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Ricky 86

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About Ricky 86

  • Birthday 08/26/1978

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Pittsford, NY
  • Interests
    Thinking about white tails about every 30 seconds.

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    8H and 9P
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 243 pump
  • Bow
    Bear Agenda 6

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  1. Instigators^ lol Good job "Mr.Helpful" , your rude remark is taking people right off the main subject. But no, my meeting spot would be at the flag pole. Teach respect that you learn when serving and protecting this great country. To respect your fellow man and respect the beautiful Red, White and Blue flying above us !
  2. Lawdwaz- you should really not get so worked up about other people's post's that don't affect you. No body knows about that gun, sure would be proud to own s piece of History though. Got a problem, message me man to man.
  3. Really lawdwaz? Have some self dignity, don't sit behind a computer playing the name calling game !
  4. If your friend has any interest in selling. Feel free to pass on $1,000 offer. Thanks
  5. Sounds like you had a tough year on state land this year, maybe you will actually kill a buck next year now ! Enjoy
  6. Ricky 86

    DIY Euro

    First time dipping a skull- can see some white in some pours, but overall very happy with it. Going to get an engraved plaque with name and date on wood this winter.
  7. Ricky 86

    DIY Euro

    Very cool wood slab Ranger Clay- did you make that or where can you order a slab with the photo in the wood like that ?
  8. He was one of top people I though of to, I feel bad for him. Seems like he hunts some very tough state land, as do I. So I can truly relate what it is like to be able to count the deer on one hand I see all season, and can only dream of the chance of the Giants I see you guys post on here. But you have my word Pygmy, if I win you will never have to worry about money again. I truly believe a million dollars if enough for a man to live the life we all deserve. Do anything you want, and not even have to worry about looking at the price tags at Field and Stream ! I can only hope to be lucky enough for the opportunity to share my wealth with as many hard working Americans I can ! I have a system that has gotten me pretty close so far, hitting the last 2 draws with 3 numbers and the power ball on one line. We will see what happens !!
  9. No money for you Biz.... Not sure how many members there are on here. But the 20-30 guys always posting will be taken care of and as many others as I can on here I will. I live a simple life, I personally don't need hundreds of millions in the bank. Most important to me would be to buy my dream property with the money, besides that my check every other week covers my life style just fine !
  10. If I win I will give every body on this forum a Million dollars each, with an open invitation to my 10,000 acres I will be purchasing lol. We all would be set for life !
  11. That is good to know, i am going to try to put some out there in June to try to have a decent amount out there during archery season. See If it works out, if not I can put some out in August also. How far do you recommend planting them for such large growth as you spoke of ? I have a decent amount of sun light in the area I am going to make the plot, atleast 50% of sunlight a day.
  12. When did you plant them ? When are you going to plant them next year ? I will be putting out my first plot next year deep in the timber, some throw and grow Oats n clover. With an area of turnips also. Excited to see how it turns out with no exuipment, just rakes and garden cultivator. Thanks for info
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