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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. Right this moment, the handyman has the upper hand because he works on the property and was given permission first as well.

    Like I said before NON HUNTERS who own land just have no idea. They have no idea that other hunters mess things up... the time in scouting deer trails and energy in setting up preparing a stand site and hanging stands only to have other hunters mess up their hunts.  

    Chances are the property owner will give permission to others as well, because once again they just have no ideas because they are non-hunters.

    If it were me I'd stick it out until the handyman has completed the work however long it may take. Try to co-exist and see how many others get permission and see how things may work out between the 2 of you.  See how many others he brings on the property. You bring no one else!!!!

    Try to visit them in the mean time and give them a gift certificate for a dinner, etc. and let them know how much you appreciate the opportunity they have given you.  Offer to help them with fencing, brush hogging, any chores that they could use some help with. Visit them in the evening when the handyman is done and gone. 

    When you have a better handle on the situation then have a sit down with them and ask to lease the land to you exclusively.  See if you can work out a financial arrangement.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, Stay at home Nomad said:

    Actually the last thing landowners want is to be refereeing hunters on their land .  

    I see two choices I'd decide on . 1. Hunt it and see what happens, could be just him , he complains they say you have permission too. Now he either relents or your stuff goes missing .

    2. Move on . 

    So far by the time they moved in they have given permission to two hunters , pretty soon it'll be a every other hunter in the area.


    Thus is so true... pretty soon there will be other hunters with permission.  Are is what I wrote above.

    NON HUNTERS do not understand any of this!  They do not understand how incredibly important hunting access to property is to hunter. They just do not understand and they never will.  Exclusive hunting permission is the only way to have hunting rights. Any other way turns into frustrating mess.

    • Like 1
  3. So that you have no problems with this other hunter,( and you will) who also has permission - go back to the owners and ask them to authorize (sign) a small pocket size piece of paper (document) that states you have permission to hunt said property. Also let them know that you were being nice and introduced yourself to the other hunter and how it didn't do very well.  Ask them if there is any service that you could offer, maybe brush hog or help them mend fencing, etc. 

    I can tell you this much - NON HUNTERS do not understand any of this!  They do not understand how incredibly important hunting access to property is to hunter. They just do not understand and they never will. 

  4. Do most of you stop them and then make your shot?  I have never stopped a deer while bow hunting.  In fact I have never killed a doe with my bow, only bucks. If the deer stops on it's own, I take the shot.  If it's just walking I tend to draw the bow and wait for it come in to my opening or follow it with my pin on it into my opening and release.  

  5. I tend to bring gator aid, the small bottles for a few hour sits. I plan to not bring coffee this season and only drink it before I leave the house.  Plan to bring hot tea w/ honey this year. Tea stays hotter longer and is hotter to start with and doesn't leave you shit mouth like coffee does either.  We'll see how it goes.  Also a bottle or 2 of water for all day sits.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    gonna add one this weekend.  That will give me 10 on 120 acres, 2 on 60 acres, 1 on 9 acres and 1 on 12 acres.  I have a lack of stands for east winds though.  I see that now going into season.  

    I have found that the deer do not seem to move during east winds. I think maybe because all the trail systems are not set up well for east winds because so rare.

  7. On 9/2/2017 at 2:12 PM, zeus1gdsm said:

    The ballad of the bow continues.

    New broadheads came in. I went conservative with rocket steel heads. 100g 1-1/8 cutting d.

    Switching to 100g points took my groups from 3-4inches to consistent 1inch groups. 10, 20 and 30 are all totally dialed and the rockets hit right with the fields. It's like a laser now when I do my part.

    I took it out to 40 and I was hitting a foot or more to the left...

    I was able to adjust the rest about a 1mm to the right and cut the disparity to about 9incbes on a perfect shot (no cant)

    The rest is now maxed out to the right.

    Do I move the sight? Or does this just confirm I need more paper tuning?

    I paper tuned for several weeks last year, I don't know if I could get it any closer on my own.

    Or is this possibly an indication of the string shot out?

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

    Seems to me that if you are dialed in 10, 20 & 30 that it's you shooting at 40.  JMHO

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  8. I got up many times last season a and walked into my stand from the house in the dark and it seemed as the season went on I got started later and later and then Nov 6th I was running late and took the 4 wheeler up through the woods to the top of the hill and shut it off. Walked about 100 yds and climbed in the stand. It was 6:40am. At 6:45 a 4 pt buck came through and at 6:50 the one I shot and killed at 6:50.  

    I do believe this: it really doesn't matter as much how early you get in your stand when the pre rut is on in early Nov and the bucks are moving all day chasing.  The does won't leave their home range and the bucks will be moving them around all day long. Just be in your stand all day and you will have opportunities.

  9. I have 2 - 100's. On the ground, tie a rope to the stand so when you get up there you can use a screw in step to hang the rope over to pull the stand up. install your climb sticks and then hang the chain. Flip the reciever over. Pull the stand up and drop it in the receiver.  Strap an additional around the bottom of the stand to keep it snug. - Done.


  10. If you can find land with a home 20% down. W/O a home 30% is generally the norm I have found.  Not all banks take into account nor really care about the land when making the loans.  PM me and I'll tell you who I went through.



  11. Also - whoever McG's corner man was should have sent him to the center of the ring for round 10 and just had him stand there and catch his breath and make May come to him. He was gassed and everyone knew he would never out point him so catching his breath should have been a priority.


  12. This is what I wrote on FB early Saturday night - 

    August 26 at 7:43pm · 

    HOW DO YOU SEE THE FIGHT TONIGHT? I see it this way. I would love to see McGregor knock Mayweather out. The way I see it is his only chance, as there is NO WAY he will win this on points. Therefore I see McGregor pushing the fight from the very start. I see him being dirty as in low blows, elbows, hitting after the bell and on the breaks. I see him getting points taken away from him but he won't care because he knows he needs a knockout to win it. Therefore he has a punchers chance but in the end I think he will run out of gas from pushing the fight and eventually Mayweather will begin to put together punches. If it goes past the 6th round I could see Mayweather eventually taking him out, but will win on points handily.

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