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Everything posted by EspressoBuzz

  1. I have hiked the entire AT in NJ and NY all of it done on weekends and by bus or train from Manhattan. Granted it was many many years ago. Get yourself the 50 hikes close to NYC book and you'll won't be disappointed. My recommendation for a great short hike with great camping especially in the spring or fall because of the great raptor watching. Huckleberry trail in the catskills.
  2. Clearly the L.E. was in unfamiliar territory and let a scumbag get away but it's not easy navigating this brave new world and it's technology
  3. https://summitcountyvoice.com/2016/04/13/highway-air-pollution-still-a-big-public-health-threat/ Highway air pollution still a big public health threat In highly congested areas electric cars have another benefit.
  4. I thought someones sushi had escaped! Seriously, I've been posting interesting animal and science articles I thought others might find interesting. Did i post this in the wrong place?
  5. Octopus slips out of aquarium tank, crawls across floor, escapes down pipe to ocean https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2016/04/13/octopus-slips-out-of-aquarium-tank-crawls-across-floor-escapes-down-pipe-to-ocean/ Inky the octopus didn’t even try to cover his tracks. By the time the staff at New Zealand’s National Aquarium noticed that he was missing, telltale suction cup prints were the main clue to an easily solved mystery. Inky had said see ya to his tank-mate, slipped through a gap left by maintenance workers at the top of his enclosure and, as evidenced by the tracks, made his way across the floor to a six-inch-wide drain. He squeezed his football-sized body in — octopuses are very malleable, aquarium manager Rob Yarrall told the New Zealand website Stuff — and made a break for the Pacific.
  6. The plot, er conspiracy, er treason thickens... Prosecutor rebuffs pro-Bundy sheriff’s claims that troopers at Oregon refuge put both of them in danger https://www.rawstory.com/2016/04/prosecutor-rebuffs-pro-bundy-sheriffs-claims-that-troopers-at-oregon-refuge-put-both-of-them-in-danger/ Grant County sheriff says dispatchers endangered his life withholding standoff information http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/04/grant_county_sheriff_says_disp.html Grant County DA contradicts sheriff's 'danger' claim regarding standoff roadblock http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/04/grant_county_da_contradicts_sh.html
  7. So back to the original subject of the post... In a related story... When Air Quality Improves, So Do Kids' Asthma Symptoms - Reduced air pollution linked to fewer respiratory problems http://www.medpagetoday.com/Pediatrics/Asthma/57334
  8. Look clearly there are high paid couches and college presidents. But it is not many and it is certainly not "many of those in that !%" Even if your numbers add up to one thousand coaches and college presidents they are dwarfed by the number of colleges across the country and by the corporate execs who earn in the 1% range. So yeah I'd say 1% of the 1% are connected to college coaching or administration.
  9. I call bullshit!! Listen look at the numbers, even the best paid coach or Administrator is not in the 1%. It is clear to me you've no concept of how much the 1% earn.
  10. Why is the federal gov't making money on student loans? It makes billions on student loans even with the unpaid loans and administrative fees. Why?
  11. No one is going to stop mining lithium even if we stopped buying all electric cars today. Lithium is going to continue being mined no matter what because you like your cell phone, your drone, your trail cam and your mental health (http://www.webmd.com/bipolar-disorder/bipolar-disorder-lithium). Additionally lithium is recycled because of its high value in manufacturing. China is not the top producer. China however does sell Lithium the cheapest because it has no effective mining regulations regarding pollution. Outside of China just how much more pollution producing is it than other mining? Lithium producing countries in order of production. 1. Australia 2. Chile 3. Argentina 4. China 5. Zimbabwe 6. Portugal 7. Brazil 8. United States http://investingnews.com/daily/resource-investing/energy-investing/lithium-investing/2013-top-8-lithium-producing-countries/ P.S. The articles I originally posted Jeremy include pollution created during the lifetime of the vehicle including manufacturing.
  12. Robert Dear Jr. had a hero, Paul Hill, the murderous leader of an anti-abortion group. He also had his enemies: President Obama, for one, who Dear refers to as the “antichrist,” and Planned Parenthood, for another. And he had a dream: “When he died and went to heaven, he would be met by all the aborted fetuses at the gates of heaven and they would thank him … for what he did because his actions saved lives of other unborn fetuses.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/04/12/the-twisted-remorselessness-of-accused-planned-parenthood-killer-robert-dear-jr/ But in late November of last year, Dear put on a makeshift metal vest, made of coins and duct tape, according to the documents, armed himself with four SKS rifles and two propane tanks, and shot up the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Colorado Springs, killing three people, including Ke’Arre Stewart, 29, an Iraq War veteran who had been outside the clinic on his cellphone; Jennifer Tarkovsky, 35, a mother of two who had been at the clinic to support a friend; and Garret Swasey, a University of Colorado police officer who had responded to the incident.
  13. So I took your advice and googled it up! and looky what I found! The ‘electric cars aren’t green’ myth debunked http://shrinkthatfootprint.com/electric-cars-green Shades of Green: Electric Cars’ Carbon Emissions Around the Globe http://shrinkthatfootprint.com/electric-car-emissions
  14. The spring of 2014 brought a whiff of Sagebrush Rebellion to the air in Southern Nevada, as federal agents raided Cliven Bundy’s cattle ranch, and armed citizens from across the nation showed up in Bunkerville to face them down. But it was only a whiff. It changed quickly to an ill wind, and blew toward the nation’s capital, where it hangs like a sour smell over the public lands debate. The Bunkerville episode and the criminal prosecutions of the Bundy family have clouded the federal land rights issue. Certain key players in Nevada’s land rights movement anticipated the shadow Bundy would cast on them, and remained deliberately absent from Bunkerville. These are ardent activists at the other end of the state, some of whom tipped their hats to Bundy’s backbone, and deplored the BLM’s heavy handed tactics. But they also disavowed Bundy’s tactics, and disagreed with his legal conclusions. http://www.kkoh.com/2016/04/11/cliven-bundy-is-an-outlier-in-the-land-rights-struggle/
  15. Honestly ants it just came up in my news feed like the previous article I posted.
  16. I haven't see any on Long Island, but I haven't been looking. Any idea how much you pay for the electric? I am assuming at this point the charge connector is a already universal standard?
  17. Honestly I'm just keeping the thread abreast of the events relevant to this subject as I find them please post others as you find them. I would love to see any information about this issue.
  18. Why Tesla’s Model 3 Could Be the New Model T http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/Why-Teslas-Model-3-Could-Be-The-New-Model-T
  19. Ammon Bundy's lawyer responds to Nevada senator's comments about 'the Bundy boys and his pals' http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/04/ammon_bundys_lawyer_cliven_bun.html
  20. China is one of the world’s major solar panel manufacturing bases and expects to significantly increase its own use of the technology over the coming years. In an attempt to reduce its carbon emissions, the country wants to triple its solar power capacity to as much as 143 gigawatts by 2020, according to a recentBloomberg report. http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2016/04/11/electric-rain-solar-panel-turns-raindrops-into-power.html
  21. Sarah Palin Backing Anti-Climate Change Film http://variety.com/2016/film/news/sarah-palin-anti-climate-change-movie-climate-hustle-1201749591/
  22. Tiger Population Rises for First Time in 100 Years http://time.com/4288377/tiger-population-rises-for-first-time-in-100-years/ There is still hope for that NY cougar population....
  23. Well Regulated: Inside an Indiana Militia The militia movement is growing. See what drives members to join and train with one of Indiana's largest militias. David Nantz carefully pushed aside a grouping of bare branches at the tree line of Echo Lake Park, then stood still. He listened for movement, playing the role of the enemy attempting to infiltrate a base that had been forged by his men. http://www.indystar.com/story/news/2016/04/09/well-regulated-inside-indiana-militia/82733502/
  24. Federal Court Rules On Climate Change In Favor Of Today's Children http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2016/04/10/federal-court-rules-on-climate-change-in-favor-of-todays-children/#6e0e4ac46219 In the first lawsuit to involve a planet, Judge Thomas Coffin of the United States Federal District Court in Eugene, Oregon, ruled on Fridayin favor of twenty-one plaintiffs, ages 8 to 19, on behalf of future generations of Americans in a landmark constitutional climate change case brought against the Federal Government and the Fossil Fuel Industry.
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