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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. I am not even a tiny bit surprised. We are on the back foot as a culture and society. The end id nigh
  2. From the op article: The government is too busy fretting over christian home-school families to be concerned about the rise of Traditional Islam in the US. This is evident from recent documents put out by DHS and the FBI.
  3. Hancock contains one of at least 28 known Jihadist camps in the US. There was a documentary movie made some years back. It is on youtube. I believe someone mentioned in a previous post on this issue, that the local sheriff was warned off investigating their activities.
  4. Best Turkey hun ever. Oh, and we have the same rug.
  5. There have been a lot studies done with people recovering from eating disorders or starvation. The body gets used to operating on lower amounts of food. It is not operating at optimal capacity, but just about managing to get along. There are similar issues when you don't eat enough food at regular intervals. It then becomes very difficult to re-feed the body and start to force more food in, especially when there is a suppressed appetite. Invariably weight gain ensues and the weight distribution can be very odd. Girls coming out of anorexia report enormous bellies initially, like someone pregnant. Eventually however the body becomes comfortable and a new set point is achieved. Regular eating combined with exercise usually results in normal size and weight distribution. I takes time however.
  6. More like hobbling, limping Stones at this point surely?
  7. No, Have to check. Going out in a bit. Of the two I have, I think this is the one: http://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/wildgame-innovations-rage-6-infrared-trail-camera?a=1333115 Got it a Dicks for under 70
  8. Feral, needs to be shot. They are not native after all. Came over during the Middle Villafranchian period.
  9. I use mine to measure distance and mark trees before the season. Then I bring a target out and make sure I am comfortable at those distances. I don't bother bringing one out to hunt. Everything has been worked out by this point.
  10. Sorry brother, but cats are here to stay. In fact their people arrived in the new world before my people. My people did a hell of a lot more damage to the wild life too. And I guarantee, Mike Rossi kills more birds then my cats do.
  11. Our cats roam far n wide. I catch 'em on trail cam sometimes. One even likes to come hunting and sit quietly under my stand. Feral cats are usually scrawny and rougher looking. We don't collar our cats. Its dangerous if they are climbing trees. Our cats spend a good deal of time outdoors and do OK. There is always a chance a fox will take one, but it is a risk balanced out by a full life for them. They would drive us nuts if they were indoors all the time...like right now with the snows. They catch the odd critter and generally bring it home for inspection. Number of critters around the property seems not to have taken a hit.Birds I can remember less than 4, and that is with 3 capable cats. One time a live bat was brought into the house. That was somewhat concerning. No idea how it was caught! Neighbors dogs have been on the loose once or twice. Now that does piss me off. They should know better. I have only ever seen one feral cat in our area. He came to live under the deck last winter in the deep snow
  12. I will be pulling a card this morning. Put a cam out on the single, hard- packed trail that runs by the house. It gets daily use. Be interesting to she how fat the deer are right now. I use the wild game camera too. They are great for the price. My current models take multi pics and video and these cameras were the same price as the single pics a few years back.
  13. You got nothin . I knew it of course. Didn't take long to draw out your fantasy into the light of day. Rope-a-dope indeed. And in true liberal style, inconvenient facts suddenly become 'lies'.
  14. M855 is not armor piercing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ick6NLZ95CI
  15. While we wait for AT to support his claims with real evidence, let's continue to look at the fruits of tolerating an alien culture in the west. This story from the UK: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/03/uk-teen-army-cadets-defy-jihad-threat-dhimmi-authorities-by-wearing-their-uniforms
  16. So I was just reading the latest Outdoor news. Sullivan County in NY allows the feeding of wild-life. Anyone know why this is the case, but not for any other county? Also, some old-timey hunters wrote in with anecdotal tales of deer numbers being way way down on previous decades. May 1/4 of what they used to be. Anyone got stats for this?
  17. Losing weight is enormously difficult to do in terms of permanent results. The body has layers of built in weight set points (for protection) that are very hard to break through. The fastest way through them is basically to starve yourself . You see actors do this a lot for roles they need to lose a lot of weight for. And they generally really do starve. Read Matthew McConaughey's weight lose account for his Dallas movie. Of, course this a bad idea and results in all kinds of future problems. and if you return to regular eating patterns the weight, plus more, returns. People seem to be getting good results from a process called intermittent fasting. Look it up
  18. Give it your best shot. Based on past performance, my expectations are low.........very low. And I am no where near the ropes. This is another perceptual failing on your part. Wishful thinking in other words. Just had my first coffee of the day. I am ready and fired up. Get to it.
  19. You still stuck on Albania!? Come on man, you have a long way to go yet before you convince us of the non-extremist reality of the Muslim world. I'll make it easy for you to move on. You can have Albania. There's one. Keep going. Much work needs to be done yet.
  20. It is the amino acids that do this. And Collagen contains a lot of them. Irrespective of what any studies may claim, I have personal experience of accelerated healing following years of chronic pain and reduced mobility. Our bodies only synthesize 10 of the at least 20 known required amino acids. The rest needs to come from food sources. You can increase the bodies ability to produce collagen by eating certain foods such as animal protein and vitamin C. Collagen as a food source is rich in the former. A chronic lack of Vitamin C reduces the bodes ability to form collagen. Scurvy, of course, is a classic manifestation of the bodies collapsing ability to make connective fibers. There must be a reason why body builders and athletes eat certain foods for the production and healing of muscle and other connective tissue.
  21. Oh, and about them Bosnians. A bunch of em were arrested recently in the good ol US of A for supporting the Islamic State.
  22. Lol. Well you almost have one country where Muslims behave. That's hardly a majority. You need to keep going. It is not looking good for your claim right now. The fact that the region was entirely Christian not so long ago is also a factor. But in reality is there is persecution in Albania. Plus they had a big war there not so long ago you may have forgotten about. Christian vs Muslim. Barley a single Christian Church was left standing.There is also a lot of ethnic bad blood in the area that has nothing to do with religion. Very tribal. Hardly a Utopia. The broader religious spread and proximity to Europe keeps things calmer than their mid-east cousin nations. Once you are done I will supply a very long list of Muslim majority nations were sharia is the rule.
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