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Posts posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. They want this to radicalize muslims worldwide and so boots on the ground happens so they can begin the apocolyptic battle they envision...destroying Rome and sacking Instanbul.


    Don't fret. Liberal love and tolerance will win the day. Obama is going to give 'em all jobs. We can all get back to looking for Christian Home-school extremists again. It's much more pleasant to be concerned about mythical bogeymen vs actual terrorists. Wouldn't you agree?


    Don't forget Phade. Every Muslim attack is just an 'isolated' incident. Christians however, want to burn your play-boy collection. You need to keep your focus aligned to where it truly matters. 

  2. Ohio Muslim says he would have shot Obama, attacked Israeli embassy



    CINCINNATI (AP) — An Ohio man accused of plotting to attack the U.S. Capitol called a television station from jail and said if he hadn’t been arrested, he would have gone to Washington and put a gun to President Barack Obama’s head.

    WXIX-TV in Cincinnati said Christopher Lee Cornell, 20, called the station from the Kentucky jail where he’s being held, confessed to being a supporter of the Islamic State group and said he planned to kill government officials in retaliation for U.S. strikes on the militant organization.

    The station aired part of the interview Friday night, hours after Cornell’s attorney argued unsuccessfully in court that it could violate the defendant’s right to a fair trial.




    Nothin to see here folks.



  3. Miami: Muslima rams police car at airport, falsely claims to have bomb




    This report gives her name, Julissa Magdalena Maradiaga-Iscoa, and notes that she is Honduran. It gives no hint whatsoever that she is Muslim except that she “screamed at officers in what was believed to be Arabic.” In photos and video of the incident, however, she is wearing a hijab. This is nothing new — in fact, it’s commonplace for the mainstream media — but the Miami Herald does its readers a grave disservice by not fully informing them about what this really was, as does the FBI: “At this time there appears to be no nexus to terrorism,” said FBI special agent Michael Leverock.

    Leverock means that Julissa Magdalena Maradiaga-Iscoa doesn’t seem to have ties to the Islamic State or al-Qaeda or one of the other jihad groups. For him, that means she has nothing to do with terrorism. This is because the FBI is bound as a matter of policy to ignore the fact that Muslims can be incited to violence against non-Muslims simply by reading the Qur’an — and even a false bomb threat can “strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah” (8:60).




  4. The U.S. government, which has "Tomahawk" cruise missiles, and "Apache," "Blackhawk," 'Kiowa" and "Lakota' helicopters - and used the code name "Geronimo" in the attack that killed Osama bin Laden, officially objects to the name of the Washington Redskins.  Really?



    Yes, isn't it interesting how the conqueror gets to co-opt the language and imagery of the vanquished but when it suits their agenda, they weep crocodile tears.

  5. George Carlin A liberal/Socialist, I never found him fun,



    Don't feed the Curmudgeon and Wilcat troll machine. They have decided to tag-team, and spam any thread that criticizes liberal stupidity.All in the name of 'humor' apparently.

    I expect this of Wild, but Curmudgeon has gone way down in my estimation. ( Didn't have far to fall though, I guess)

    • Like 1
  6. NYC public schools observe Christmas, Good Friday, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.


    No they don't. I just checked the NYC schools calender for the year. There is something called 'spring recess'  where Easter is this year and Rosh Hashana ( a 3 day event)  is no where mentioned on any education department calender I can find. 


    Oh, and Christmas is also not 'observed' . No indeed, the season has the nice and banal moniker of 'Winter Recess' to describe any days off.

    • Like 1




    Sure, the New York Times first published Monday night’s bombshell report about the secret email account used by Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State. Hurrah, the media published a scandal about a Democrat. The Times, though, did not uproot this scandal. Like four other major White House scandals, if Americans were foolish enough to depend solely on the American media to investigate this Obama White House, we would know nothing about these emails.

    Although Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State for four years and is almost certain to run for president next year; although reports indicate she used this secret account for years generating tens of thousands of pages of emails; although the media has the bandwidth to burn Ferguson with lies, hunt a White Hispanic with lies, investigate Republican Governor Scott Walker’s college years and legal jewelry purchases made by Jeb Bush’s wife two decades ago — it was not the media that found Hillary’s secret email account.

    The New York Times:

    The existence of Mrs. Clinton’s personal email account was discovered by a House committee investigating the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi as it sought correspondence between Mrs. Clinton and her aides about the attack.

    The irony here is almost too delicious to comprehend.



  8. The down time is when I get most of my exercise in. That consists of weight training, heavy bag ( ex boxer) and cycling sprints up steep inclines. I tend not to waste a moment during the season on long exercise sessions.


    I also use heavy rubber bands to exercise the bow drawing muscles.

  9. I have tried bananas and it didn't help..Perhaps I didn't eat enough of them


    Add pink or blue sea salt to your diet. Contrary to popular opinion, we need a lot of salt and as long as it is not the processed crap, you can have as much of it as you want.

  10. As I get older, I have more and more problems with leg cramps..Many times I have scrambled out of bed to get weight on a leg to relieve a calf or thigh muscle that has knotted up.

    A friend of mine told me to relieve the cramps, swallow a teaspoon full of regular yellow mustard .. I tried it and it WORKS..

    I have not used it as a preventative, mostly because I really don't even LIKE the stuff, but it sure works to end the cramps when they have started.

    I have since read some stuff online about it.. No one seems to know for sure WHY it works, but it sure does relieve cramps, usually within a couple of minutes after swallowing it.



    Could be the potassium and sodium.If either of these are low, cramps can result

    • Like 2
  11. 1)Because we can't fly

    2)If we where built backwards it would smell all the time and we would want to run!

    3)Because they go good with French fries.



    I guess the funnies get  pass on the non hunting whining?

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