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Posts posted by NonTypical

  1. That leaf probably had the most amount of bubbles that I came across, but bubbles none the less. I figured he was a dead deer, but sometimes I can second guess myself. It is very reassuring to hear what I suspected from others. Hopefully I will be able to get some sleep, as tomorrow morning cant come soon enough. 

  2. There were minimal bubbles on the shaft and very few when tracking, which lead me to think that I clipped the topped of one lung. There was fat only on the broad head and maybe the first 2 inches of the shaft. The first 150 yards or so I had excellent blood out of both the entrance and exit holes. 

  3. There is no rain forecasted until late in the day tomorrow here on Long Island. I plan on going out first thing in the morning to continue looking with or without deer search. It is tough because the briars and thickets he went into are so thick, I'll be doing the belly crawl looking for him. 

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  4. So this morning I had a very nice buck come in. At least a 140 class. I hit him broadside at 25 yds a little high but midship. The arrow exited the far side but stayed in him. As he ran under my tree, it broke off and both sides fell out. I had really good blood, but only a few bubbles here and there. I think I hit the tenderloins but may have clipped one lung on the far side, as it was a downward shot. This was a first for me. I tracked him about 300 yds before he went into some really thick stuff he started clotting up and lost blood. Any thoughts on whether he will survive on 1 lung or does anyone think he's a dead deer? I plan on going back in the am to search further. I have also made a few calls to deer search, but haven't heard back from anyone yet. 

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  5. 12 hours ago, rachunter said:

    imageproxy.php?img=&key=0f83455fcf3d9771this is the bark from the first pic. The second is defiantly beech.  



    The top pic is a black birch, and the bottom is an American Beech. The middle pic from the first post is a wild cherry. 

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  6. I've been shooting feathers from the beginning and I don't treat them with anything. Years ago I had this discussion with someone at the range. I proceeded to run my fletchings under water until they were matted down. I found no difference in accuracy. 

  7. Thanks for the heads up Steve, but I haven't been back there in years. I hunt a bit more to the east now, and I do anticipate seeing them frequently patrolling the neighboring land. 

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  8. On September 15, 2016 at 8:40 AM, virgil said:For you guys that hunt the public spots with numbered parking areas, do you hunt only spots that you've pre-scouted?  Or, do you ever go into an unfamiliar spot in the afternoon and hang a stand?  I've been curious about trying them, but have always assumed that these sits would be overhunted and blown out.  But, everyone seems to say that there are plenty of deer.

    It really depends on what you want to hunt. If you want meat for the freezer, I will hunt in previously hunted locations where I know that I will see deer. But if you want to kill a mature buck, you need to be mobile and have the ability to move your stand to play the wind and keep him guessing. I will sometimes pack my stand in for a mid day scout and set up on fresh sign. If you do this, you need to capitalize and hunt it right away. Don't walk all over said area. Don't come back with your friends to show them. Just hunt it. Most of the mature bucks that I have killed have all been taken while sitting in a new stand location for the first time. A couple may have been taken on the second or third sit. If you hunt a tree in a great location, you can hunt the area again, but try to mix it up on your stand location. Maybe hunt it on a different wind even if you have to move your tree 40-50 yds. 

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  9. And that is the reason that you need to spray down with Sawyers permethrin. I will use it religiously until at least the first frost. It is scent free and will last up to 6 washes. I still spray myself down every time. 

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  10. I'm not sure when peak rut will actually happen, but I know that I want to spend as much time in the woods as possible before the peak of the rut, or lockdown. From my experience, anytime from Halloween right on through the 10th or so is an excellent time to kill a mature buck. Down here on LI, there is plenty of pressure and a lot of mature bucks are killed in the first week of Nov. The post rut is another excellent time to kill a mature buck as well. But if I am going to target a mature buck, I'm not going to wait until the 9th or 10th, or until the new or full moon. I'll be out there every chance I can from The 31st on, especially mid day. Of course I will take into account the daily temps as well, and if a cold front comes through, I may be MIA for a few days. The way that I look at it is, every day that goes by in Nov is a day of a lost opportunity in the woods if you're not hunting, and chances are someone else might capitalize on the buck that you're hunting if you're on the couch. 

  11. I do an all day sit for the gun opener, but I will try to do a few with the bow in preparation for the opener. If I can't sit all day for whatever reason, I will make sure I'm in for the mid day hunt. Either I will hunt from sunrise to 2 pm or else I may head in around 10 am and sit until sunset. I have seen more big bucks on their feet from 10-2 than you would think. Usually mid day I will see more activity than the morning or evening. I shot a big non typical last year at 11 am, and have had many other opportunities during those mid day hours. 

  12. Does the gocam have any kind of gps tracking? Down here on the Island, things have a way of disappearing and it is hard to justify spending the coin on something that might disappear. Are there any wireless cams that have gps that is reliable? 

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