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    Suffolk, NY

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  1. Im on the island, im starting to see some deer moving!! Now I just need to get close enough to get one with the bow. Good luck everyone!!
  2. Go to dicks sports they have extra doe tags for 1C. I just got one when I went tonight.
  3. saw a coyote opening season for bow in putnam so they are def there. Saw him at first light and he was hauling I yipped at him to try and get him to stop but he wasnt having it and as quick as I saw him he was gone just as quick into the brush. Spent a few nights out in the area and would hear them at night, that was the only one I saw though. Good luck. Id love to shoot me some dogs this year but will hunt them up north, will have a better chance rather then in Putnam.
  4. nice congrats! pheasant hunting is alot of fun I recently went on my first pheasant hunt and it was great, I love watching the dogs work and get excited when they find the birds. Def beats sitting in a stand all day to help change things up.
  5. nice!!! im ready to see that dog in action!
  6. that's a good looking dog right there! Yeah definitely let me know pheasant already opened up by you on the first!!
  7. lol that's awsome though!! Sounds like the makings of a great hunting dog so far! im hoping to be getting a dog soon. Yeh def lets plan something that would be great!!
  8. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9349.html Nice!! i would love to move off the island!! Dutchess isnt too far from me at all. yeh I heard catskill pheasantry is awsome I may book a hunt there soon. I havnt tried any of the DEC stocked field's yet but I plan on hitting alot of them this season. Here's a list of the stocked release sites in NY. Would be easier with a dog if you wanna team up for some pheasant hunts!! Any excuse to get myself off the island! Would love to get in some rabbit and grouse hunting also!!
  9. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9349.html here's a list of all the pheasant release sites in NY. Im def looking to hit them up this season, would like to team up with someone who has a dog.
  10. we killed it!! 53 for the weekend!! it was and amazing experience, the sky was flooded with geese on Saturday! ! Im waiting on aaron to send me the pics so I can post them up!!
  11. haha that's awesome!! I wish I had a bird dog because I plan on hitting the stocked field's across the state once it opens!! Do you still hunt pheasants? where do you usually go?
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