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About 20ftupatree
- Birthday 03/18/1981
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NY/VT border (Washington county)
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WNY...Is this bow still available? I'm very interested if so..
There are 6. 3 on the back, 2 over the hood and 1 lying on the fender. We have identified 2 of the guys in the photo and yes they were well off, They were the one of the biggest families and very prominent in town, Kingsley is the name. But yes I also figured this was a "photo op".
I have thought of that Geno...and I thought about how many guys (old and young) were out hunting just for the specific reason of putting meat on the table. Pressure probably wasn't all that much different, granted there were a lot more unmolested land, more farm lands and plain ole undeveloped woods then though. BUT I do remember my gramp talking of hunting when I first started and from his stories and what I recall the heard was not at all what we have today, no regulations, and as stated before every man and child were hunting to feed the family, for my grandfathers family they raised animals for slaughter and they hunted be it deer, rabbit ect.I was just intrigued by the pic of bucks stacked like cord wood laying all over this car...for this to be a common sight is fascinating. I have always been dumbfounded how people survived then, things we take for granted, my $150 boots to keep my feet warm during my hunt, state of the art equipment and gear..I couldn't imagine life without it! Just amazing....
Here is a picture circulating around Facebook through out my friends, The pic is from 1915 and taken in my town of Whitehall, for those of you not familiar it's 5G, 5T country right on the NY/VT border. I found this picture absolutely amazing. No scent Blocker camo's, no cover scents or buck lure. No tree stands, no decoys,NONE of the things I (we) go crazy buying and testing.....and they bagged some nice bucks. I wish I saw half of those deer in a weeks time of hunting this year, They got em all in one day! Anyways just wanted to share, thought it was a very cool pic.
I should probably leave this one alone but I can't. I do consider myself a hunter and not a slob BUT, I do however always have a gun in my truck. I live in a very rural part of NY (5g, 5T). There are numerous farms and fields and back road woods that i drive along every day to and from work. Now, I have permission to hunt many of these farms and fields. If I am driving along and happen to see deer standing in any of these places where i have permission to hunt I will get out of my truck step off the side of the road and put the binos on them, If there is a shooter standing there i will and have taken a shot. To me I don't see the problem if I have permission to hunt that particular field. I still use safety by making sure there is no one sitting on the fields edge, most of the time I would know everyone and anyone who would or should be there anyways, (my towns population is only 2500 or so). Point being if I have permission to hunt an area and drive by in my truck and see shootable deer I will pull over, maybe try to walk along a hedge row or fence line to get a bit closer but I will and do shoot and I don't see much wrong with that. Maybe I just blackened my own eye here on this site but I don't think I'm a slob or jacker for doing so. Now do I use that as my primary form of "hunting" NO I do not! I spend a lot of time in the woods, I scout set up stands and spend every minute I can in those stands, Is this my favorite form of "hunting" NO it is not! I love the woods, I love listening to the woods wake up in the morning, The adventure, the challenge, the thrill of a deer coming into range and making a clean shot, BUT I also love to eat deer meat. This season is one of the first in many years I did not shoot one deer all season. I have been completely skunked this year so in cases like this.......YES if I see deer in a field I have permission to hunt while driving by in my truck YES i am getting out and putting the crosshairs on it and pulling the trigger. I think there are more guys on this site that would do the same just not ballsy enough to say so.
Here is a question I have been unable to get an answer to. Has NY changed the law making it illegal for a felon to posses a muzzleloader? My brother is a convicted felon, He was told first he could not own a firearm (common knowledge) BUT was told by DEC officer that muzzleloaders were not recognized as a firearm and were legal for felons to use for hunting purposes. This year he applied for his certificate of release from disabilities which basically gives you some of the lost rights back, while applying he mentioned that he uses a ML to hunt and the woman at the parole office told him NY changed the law but I have only found things that say the bill was voted on but not passed into actual law. Anyone know or heard of anything about this?
I am in 5T, 5G things are slow slow slow up here! It's really starting to get to me here. Very disheartening when I don't see deer shooters or not at least I usually see deer, this year has been strange to say the least.
I have seen nothing for sign in comparison from previous seasons. As far as the rut goes I had 5 doe yesterday (the first deer I've seen all season so far) with nothing behind them. They were completely calm going about their business. So as far as I'm concerned I'm stumped on why I'm not seeing the deer I usually do, I can usually go on state land up here in 5G and walk till I find sign and sit, This year I can walk all I want I see half a$$ed rubs and a minimal amount of scrapes. This season has been tough to figure out for sure.
Nice bucks I like the buck to the right of the window (non-typical) nice character. I'm always attracted to non typicals. As for your post it seems unlikely but not impossible.
Whew... now why did you have to go and ask THAT question? As you can see there have been 34 reads to your question so far... but nobody has responded. Why not ask something simple like "Will an 8-pointer walk by my stand set-up today?" Okay, I'll give your question a response (actually a few): 1) All calls can and do work at certain times 2) I know of no call that will work every time 3) What worked yesterday may not work the rest of the month 4) What didn't work yesterday may call in a monster or whole heard today 5) You can use a call too much 6) Sometimes using a combination of calls works better than using a single one 7) During the Chase Phase... using a grunt tube may send a doe running into the next county Fawn bleats have been known to call in does... bucks sometime follow does 9) Antler rattling sometimes works... when it does get ready - a buck might come in fast 11) 'The Can' emits an estrus doe call... it has called in some big bucks 10) Sometimes not calling at all is the answer to harvesting a deer I've been hunting many many years... I remember my grandfather using a small wooden tube with a rubber band in it that sounded like a deer snorting. I don't remember it ever working - but he swore by it. So... in summary - I guess I really didn't specifically answer your question. My humbled advice to you would be to try various calls - see what worked for you and remember what the conditions were like when they produced. Then replicate their use when conditions are similar in the future. Good Luck to you young man and hunt safe. Good Answer Muzzy.
Has anyone had any luck with "Buck Bombs". I used them last week for the first time, Don't know if I like them or not. I was/am "Tinks 69" kinda guy.
The loggers are finally done. You may remember back on the opener of SZ bow season I had a logging outfit move into my hunting grounds. Well they're finally done! I haven't hunted bow more than a hand full of times on that land because of them, I was completely convinced I was going to eat a bow tag sandwich (i still may). I have plans already with my father in law and a long lost "brother" (my best friend who I haven't seen in 10 yrs) to hunt NZ this sunday, so I will have to hold true to that plan, but I will be in my stand in SZ come monday A.M before work so I am excited about that! I did learn from the couple of times I was in there that I had to change my entrance to get ahead of the deer so I don't spook them and the main road from their landing will give me great access so here I go, I'll keep you guys updated as to how I make out. Wish me luck!
Any day. No way thats walking past me.
I am actually on the other side of Lake George. Whitehall is the town I live in. I hunt 5G in Dresden on Black Mountain, state land. But Chestertown on up is BIG BIG woods. I don't know how deep you go but I have always been told by guys I know who have or do hunt up in that neck of the woods, they wait for light and walk a good mile or better find some sign and wait for the fun to begin. I do know one gentlemen who bags a HUGE buck every year up that way. Next fall I am going for a bear hunt in Long Lake not to far from there, they have signs posted everywhere " do not feed the bears". Good Luck to ya. If I see any of those guys and I remember I'll pick their brains about some general areas.
WOW WOW WOW HOLY CRAP! I don't know if I could calm myself enough to even get a shot off if he came walking past me! Good luck, I've never seen a rack that wide before!