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Everything posted by Curmudgeon

  1. There are a lot of assumptions in there. My experience with anti-hunters is that they view animals as individuals and don't particularly care about populations, habitat, or the ecology of native habitats. Even my observations - which I consider careful - could be subject to debate. "Preservationist" is too big a category. It's use here is too ambiguous to have any meaning.
  2. Some of the images are photoshoped but the small canines are real - http://whitetailoverload.com/rare-whitetail-deer-fangs-canine-teeth-shot-missouri-pics/ https://www.google.com/search?q=white-tailed+deer+with+fangs&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=YWm6VIu7FoOYyQTWlIFw&ved=0CB8QsAQ&biw=1680&bih=913 http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.buckmanager.com/media/images/2011/08/whitetail-deer-with-canine-teeth-fangs-082211.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.buckmanager.com/2011/08/22/whitetail-deer-with-canine-teeth/&h=283&w=500&tbnid=_0yOrVKgDUkvCM:&zoom=1&docid=RQfSevC87UaLhM&ei=b2m6VL_fDNT-yQTezILwDA&tbm=isch&ved=0CCkQMygLMAs https://www.google.com/search?q=white-tailed+deer+with+canines&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=emm6VN7aEYyQyATDkoKwDA&ved=0CCcQsAQ&biw=1680&bih=913
  3. I've seen 2 whitetail skulls with small tusks. It happens.
  4. Many bird watchers want more hunting, especially of deer. They know why the understory of many forests have become "fern parks". The degrading of habitat by over-browsing affects many species of plant and animal.
  5. Thanks Mike, this is important information for hunters to read. For many years I have heard hunters claim to be the original conservationists. Game and non-game alike benefited from the protection of large areas of public land that resulted from hunter advocacy and funding. However, hunters must take care to not appear totally self serving. Those attitudes are not missed by an informed public that wants more say in wildlife management decisions, and clearly has different priorities.
  6. And, the technology most are using hasn't changed much in a century.
  7. Interesting. Everyone should read more about toxo. Ever wonder where those cat ladies come from? If you have a little time, I consider the Parasite show the #1 best all time Radiolab. It covers toxo and more - http://www.radiolab.org/story/91689-parasites/
  8. 3 million people marched today in France in support of a civilized society. Muslims beside Jews besides Christians beside atheists. 1 million in Paris. 2 million elsewhere in the country. 140,000 where I have family in Bordeaux. Charlie Hebdo has received enough money in donations and new subscriptions to operate for more than 2 years.
  9. It isn't random. It is a clear effort to frighten people into self censoring their speech.
  10. Congrats to Mike and others who fought the swan bill. According to the NY Outdoor News, Cuomo vetoed it. It would not hurt to call and thank him. 1-518-474-8390
  11. Well my E version of the Outdoor News arrived today. Phade - Please forward my complaints. The E readers shouldn't get theirs late. I have not read this whole thread, and I don't have time to. I have been on both sides of a lot of issues with DEC. They are hyper-sensitive to what hunters think. Communicate with them. They do listen to hunters - often more so than to other groups.
  12. I read the E-edition. I don't get it early. I'll look forward to reading it.
  13. The first photo is a golden and a bald. The second photo is a bald on the left and 2 goldens on the right.
  14. WHOAAAAAA SEA BISCUIT! I just re-read the current issue (12/26) of the New York Outdoor News. Can you please tell me where this information is? I didn't see it the first time through, or the second. The next issue is the end of this week.
  15. Below are some photos from the past couple of weeks of this winter's Appalachian Eagle Project in New York. These images are from sites in Delaware and Otsego Counties that operate under my license to possess deer carcasses. For more information visit http://www.appalachianeagles.org/. To read my article on Golden Eagles in NYS, go tohttp://www.dec.ny.gov/pubs/99834.html There are 10 Bald Eagles in the last photo. I was going to have you guess but it is too small to see detail. That's a napping bobcat in the 5th photo.
  16. NYSDOT brought me a fresh roadkill yesterday - a curved spike with antlers firmly attached. I tried to break them off but couldn't. Some upstate bucks are holding onto their antlers. A friend 5 miles away found a fresh scrape last weekend.
  17. Attitudes? Who me? Welcome!
  18. It's amazing how tough some people are when they are anonymous and behind their keyboard.
  19. I started this conversation and then ignored the rest of it so I apologize in advance if this post is redundant. For me, Cuomo declared peace in a hundred little towns in NYS. Since the Court of Appeals ruled that towns could ban fracking, a decision to allow fracking would have returned the residents of these towns to a state of war with their neighbors and friends. Cuomo may not have made the decision for the right reasons but he made the right decision for human health, the environment, and especially for the people of NYS. Peace on the matter of gas drilling will now prevail in town councils across the Marcellus and Utica Shale regions.
  20. You can learn something from anyone if you don't automatically put them in a box. I have learned much from people I disagree with, often surprising things, sometimes that they are exactly what they seem. For a politician, Mario had a lot of integrity.
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