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Posts posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. Can we vote to limit vjp's new threads per day?




    Classic example of 'New Left' thinking here folks. The old left, despite our disagreements, could intelligently form and present a cogent argument, and generally supported the freedom to air our differing opinions. New Left simply wants to scorn, denigrate and shut down free speech. It's everywhere to be seen now.

    • Like 1
  2. Brooklyn imam: “Let us admit…that we, the Muslims, are time bombs…The majority of us Muslims hate the Christians”


    Wildcat will be in good company once these boyos decide the time for Dhimmitude has arrived. I am convinced now that liberals are simply frustrated Jihadists, compelled by the social mores of Western culture, to curtail their true hearts desires.



    “Brooklyn Imam Tareq Yousef Al-Masri on Paris Terror Attacks: We Muslims Must Admit That We Are Time Bombs and We Hate Christians,” MEMRI, January 9, 2015:





    Second, how do you reconcile the Papist above - the one counting popularity votes - with the Papist that is so obviously well schooled?




    It's interesting to me that you feel any reconciliation is needed. I certainly don't. I clearly don't fit within the frame of your worldview. That's perfectly OK by me.

  4. Oh you guys make me laugh.


    I wonder how much time has to pass before someone says I love the Nazis and someone replies we'll what about all that murder and the first person says well that was so long ago.   And besides those guys were following Mein Kampf Old Testament.  Check out this New Testament Mein Kampf, it's so much more peaceful than this other book I'm trying to badmouth.   


    What?!  lol


    In logical circles, what we have above is a serious of critical thought fallacies and errors. I have listed them here. Look them up if you want:


    The above comment contains the fallacies of:


    Straw-man Fallacy

    False Analogy

    Appeal to Consequences

    Red Herring

    Argument from Ignorance

    Circular Reasoning Fallacy

    Fallacy of Hasty Generalization

    The Post Hoc fallacy.

    Sweeping Generalization Fallacy



    This folks, is why a classical education is good. It generally prevents us from saying dumb things.

    • Like 1
  5.  I have realized that most people just ignore him now. I'm glad that the majority of the people on this site are great people



    In case you missed it, my posts got more upvotes than you and that raving lunatic, wildcat, combined .Several people have made it plain they agree there is a problem in terms of the OP. I am, however, quite happy for you navel gazers to focus your trite irrational intolerance in my direction, if it keeps you boys from harassing other patriots round here. Knock yourselves out!

    • Like 1
  6. . (notice that I have not responded to any of the hate posts of the OP



    Folks, note this other, well worn liberal tactic of attempting to frame the debate. This play is called 'hate shaming' and uses loaded, yet misrepresentative language. Interesting that they 'ignore' us, but can't help posting their nonsense none the less. 


    Funny how we are the haters yet they are ones hating on Christian 'whackos' (feeble attempts to single out some group to look down upon)at each and every available opportunity. It does provide solid evidence for liberal schizophrenia does it not?

    • Like 1


    It makes me sick to see you people stand up for this behavior.  I HOPE its your daughters and wives that are the first to be affected by sharia law when it happens in USA.  And don't give me that BS that it will never happen....wake up and look around the world.  Go watch how these animals live...beheading woman in the middle of the street for getting raped! 



    Thing is...I think liberals are secretly envious of this behavior. Lord knows, they seem to want to tolerate all other manner of moral and ethical bad behavior in our society. Are liberals simply frustrated Jihadists, compelled by the remnants of western culture to moderate their behavior somewhat? Its certainly an interesting question.

  8. These are people from certain terrorist groups that brainwash others. 


    Prove it.


    Funny how liberals will credit Christianity with all manner of atrocious behavior but will deny, with their dying breath, that Islam has anything to do with Muslim violence.


    The term of the day is 'Cognitive dissonance' .  Although I just prefer plain ol  'hypocrisy' myself.

  9.  ANYONE SEE A PATTERN ???                               



    Yes, according to AT, they are all mentally ill. That is the narrative they would have us believe. All I can say is, there is a lot of 'mental illness' being manifested in Islamic countries these days. But it has nothing to do with Islam. They are just mental.


     *fingers crossed*

  10. Whatever, or whoever, is teaching you about Islam is pushing propaganda on you, based on the posts you have entered in this thread.  You better find a tutor that doesn't have a bias and isn't a bigot regarding Christians.


    They are just a bigot support group. They tell each whatever makes them all feel collectively better and safer. Truth and reality is too scary a prospect for the average liberal. Fantasy is where it's at.

  11.  i'm trying to say is that Their own rational is violating the Religion and that just makes them crazy people. 



    Prove it. Saying it don't make it so. If you can't substantiate your view, why even bother, whats the point?


    It is interesting that liberals feel the need to label these folk mentally ill. Does that make you feel safer? I notice no such claims of mental illness is ever directed at Crusaders. They were just greedy, violent  barbarians. Easy to make that claim since they are all dead right? 

  12.  I just think its silly to even try to compare them to  radicals of other religions or to even mention the Christian who beats his wife?????? The numbers are nowhere near close. Its nonsense and I think you know that.



    I'm glad you can see how ridiculous their worldview is. I can only guess they are so invested in it, they have to continue to promote nonsensical view points. I don't get it either. It's weird.

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