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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. On 11/30/2017 at 4:28 PM, Wildone said:

    I’d hunt the does, it’s where the bucks want to be. Think about it , if you only had one month to get a piece where are you gonna hang out?

    Yes the young does (the ones Roy Moore likes... ha ha). This years does don't have a cycle yet so they could come in anytime.

  2. Would you like to see an Elk herd in NY and where do you think it would be best.  Adirondack and surrounding low lands or Catskills.  It has worked well in PA for nearly 100 years and it appears the southern border does rarely get a few coming over.   Could it work in NY?

    • Like 1
  3. Pick a well used trail and set up downwind of the trail about 60 yds preferably higher up do you can see well in both directions.  Ideally a pinch point where deer have to travel through like the end of a ravine or pond. Take a couple of branches to break up your silhouette and bring a comfortable folding chair with a pad and camp out. I prefer a tripod chair that can be leaned against a tree.  Good luck!!!

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  4. This is a creature that changes me about mid September into a caged animal who walks around my house looking out across the field and pond edge looking for deer. The same creature who makes me crain my neck all around as I'm driving through the countryside.  Sometime in late summer I begin to eat, sleep, drink and think about these magnificent animals that walk our woods.  To me, they are the ultimate challenge with a bow in NY state.  To kill a big mature buck.  

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  5. My son shot an 8pt last Saturday and I shot another 8 today. Neither one had any sign of ticks. Now last year I shot a wide 6 with bow and it had 7 or 8 large ticks you could clearly in the ears and around the genitals and abdomen.  I'm sure there were more but neither of these 2 bucks appeared to have any.

  6. Logging would be both a boon for business as well as help the deer make a comeback. Elk should be introduced as well.  The state needs to hire by contract only a logging company by bid. First the DEC should mark the trees to be cut and only those trees cut and logged off and out. The entire tree should be pulled out so that firwood could be cut as well and sold. Did I say Elk should be introduced... like PA has had for nearly 100 years. 

  7. At 64  and I've notice for the past 10 years if I walk a lot my right knee begins to develop a shooting pain most likely an mcl because it's on the outside of my knee. Now it doesn't even take a lot of walking and it flares up. The real problem is down hill... it's much worse. I've had times when I have to side step down hill right leg first kept straight and just bend the left. Now stop snickering you youngsters... you're days are coming!

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  8. Bought my son at 14, a M77 Ruger in .243 and he killed his very buck opening day at 125 yds, one shot at the base of the neck and it dropped right where he hit it - dead. He used it every year but this year he will use a Tika in .270.

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  9. Well tomorrow morning will be it. I plan to sit the food plot at the end where the turnips are. I plan to sit until about 10am unless I happen to have the big guy step out and then hopefully I can get the job done. After that I'm gonna take the SXS with a few boards, some brown tarp and set up a lean-to on the top of the ridge overlooking the creek bottom. I got a nice big old brown plastic porch chair with shortened front legs already there. Plan to sit out the rain Saturday all day with my rifle across the arms.

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  10. Yeah at 8am I rattled for about 90 seconds and about 5 min later I see this nice 8 coming my way. He was out about 125 yds working on a small scrub tree.  The he slow walked parallel with me and i grunted him toward me.  He was looking at a small 6 that I didn't see and they sparred a bit and then walked away.  I could not get him to even stop when I griunted him and even tried to rattle him back to me but nope!


    FDirts day I didn't use estrous and the wind would have perfect for him smell it as he approached the other buck. It may have made the difference... who knows.


  11. Glad to hear it's not just here in southern Madison county.  I've had decent buck on camera at like 3am to 430 but nothing better than Shit 6. Today we saw between my son and I - 3 doe, a button buck, two spikes and the shit six.  Back so Thursday and Friday. 

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