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Posts posted by NonTypical

  1. Deer feed approx every 6 hours. The does will get on their feet, but may not move too far. If a buck is on its feet at that time of year, looking for does is his first priority. 

    I have seen plenty of mature bucks midday and been successful on quite a few. 

    If I can't do an all day sit, I'll sit for 3/4 of a day. I'll head in early and sit until 2pm. Or I may sleep in and head in around 10 and sit until sunset. Those times between 10-2 have been very good to me. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, The_Real_TCIII said:

    You want those blades slicing capillaries in the lungs, not pushing them out of the way. Thats why broadhead sharpness is so important, more so than the initial wound (I am not a doctor)

    And this was exactly my argument with him. How sharp blades will produce a clean, quick kill buy slicing everything they come into contact with. His response was that if Indians used stone heads and killed animals, why couldn't he reuse a broadhead without sharpening it. I had to give up. He just doesn't get it. 

  3. I made up a few more arrows without the wraps using gorilla glue gel. That is some tough stuff, and I thought for sure that i wouldn't have any issues. I guess not. They peeled right off after being out in the rain one day. 

    So it's safe to say that I will be using wraps from now on with feathers on my aluminum shafts. I was concerned about adding more weight with the wraps. I was using 5" feathers so I went down to 4" instead. They seem to fly just as good. 

  4. That's what I figured from everyone's responses. Either replace or touch up with a stone. I still can't wrap my head around this guys reasoning. 

    I've come to the conclusion that he is just too damn cheap, and unethical. Who in their right mind wouldn't want the cleanest, quickest kill possible. 

    • Like 1
  5. I hung a portable for the first time in about 20 years last week. Since I bought a climber, I've had no desire to hunt from a portable since then. But there was a spot that I've been wanting to hunt and I had no choice. So tonight I decided to put a hunt in because the wind was right. But that was it. It was warm and muggy, and I didn't have any expectations for at least another week or 2.

    I got in just before 4pm. Around 4:30 to my surprise I spotted a 4p. I then gave a short series of light rattles. Not long after that I had a small basket 7pt within 8 yds looking for the other bucks. I also ad 4 big toms move thru as well as a 6pt at 5:30. 

    A little after 6, I gave another light rattle. Just before dark, I spotted 2 bucks in the thicket behind me. One of them was making a rub. As shooting light began to fade, they came out of the thicket. The first buck was a nontypical, which I was very tempted to shoot. His right main beam came straight down over his eye and hung down several inches, but he was still a young deer. At that point I was finally able to make out the other buck behind him. A big 8. He came within 5 yds and I double lunged him. He only went 40 yds. He's not my biggest, but for mid October and 66 degree weather, I'll remember this hunt for a long time. 

    • Like 15
  6. I hung a portable for the first time in about 20 years last week. Since I bought a climber, I've had no desire to hunt from a portable since then. But there was a spot that I've been wanting to hunt and I had no choice. So tonight I decided to put a hunt in because the wind was right. But that was it. It was warm and muggy, and I didn't have any expectations for at least another week or 2.

    I got in just before 4pm. Around 4:30 to my surprise I spotted a 4p. I then gave a short series of light rattles. Not long after that I had a small basket 7pt within 8 yds looking for the other bucks. I also ad 4 big toms move thru as well as a 6pt at 5:30. 

    A little after 6, I gave another light rattle. Just before dark, I spotted 2 bucks in the thicket behind me. One of them was making a rub. As shooting light began to fade, they came out of the thicket. The first buck was a nontypical, which I was very tempted to shoot. His right main beam came straight down over his eye and hung down several inches, but he was still a young deer. At that point I was finally able to make out the other buck behind him. A big 8. He came within 5 yds and I double lunged him. He only went 40 yds. He's not my biggest, but for mid October and 66 degree weather, I'll remember this hunt for a long time. image.thumb.jpeg.457996be4efe6df77c20270d6e8d81ff.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.96a8987b51a79460c0053d8509084289.jpeg

    • Like 47
  7. 15 hours ago, steve863 said:

    Bowhunting has never been very effective in significantly reducing deer populations where there are too many.  Staten Island is nothing like Long Island or Princeton.   Long Island has too many deer for sharpshooters to ever kill them all.  It's too late on LI.  You can kill all the deer in Princeton, and more will come in from surrounding areas since it's not and Island.  Staten Island still has a small enough deer population for sharpshooters to be effective.   They can most certainly reduce the herd significantly if not completely.  And even if you had the odd deer swim over to Staten Island from NJ, it would take years for them re-establish.  Yes, sharpshooters might cost some money, but it would be the quickest solution to the problem.  Having bowhunters try to kill them off would take forever in comparison, and simply be a media circus hunters EVERYWHERE don't need. 



    There is no need to kill them all. Just recently we had an area on Long Island that had previously been off limits to hunting. Deer were everywhere. It was out of control. WITHOUT the use of sharpshooters, the population was quickly brought under control in a highly residential area. Yes there are still deer in the area, but numbers are way down and I'm sure that they will be reduced even further this year, at zero cost to the taxpayers. 

    • Like 1
  8. I recently got into a discussion with someone that I hunt with occasionally. He was telling me how he was using a used BH when he missed a doe on opening day. I couldn't believe it. He was using a Montec that was used in a target. He also swears that he took 3 deer with 1 BH. Maybe it's the BH, but I shoot Thunder Heads and I replace the blades after every shot taken at an animal regardless. I checked a used head and it will not cut a piece of paper. 

    Who here reuses their broad heads and what kind are you shooting?

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, turkeyfeathers said:

    20+ mph winds and rain. Going to let her sleep in. Will try for an afternoon hunt. Tomorrow looks like a complete wash with an 1.5" of rain. That's a kick in the crotch Good luck to all you tree surfers. Take your Dramamine

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Be prepared to head in as soon as the rain stops, or just before. Good luck!

  10. 9 hours ago, Buckstopshere said:

    I've been using the fiber optic sight pins for quite a few years. They gather light, solar. The problem with the battery powered sights...they are too bright and obscure the target area in my experience. I tried a few models when they first hit the market...way before the laws...thinking it would give me an edge and able to shoot later. Nope. The darker it gets...the more lighted sights obscure the target.

    This. I tried one years ago. The first night that I hunted with it, a rely nice buck came in at last light. I went to draw and I couldn't see a damn thing. I've been shooting a fiber optic sight that has multiple wraps since then. 

  11. Even though my largest to date is a nearly perfect typical, I do have a thing for nontypicals. Not necessarily lopsided racks, but racks with character with drops, stickers, or something that just makes them unique. Freaks are just as cool to me.



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  12. 28 minutes ago, Swamp_bucks said:

    Theres 4 of us that hunt together and we all use that round.  We sight in 1inch high at 100yrds and could easily reach 150.  We shot a combined 5 deer last year with the sst farthest one ran maybe 40 yards.  My favorite sabot ever was the federal with barnes expanders those ones are just nasty but cant seem to ever find them.

    Federal does not use Barnes anymore. Now they use their own called Trophy Copper with a Nosler ballistic tip. They work just as good as the Barnes. They are hard to find. I buy a case which is 10 boxes online from a company in Texas for about $12.50 a box. In the past, they had to be shipped to an FFL, but this year they shipped them right to my house. They told me that the law was changed in New York to shipp ammo. 

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