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    oxford new york

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  • Bow

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  1. Boy alot of complaining , let me put my two cents into this.first cross bow hunters deserve to hunt just like everyone else( i hunt with a compound).Second antler restrictions should be implemented in all zones. if hunters start harvesting mature bucks you will see alot more hunters coming out.I hunt in a zone that doesn't have antler restrictions, but i still hunt and pass up many young bucks. it doesnt make me quit. stop complaining and get out there and enjoy wildlife.antler restrictions work.been doing it for ten years. i see more deer now than when i purchased the property.try it you might like it
  2. The best thing you will ever do.had mine done 9 years ago.20/15 .I am glad I had it done.
  3. It was a game preserve in new York saw the show twice.
  4. rutstrut


    Let them go so they will grow
  5. rutstrut


    Hb270deermanger you said it all.
  6. rutstrut


    I am talking about states that have Antler restrictions. I am reading alot how if new York goes to Antler restrictions hunters will stop hunting.I think that's not so if I know that I have a change to shoot a buck that is 3-1/2 or better I will want to hunt harder.give the young bucks a chance.I do practice Antler restrictions. On my land.and so do some of the neighbors. In 3 years what a change it made.
  7. rutstrut


    I don't know why new york state doesn't get on the ball like other states with qdma. I guess you can't change the old mentality .people do not wanna try new things I've been practicing to qdma on my property for years and it's been working.other states didn't like it at first but now they love it
  8. awesome. i sure miss it. great pics
  9. a few years back they had a program,200.00 per acre. check with your local forester.
  10. i always start end of feb.if you have any food plots start there first.i find more there than anywere else.second place will be bedding areas and trails to food plots
  11. I had a similar problem but I setup trail cameras.than I called the warden. Than I approached the gun club.so far problem solved
  12. It was one mother and two fawns usually. All deer that iwaa seeing were mother and two fawns
  13. Very quiet just alot of does very little shooting.
  14. Very quit in my area 7 p also didn't seem like years ago
  15. This year in four days of hunting between my buddie and I we saw 65 does and 2 bucks. A little off for the Buck to doe ratio
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