couldn't make out if it was a fox or coyote. ( I need a better light) since I couldn't tell what it was we decided to move on to the other field. We got set up my buddy had his muzzleloader I had my .243 he was in his stand I was behind him on the ground. Has a decoy set up in the middle of the field and my flextone caller behind it ( had to move the caller closer because the remote wouldn't reach) sat for about a half hour till we had better light. Called for about an hour on and off but had no success. I know that your only suppose to make short sits but the property was small so we just stayed put. So far this season I have been out twice and seen a predator both times but haven't got a shot yet. So good start so far

  2. I'm looking for a decent light for some night hunting. I have a small spot light that I got from Walmart that isn't too bad but just can't reach out far enough. It can pick up eyes at about 100 yards but hard to tell what the critter is. I know there are great lights out there but I can't really be spending 100+ dollars on a light right now

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  3. Just walked in after my first hunt of the season for yotes/ fox. My buddy and myself head up to his uncle farm and dads property. We got busted on are second sit. Wasn't quiet bright enough out for the size of the fields we were hunting and just caught eyes a little to late to get a shot off. We ended up doing 4 sit. Didn't hear any yotes at all but was a good time

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  4. Went on my first rabbit hunt on Christmas Day. Arrived late to the spot and looked like some one already ran a dog or dogs thru it. We ended up getting a rabbit but had to cut the hunt early as I fell through some ice into a puddle up to my thighs

  5. I hunt them at at dairy farm have a few guys surround a silo then my brother will shoot a low powered BB gun to spook them and then we open up on them. Once they disperse we wait for a good group to come back and repeat. It's a lot of fun. They are tasty in a stew. Best to do this on the coldest days

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