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Posts posted by Woodjr55

  1. Love the story... I did get out Saturday morning til 9am but had to give in to installing a hardwood floor all weekend and actually felt that this windy snowy cold weekend was a good call but you showed me that "on any given day"... I say he goes 135 and he may score as high as 140. My guess is 139 gross. Let us know when you do get it scored.

    Oh and I guess you showed everyone the .243 is plenty gun huh!!

    yeah I bought the .243 a after last season. I was also using hornady's new American whitetail round which preformed well for a lower cost round.

    Last was my first year out hunting in about 4 years and I have to say I'm glad I'm back. I spent a lot of time this summer at my property scouting and trimming. I put the stand up this summer and I'm happy that I was the first one to shoot a deer out of it. Bow hunting defiantly help me being able to stay in a stand longer and be more effective and aware of my surrounding.

  2. I got to my stand around 1 o'clock this afternoon windy and cold. Was sitting for about 20 minutes. I heard what I thought was a grunt from the top of the hill that my stand is at the base of so I grunted a few times to see what would happen. 3 minutes last I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. I see a big deer and I see antlers wasn't sure at the time but knew it was a big body buck. He's coming down the hill at my 4 o'clock. I raise my .243 he stops at 30 yards and starts heading towards my 12 o'clock I get the cross hairs on him and pull the trigger. I know I hit him he keeps running straight for about 80 yards and stop I see him quiver and keep walking he takes a right and I prepare for a second shot. I lock my cross hairs on a lane and wait. He walks into the lane I pull the trigger. Hits him right In the shoulder goes 10 yards and drops. post-3146-1385343232256_thumb.jpgpost-3146-13853432457136_thumb.jpgpost-3146-13853432651833_thumb.jpg

    The biggest deer ever taken off my property. 11pts 180 dressed according to my brother

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  3. post-3146-1385217007129_thumb.jpg the local firehall does a meat raffle every year normally the night before opening day. Was pushed this year. They raffled off the pigs but the guy who won sold them back. I bought 6 dollars work of tickets and won. My brother won them last year. Moms not happy
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