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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. On 7/13/2017 at 3:00 PM, nybuckboy said:

    When I bought my land 3 years ago I put up what my son calls the *sshole sign but worked. I suggest the same about 3'X4' or bigger. It reads:




    When put this sign up in the summer of '14 I was told that many people had hunted this property over the years and I would probably have trespassers thinking because they have hunted in the past that they still think they can. I can report, that I have not seen one trespasser since I moved here. Note - I do live on the property so I'm sure it makes it easier.

    Regarding the sign - I bought a 4x8 piece of luan because it's light and then stencil painted the sign and attached it to 2 2x2s in the ground in 2 places on the property.

  2. 9 hours ago, nybuckboy said:

    I have used it for 2 seasons, for a few reasons.  First to supplement the deer and second to for camera pics to see what kind of bucks visit my property.  The doe and fawns seem to love it as well and from everything I have read it's really good for lactating does and it helps boost fawn growth as well plus it's helps in antler development. 

    To be clear here - I spread it over an area of soil with a broadcaster and lightly till it in over an area.

    Never said anything about hunting over it... never have, never will. Mixing some trace minerals into some soil doe not constitute baiting.

  3. I have used it for 2 seasons, for a few reasons.  First to supplement the deer and second to for camera pics to see what kind of bucks visit my property.  The doe and fawns seem to love it as well and from everything I have read it's really good for lactating does and it helps boost fawn growth as well plus it's helps in antler development. 

  4. 8 hours ago, moog5050 said:

    My wife and I head up a ministry through our church where we make meals and bring them to a park on Clinton Ave where both dealers and users frequent.  A small group of us buy, make the meals and hand them out twice a month from about may through November.   It's a sad condition but those addicted are people who really need some compassion.  We have seen some of the same people year after year. But we have also seen some success stories of those that have cleaned up and now lead a productive life.  It's not often but one of our strongest supporters of this program was a man that we met in that park while he was addicted.  Been clean for two years and has reunited with his family.  Seeing that type of change encourages us to keep going.  One life changed is worth it.  For those that haven't changed, I am still happy to provide a free meal.  And most of those I have talked to regret the actions that started them on this path.  God and a helping hand can make a difference.  Just my experience.  

    Keep up the good work. I'm sure it has and will help others struggling with addictions and other problems that keep them searching for happiness in this life on earth.

    • Like 5
  5. 16 hours ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    When did a 12pack and a bag of weed stop being a great night? Granted I have grown up and haven't spoked pot in a lot of years but what the hell?? I'm not that old but I just can't wrap my head around the heroin and meth BS.

    You go to a party and some guys are smoking pot and ask you if you want to try some, they all are having a good time "sure why not." You're at a party and a dudes in the corner hunched over because it feels like his guys are getting ripped out and he's in and out of consciousness and he offers you his syringe, how in the F do say "yea you look like you're having a blast I'll try some of that!"

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    If you needed a 12 pack the weed wasn't very good... ha ha ha!!!

    • Like 1
  6. I had a cousin, a few years older than me who died from an untreated wound on his leg sustained from a bicycle fall. He used a bicycle because he could not afford a car. 

    He came back from Nam in 1971 addicted to heroin. He was in and out of rehabs and the methadone clinics his entire life and never held a job for more than a few weeks at a time.

    The untreated wound became systemic because in his clouded mental state he thought he just had the flu and after feeling so bad for about a week, one of his "smack" using friends, a women user, called 911 and reported his illness and unresponsiveness. She then left and they found him and took him to the ER where he admitted to the hospital. It was too late. The infection was so advanced that infection could not helped by antibiotics and he passed away. 

    In those early days heroin use was not too well known and not as understood.  In 2017, everyone that isn't living in a cave somewhere knows the deal with this shit. I too agree with an earlier post. We will help you once but after that you're on your own. When other people must pay hundreds of dollars a month for medications to stay alive and when an addict can receive Narcan at no charge this is not right. How bout the police and EMS that have to administer the Narcan to the overdoser, this can't be enjoyable either.  

    I just can't feel sorry for people who go down this road. They know better. This isn't someone puffin some weed a couple times a year or having a few beers on a Friday night - this is russian roulette.

    • Like 1
  7. I had a soil test run yesterday on my 3 food plots. The results were all 6.8. I was told there is no need for any lime, although lime wouldn't hurt. I plan to plant a mix of clover and alfalfa asap weather provided and in mid August turnips and winter peas. I also plan to throw in some sunflowers for cover to make the deer feel less open and I have a small bag or Biologic Winter Bulbs and Sweet Beets in a small area at the end of the peas/turnips area

    Anyone else plant alfalfa?  How has it worked for you.

  8. The way I see it this... and maybe I'm all wrong here. i believe that each and every one of us here go into the woods to enjoy the thrill of the hunt and to hear the woods wake up in the morning and go to sleep at dusk. Along the way we may see squirrels, fox, coyote, does and bucks, a fisher, a woodpecker, a grouse, a bear, and last but not least that elusive big rack buck... a buck that has always been part of the dream that maybe, just maybe this magnificent buck of my dreams may come past my stand and give me the opportunity to kill it. 

  9. I got 4 plot areas.

    The main food plot is just over an acre central to the property and will plant clover/alfalfa on 1/3 and turnips/winter peas on the the rest. On the power line plot, about a 1/2 acre, all clover/alfalfa. The power line plots located with an old app orchard on one side and the hardwoods/pines separating this plot from the main plot.

    On the pond plot, about 1/3 acre, which is at the north end of the 2 acre pond plant more clover/alfalfa.  Then up on the top of the hill in the open hardwoods, I have a long trail with good sunlight and will plant clover/alfalfa as well. The reason to have the turnips/peas on the large plot is because it is closest to the house and when the snow gets deep its closer to walk to for an old guy.

    • Like 2
  10. The ABB changed my life in 1972 when I heard the Live at the Filmore East record. Perhaps the greatest live recording in rock history. Considered the pioneers of what became known as Southern Rock the ABB really were a blues band but played the blues in their own way. Give the Filmore a listen in it's entirety and enjoy what real music was.  The best rendition of Stormy Monday ever. RIP Gregg Allman.


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  11. On 5/16/2017 at 8:38 AM, growalot said:

    I had a terrible problem when going from fingers to a release...I bought one similar to the wrist strap one mlammershirt posted...it sits in my hunting last resort bin. I thought about and still do about the one TCll has shown...though I just know it would find it's way to the ground.. This is similar to the one I have from tru ball. Mines put away at the moment...I love the buckle strap. I love the movement and length of shaft and the ease of trigger adjustment. the shaft is just long enough for me to grab in my pull,the strap strong enough to allow me to to have a relaxed hand and fingers to avoid a premature release...That was a problem when I first started using one. Dang if I wasn't accidentally hitting the trigger early. For the speed and torque I was told and I know it to be true for me, releases are the only way to go on these new bows..I own a mission Venture. I shot fingers for years with the older Hoyt  but it was a much slower bow then this Venture.. Have her go to a shop with a range and see if they would allow  her to try out a few releases...mine was around $85.00 4 yrs ago,got it in camo.


    I have the same release-love it


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