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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. Here we go, one at time Albania - Supplies Kosovar Muslims for ISIS. Committed wide ranging atrocities against non Muslims during the Yugoslav war. Ever hear of the Kosovo Liberation army? A Terrorist Jihad Wahhabi group. 6 of their members planned to shoot up a US military base. The only Good thing about Albania is that the Christians are gaining in numbers, despite Muslim persecution there. Bosnia- same as above. Flooded with foreign Mujaheddin terrorists in the early 90s. Turkey - Supports ISIS and other Jihad 'rebel' groups. Christians are treated as second class citizens and Muslim violence against them is on the rise. Christian clergy are regularly murdered. The EU refused Turkey entry due to it's human rights abuses.The practice of Sharia is on the rise there. Bangldesh. This choice is hilarious. Muslim persecution of non Muslims is intense and violent there. Everyone knows this but you it seems. No more need be said. Muslims are a 20% minority in Montenegro. This doesn't count. Muslims are also a minority in India but violence among the various religions in India is extreme and brutal. Pakistan finds Muslim extremism there. Have another go.
  2. He told me to shut up and not voice my opinions. Lucky it was only the internet. And as for you. It has nothing to do with being unreasonable, I can only take so much idiocy and false equivalencies. It get's old, you know.
  3. Did you respect me when you effectively told me to shut up. ? You contradict yourself. You are a hypocrite.( par for the course if your a liberal) You would be surprised at the the outcome if you ever told me to shut-up to my face. I recommend not trying this in real life.
  4. Is that what they teach at college these days, that questions are baiting? You did mention you had remedial classes if I recall? Not surprised. You claim that some Muslim countries are extreme but most are not. Why don't you give us examples of the non extreme Muslim countries? This should be good. There are currently about 49 Muslim majority countries but several hundred with Muslim Populations. We will stick to those countries that are Muslim controlled, as this gives us the best sample group from which to choose. Take it away.
  5. Blah blah blah....blah blah blah....blah.......blah blah. You are the Blah Blah king. Congratulations on your crown.
  6. Your going back on ignore old boy . I have become tired of your stupidity and inability to hold down a coherent conversation. It's been swell.
  7. lol There appears to be hell of a lot of 'em. So how many countries need to manifest 'extreme' cultural imperatives before 'extreme' becomes mainstream in your inexperienced view ?
  8. And then we have this: White House Looking Into Additional Ammunition ‘Bans’ Via Executive Decree https://swordattheready.wordpress.com/2015/03/06/white-house-looking-into-additional-ammunition-bans-via-executive-decree/
  9. Blow it out your rear end. Your only a kid. You don't know sh*t from Shynola. And 70% of Muslims polled, all over the world, support Sharia law, the most extreme form of Muslim law. See the Saudi story for what that entails
  10. One man's extreme is another's orthodox. You might say they are extremists. They would disagree. The point is that letting these people into your nation in large numbers results in real world sociological problems. Europe's most liberal countries are now realizing their mistakes. Some are taking tough action now, others will follow.
  11. Loving liberal Denmark is also in trouble from an alien culture. Either that, or one of Europe's most tolerant countries has suddenly turned rabidly racist over-night. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/dec/29/bethany-blankley-christianity-exits-europe-crimina/?page=all
  12. Here is a heart warming example of Islamic cultural practice. This story is out of Saudi Arabia. For those that don't know, Saudi Arabia is our buddy and chief ally in the region. The US officially turns a blind eye to this stuff: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/03/saudi-sharia-court-sentences-gang-rape-victim-to-200-lashes Phade, are Saudi men racist against Saudi women for treating them so despicably ? Racism in your world is the root of all evil after all. It can't have anything to do with culture right? Must be racism
  13. Can you at least once try and answer the question asked instead of deflecting and changing the subject? Just once!!! This is why I think you are full of it. You can't ( or won't) hold down a thought for more than one comment or follow a thread of debate.
  14. Because he attacked the officer in his vehicle and tried to grab his pistol. I was quite disturbed at this shooting myself when I first heard about it. I even started a thread on it here. But once I got the full story and saw how various groups took advantage politically, and made the situation worse, my opinions changed. The local violence and destruction of community property also caused me to lose faith and support for the locals.
  15. Tell us Phade. Why are Muslims raping native Swedish girls en masse and in astonishing numbers? Why has Sweden's loving, liberal inclusiveness not worked out there? Are all Swedish girls racist? Did they deserve it?
  16. Ferguson played out the way it did, nuff said. The Obama administration certainly threw fuel on that fire. There will be more Ferguson's in the future. Of that you can be guaranteed. Nothing was fixed there.
  17. I am here as an accident of birth. Don't get me wrong, I like it well enough. Certainly well enough to come home, but I have lived in other countries I found equally appealing. Family comes first however. I am not in denial about the historic problems we have here. Some people seem to think that waving a flag and lighting some fireworks makes all the boo-boos better.
  18. It's a stupid and pointless question. I am not concerned with skin color. I am concerned with worldview and whether ours will be compatible. Notice how I didn't ask about my Muslim neighbors race? Guess why? Race is not a concern. You seem to think it is. This makes you an idiot. I have never raised any concerns about peoples country of origin or skin color. You, like a typical liberal, want to reduce situations and solutions to absurd simplicities that are not even relevant. Life doesn't work that way. And you haven't told us if you feel that Norway's Muslim repatriation plan is good for Norwegian society or not. If you think it is evil and racist, do tell us why you feel that way. Your silence is deafening. If you won't answer my questions. Why should I waste my time on yours? They are getting really dumb after all.
  19. Oh good. That will immediatly fix decades of poor race relations then. lol
  20. Sounds like a racist comment to me. And you haven't told me what the cultural imperative is of my new Black neighbor? Come on, let's finish this game.
  21. Neither the people of Ferguson or most native tribes would subscribe to this view. Things are way more complicated.
  22. You mean, since you derailed this topic and turned it into race baiting? lol Tell me Phade, is this imaginary Black person a Catholic or a Muslim? And this might blow your hair back, but when I lived in London I was engaged to a Black girl of Nigerian descent. She was Catholic, we shared a culture. There was no problem. Hows that for experience? You are behaving like a real dimwit now you know you have gone down the wrong pathway on this
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