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  1. Thread is useless without pics!!!! Wait...... no thanks!
  2. I have to break out the vintage treebark old school camo for good luck now!
  3. That info from oc shooters was last updated 2005. Will look into them and see if any are still in business as well as look into desertos. Anyone have any info on either?
  4. Anyone know of a good processor in orange county? Thanks
  5. Im just curious as to the mindset of people walking through areas that they dont know if other guys are hunting, or dont care? Starting a drive knowing that you may totally screw up a guy whos sitting in a spot just seems a bit selfish. I am not talking about the adirondacks or big woods areas here. Im mostly talking about the public land parcels here in the southern zone. The drivers here absolutely know they will totally screw someones spot up. Before someone says it. Yes, they may push deer towards the hunter inadvertantly. However, they dont even know where these standers are. A drive having true safety should be one that knows where the drivers and standers will be. Just seems dangerous to me. Im not saying illegal. Public land and its your right. Just seems unsafe and rude to roll the dice if you'll screw someone up or not. This year my son and I had a ground blind set up watching a swamp. Orange on top of the blind and clearly visible. I hear noise behind us. Look back and see a guy 20 yds behind us leaning against a tree. I wave to him, he waves back. Clearly not leaving though. I walk over. Hes very nice and informs me his friends are pushing this way through swamp. Says were in a good spot. To say i was pissed off was an understatement. This was opening day to boot of my sons first rifle hunt. Well, they all meet up right in front of my blind, them move off past us. No deer seen. Talk about loss of confidence in your spot after that. We left. Not illegal but selfish.
  6. I guess the op's original statement is more about whats considered sporting from the sounds of it. And using artificial bait and conditioning animals. Im wondering if he's opposed to trapping as well? Bait to lure in an animal and then trap it. What about fishing? Would he fish with artificials or use bait to lure in a fish? Perhaps he's a stalking bowfishing purist. Hunt over food plots or cornfields or just stick to still hunting mountains? Ive seen these debates for yr's. I usually dont respond but I get disgusted by them. Usually just pits sportsmen vs sportsmen . And if you think baiting bears is a slam dunk, try it some time. Pick out your own spot, lug countless ponds of food in. Spend tons of gas money and tell me again how easy it is. Walking into a grocery store and grabbing meat off a shelf is ok but baiting in your own dinner is not ok?
  7. Little spike just came past the stand. He was doing the Im scared of the wind walk. Tail halfway up while he browsed but never looked my way even while he ate 40 yds downwind of me, and it's blowing a gale right from me to him. Hoping to fill a doe tag tonight, so at least I know their moving in this wind now. Good luck to everyone who's out!
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