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Posts posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. That's funny because the book promotes religious freedoms and non-violence



    So much for that piece of fantasy and myth:



    Does the Quran really contain dozens of verses promoting violence?



    Summary Answer:

    The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.  Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding.  Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

    Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text.  They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subjective as anything else in the Quran.  



  2. Yes I have but that is irrelevant. 


    No you haven't. And it's completely relevant. This is the text that fuels your so-called 'extremism'. Only a blind liberal would call that Irrelevant . Hilarious stuff. How can you claim to understand motivation when you haven't read the motivating text?


    “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them. “

      1st one that come to mind . Heck , the best running back in the NFL is sitting home because he followed this ..Not going to bother finding the exact wordings that abusers use to justify their beatings, If you are a devout christian you can probably find them quicker than me ( agnostic)




    That's old testament Judaism. Not from the New, Christian Testament, like I asked. Keep trying. 

  4. AT, you've never read the Koran, have you?


    Even if he did the veil would not lift. He would continue to claim that Islamic extremists are not living by the book, despite the book's endless calls for violence. Over 60% of the Qu'ran is focused on denigrating non-Muslims. AT is one of those people just better left to stew in their own fantasy life.

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  5. This is all very interesting as far as debate goes.  However, the truth about that compound outside of Hancock is very simply verified.  Any of you guys who believe it is a peaceful place should go there and approach the front gate.  See what happens when you do.  Then get back to us with the truth about what happened to you there.



    You won't find any of the liberal keyboard warriors here going near the place. They are scared witless of Islam and prefer to attack Christians long since dead.

  6. Of course I can. The Crusades were driven by the greed of the Catholic church who wanted to gain more wealth and used the rouse of of liberating the holy ground as their reason.


    I'm afraid your word does not constitute any form of proof. Certainly not in any academic sense. Here are some interesting reviews of Professor Stark's book on the Crusades. 




    Very few people have much good to say about the Crusades nowadays. Most think it was a terrible blight on Christian history, and cannot be condoned or justified in any way. Certainly during the past few centuries, Christianity has been attacked, and people have sought to discredit the faith, partly on the basis of the Crusades.

    In such an atmosphere, this new book by Rodney Stark is as about as revolutionary as they come. He takes head on myth after myth surrounding the Crusades, and makes the case that the Crusades not only had a place, but were in fact in many ways justifiable. He clearly demonstrates that modern histories about the Crusades are among the great hatchet jobs of recent times.

    Dispelling the many myths about the Crusades takes guts, and someone with the right intellectual and academic qualifications. Stark is certainly the man for the job: he has become one of our finest writers on the sociology and history of religion, and is unafraid to go against the tide.

    In this important volume he debunks the historical revisionism (which is often coupled with anti-Christian bigotry) about the Crusades to offer us a more sober and clear picture of what in fact took place. He notes that it was especially during the time of the Enlightenment and onwards that critics claimed that the Crusaders were mainly Western imperialists, those who set out after land and loot.

    Moreover, the contrast is often made between the bloodthirsty barbaric Christians, and the peace-loving Muslims. But as Stark persuasively documents, none of this is close to the truth. The real story is this: the Crusades were certainly provoked, and the Crusaders were mainly concerned to free the Holy Lands from Muslim oppression and to protect religious pilgrims who travelled there





    Dr Rodney Stark, who has written some of the most intelligent and readable books on religion in the last 20 years, has done it again. "God's Battalions" is an explosive retelling of the Crusades. And it will no doubt overturn the smug assumptions of many people.

    Stark points out that the Crusades were not Christian wars of aggression. Pope Urban called for a Crusade because the emperor of Byzantium had written to him, begging for help. The letter "detailed gruesome tortures of Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land and vile desecrations of churches, altars, and baptismal fonts" (p 2). Moreover, Islamic armies stood within one hundred miles of Constantinople.

    Vast stretches of once Christian lands were now in Muslim hands. The entire of North Africa, once so solidly Christian it had produced a pope and boasted of 500 bishoprics, now lay under Islamic rule. Egypt was lost, save for some pockets of Coptic Christians. Much of the Middle East was lost. Now, Muslim armies seemed poised to attack a weak Byzantium, and after that, a fractious, divided Europe. The situation appeared dire.

    This is the background that so many of the modern critics of the Crusades ignore.



    More excellent reviews here:



  7. Ha Ha.. :rolleyes:  enlighten me ? My point is.. Claiming to be something doesn't necessarily make it so..People can take just about any info(religion,etc..) and twist it around to fit their agenda.


    Show us in the New Testament where Jesus says that beating your wife is God's will.

      There are plenty of Qu'ranic texts dealing with the violence and slavery that Allah wills on the conquered Kafir.

  8. Coming from you this doesn't mean anything. Its like the pot calling the kettle black. Any college, High School or even Middle school student knows what the crusades were about and the reasons behind them. 


    Laughable ignorance which you can't prove either. Liberals like to perpetuate myths about fascist politicians and barbaric Christians. Hans Christian Anderson would be jealous of such powers of imagination.

  9. The Sufi cleric who founded 'Islamberg' is also the founder of Muslims of America. Despite the clerics protestations, MOA have been linked with Jamaat al Fuqra, a known terrorist group.
    Declassified FBI documents have linked both groups.



    The Clarion Project obtained secret MOA footage showing female members receiving paramilitary training at Islamberg







    And yet the liberal fantasy of the kind, pacifist Sufi will win the day as far as their own favored narrative is concerned. Of that I have no doubt. It's too scary to think otherwise.

  10. I did a google search. Yes, the place exists but they are Sufis. Who ever heard of a radicalized Sufi. 



    So much for that theory:


    Salafi Violence and Sufi Tolerance? Rethinking Conventional Wisdom





    It is often assumed that there is a strong correlation, if not a causal relationship between varieties of Muslim thought and violent tendencies. Salafism is often associated with intolerance and violence and Sufism with tolerance and nonviolence. In this article we demonstrate that these assumptions are baseless. Based on analysis of historical and contemporary cases from Southeast Asia and West Africa, we show that there is no significant correlation between theology and violent tendencies. Some violent groups are Sufi and others Salafi, while some non-violent groups are Salafi, others Sufi. Policy makers are therefore ill-advised to use theological orientation as a factor in assessing the violent potential of Muslim movements and organisations.





    Are Sufis essentially non-violent?




    So does this mean orthodox Islam is essentially violent and Sufi Islam non-violent? My answer is, ‘no’. Blanket generalisations are wrong in either case. Neither are all orthodox Muslims militants, nor are all Sufis pacifists. Many would disagree with the latter part of my thesis because they believe Sufis are peace-loving, proselytising preachers. But I say, not essentially.






    And I don't believe these guys are Sufi anyway. Muslims of the Americas, who headquarter in Islamberg, have links with Pakistani terror groups.

  11. This is factually incorrect... The crusades were not a "self defense" against decades of attempted genocide, in fact neither of those statements is true.



    Yes, they are true. Professor Rodney Stark's exposition ( God's Battalions) on the true motivations of the Crusades is one of the best and most accessible and balanced books on the matter. Of course, you won't read this or any other material that actually deals with facts. With liberals you see,  it is too difficult to reason them out of a position that they have not reasoned themselves into. Emotive bias rules to roost.

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  12. AT, what you don't seem to know is that the crusades were actually self defense after decades of Muslim attacks and attempted genocide of Christians, not unlike what the Muslims are trying to accomplish again.


    Besides, that was centuries ago.  Tell me about genocidal killings Christians are doing today that we should be worried about.  Then tell me how all of the killing done by Muslims in the last decades are not a crusade.


    Not only is AT ignorant of history , like most liberals, he is obsessed with ancient history and belligerent in his refusal to deal with current affairs in a rational manner, based on the realities of 2015.

    • Like 1

    WASHINGTON – A radical jihadist group responsible for nearly 50 attacks on American soil is operating 35 terrorist training camps across the nation, but the U.S. government refuses to include the organization on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorists.

    Jamaat ul-Fuqra, known in the U.S. as “Muslims of America,” has purchased or leased hundreds of acres of property – from New York to California – in which the leader, Sheikh Mubarak Gilani, boasts of conducting “the most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare.”

    In a recruitment video captured from Gilani’s “Soldiers of Allah,” he states in English: “We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America.”





    Anyone who tries to compare devout Christians to Radical Muslims, simply has a hatred for Christianity and is showing their bias and intolerance for it, while excusing the evil that Radical Islam preaches daily.





    This has to be  one of the chief manifestations of the cultural and national suicide that liberals are bringing down on western civilization.

  15. It's hilarious to see liberals fret of nonexistent Christian 'whackos' , when there are 35 known Islamic training camps in the US. I don't doubt there are more. And as the French and British experience has recently demonstrated - monitoring does nothing for the safety of citizens. The Hebdo killers were known and had been monitored for years.

  16. Egypt warns of terror-linked Muslim Brotherhood organizations like CAIR operating in U.S.




    An Egyptian government website features a warning that the Muslim Brotherhood has a lobby in the U.S. disguised as civil society organizations. The United Arab Emirates has made similar statements and the U.S. Justice Department has confirmed the existence of a Muslim Brotherhood branch in America.





  17.  Liberals 'Facilitating a Denial' About Islamic Terror





    Liberals are "facilitating a denial" by neglecting to call the recent jihadist attacks around the world Islamic terrorism, said Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, founder and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.

    "It appears the Left needs an intervention, and they just want to continue the apologetics, because they want to push the narrative that it's not a problem. It's just a crime issue, and that they haven't failed," Jasser told Newsmax TV's "America's Forum" on Thursday. 

    "The bottom line is they're facilitating a denial."




  18. Citing FOX News as a source to verify something posted on a lunatic fringe REICH wing proaganda. 



    Only if your a liberal fantasist who sees fascists under the bed, as you seem to.


    It's worth noting the classic liberal tactic here of shooting the messenger and ignoring the message. Hilarious stuff wildcat. You are a cartoon character come to life. Liberals like yourself have set the scene (directly or otherwise) for these Jihadists, with your constant appeasement and pathological obsession with mythical political characters that only exist on the Marxist news wires.

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    First of all, who in their right Islamic mind would present a conference that seeks to suppress free speech, right after the Islamic slaughter of free speech cartoonists in France? Who, the supremacist Muslim Brotherhood, that’s who! In a bizarre event that featured terrorist Siraj Wahhaj and useful idiot Islamic apologist, John Esposito – the good patriots of Texas assembled, 2000 strong, to reject Islamic shariah and call all Muslims to separate the Mosque from the state, reject their tribal allegiance and integrate as true Americans who honor the US Constitution






  20. That does nothing, a simply yes or no would have sufficed.


     There are whack muslims and there are whack christians, 



    Except Christians have not used war and violence to establish a Christian state in the middle east.

    Christians are not training for holy war in camps all over western nations.

    Christians do not hold  to a world view that contradicts our social order on it's most basic levels.

    Christians are not calling for Sharia law in all the host nations they inhabit.

    Christians do not treat women like dogs.

    The New testament does not call for the enslavement of women and children of the Kafir or Infidel ( you and me)

    Christians are not calling for an end to free speech in western host nations.

    Christians are not hurling gay men of buildings in the streets of Mosul

    Christians are not putting the heads of their enemies on fence posts in the middle of town.

    Christians are not selling young girls into sex slavery in captured territory

    Christians are not attacking NYC police with hatchets and guns at the behest of the Holy See in Rome.


    The list goes on.


    You see what you did there? You tried to equate apples to oranges.

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