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Everything posted by CuseHunter

  1. Thanks for the best wished guys. I'll make sure I keep you posted on the buffalo stories and hopefully get out into the woods this season
  2. The video I made is taking a long time to upload so It'll be up in the next day, It shows the process I used to can them. I didn't have a pressure canner, The seal was solid as I checked all of them. I did store in the refridgerator for a couple days because I was leery of them being stored outside of it. Now they are on a shlef in my basement.
  3. There was a buy 1, get 3 free Kielbasa at the local grocery store so I decided to do my first ever batch of canning. Nothing reminds me of hunting camp like some pickled kielbasa or eggs, and a cold Yuengling brew. Like I said, this is my first ever time making pickled kielbasa, let alone being the first time canning in general. I already ate one of the jars worth a few days ago (1 week after canning), and am still alive and it tasted great so I think it was a successful first canning experience. What I used: Pickling Spice pack (pre-made mixture of spices) Dried Chili Pods Peppercorns Bay Leaves Cayanne Pepper Fresh Garlic White Onion Smoked and Regular Kielbasa (Hilshire Farm) Viniger Steps: 1. Bring to a boil of a large sauce/stew pot of... -Viniger and Water 1:1 ratio (1gal Viniger, 1 gal water) -Bay leaves (4) -2 packs of Pickling Spice -Half pack of Peppercorns -Chili pods (10) -For added spice -Cayanne Pepper (1Tbs) 2. Disinfect (Handwash) and boil canning jars for 5 min 3. Place Canning lids in simmering water in a wide sauce pan 4. Cut onions into slices (size is preferentail) Prepare garlic cloves, gently break clove with knife to open them up a bit. Next, I filled the jars one at a time. I used a baking dish to fill them in to avoid spilling the hot canning liquid all over the counter. You can see the video how I did this process. -Mind you, it was kind of hard to film with one hand and use only one hand with handling jars and adding ingredients. Notes: -I didn't cook the Kielbasa since it comes pre-cooked -I didn't cook the onions or garlic in the seasoning mixture because I thought it would be hard to make sure a clove and onion in the jar when they were already in the pickling mixture. -Chili Pods were a non-essentail item I got from my work (we use them with asian cooking), I just like my pickled kielbasa spicy if possible. -I didn't have proper canning racks to heat the jars in, So i just improvised by using tongs and boiling water in a pot. What I'd do different next time: -Buy a canning rack for the water. -Read Bell's blue canning book -Add more spice (cayanne pepper) -Possibly try cooking the kielbasa in boiling water or in a pan to get rid of some of the fat. When I poured the boiling water in the jars, the fat kind of came out of the kielbasa and just didn't look real "appitizing" in the jar. *This is my first canning experience with no knowledge besides some reading before doing it and watching videos. I'm sure there is more "correct" ways to do it, or this might be completely wrong in some of your opinions. I Just wanted to share my experience and maybe spark someone to try doing somehting similar to bring to hunting camp next year.*
  4. yeah, my parents knew I would hate not being able to hunt but reminded me that my grades are the #1 concern, especially with being in the program and my end goal. Worse case scenario, I hunt only during the thanksgiving break and ML during winter break.
  5. thanks for the help. I definitely will be meeting a lot of people at college and maybe I'll get lucky with a local who doesn't hunt but has connections to land [emoji1]
  6. thankfully I share it with other friends. It's a large piece of land (450 acres) plus nearly 5,000 public acres next to it.
  7. So I finally registered for classes and was accepted into UB's (university of Buffalo) Pre-med and biomedical health science major. I'm excited for the future two years, and potentially 6 if I get into their medical school after my undergrad. I'll miss my local hunting spots and going hunting 3 times a week even during the school year while I was commuting from home to school. I don't know what I'm going to do without my hunting camp in cortland or all my local spots Luckily I am planning on living off campus in an apartment so I can bring my firearm or bow and try to sneak off into some public land over there in Erie county or around there. If anyone has any advice or is from the general buffalo area id really appreciate it. It's going to be interesting hunting completely new lands.
  8. I own a covert mp6 and love it... Always had great quality images for daytime, not the best in the world with night performance. It handsdown has the best battery life of any other camera I own
  9. It doesn't need to be refrigerated if made correctly, right?
  10. I've had it in the past and it's always a hit at hunting camp. I want to make some myself for the first time. I got 10 packs of kielbasa on sale at topps (buy 2, get 3 free). I have no idea how to prepare the jars, but this is the plan of attack so far... White vinegar:water @ 2:1 ratio, bring to a boil with whole garlic cloves, white onions, and chilli pods. Add some cayenne pepper, pickling spice packet, and pepper corns. Then pour into jars and store away. Any advice?
  11. I asked about the lever action more than 2 weeks ago and didn't get a response back either
  12. I didn't ask him, I should have because I definitely am curious.
  13. well they have been, and I bet still will be there. Maybe now they will lower the price even further ???? it's the dicks at destiny USA in syracuse
  14. I hunted from a the "brick house" and it was beyond spacious! I felt like I was in a small cabin. Very nice on a rainy day.
  15. So I was talking to the local guy who works at dicks in the hunting section, he was saying that Onondaga will become rifle this year. Is this true? I tried searchig online but couldn't find any news on it. I wouldn't be surprised, as it is surrounded by rifle areas.
  16. I ended up returning two of them and keeping the 3rd. I ended up only buying them at dicks for $20 each so I kept one just incase I want to use it. I'm a young guy and not too worried about not being able to lift myself up to a stand if the time ever came.
  17. I bought three because my plan was to attach one at each of my favorite stands so I wouldn't have to keep re-strapping it to the tree. I obviously misunderstood the concept of the product. I thought it was to stay hooked up all the time even going down and up the ladder. No need for these anymore I guess.
  18. Anyone have any experience with it? I bought three units today, I thought I liked the concept. Yet I definitely misinterpreted what the product it. I thought you keep it hooked up when you go up and down the ladder so you are always tied in. After looking online though it looks like I was wrong, and is just used incase you fall and it will bring you to the ground safely. Any personal experience, or input anyone?
  19. although Missouri may be nice I've sworn to myself after boot camp there during the summer two years ago when it was a drought and hotter than hell, I'd never set foot in that state again
  20. I have a friend from the army who lives in Maine and he won't shut up about how he loves it. Same with another from N dakota
  21. Which state would you choose to live in and why? I'm just curious as eventually before I settle down I will come to face this question. I love NY's seasonal change, and the hunting is pretty great. Yet with high cost of living, being taxed like a slave, anti-gun regulations, and harsh winters, I'll be looking to move elsewhere. So far I liked the sounds of WV or VA
  22. Personally I'm indifferent on the Xbow issue. I think that our archery season is long enough that I'd be okay with giving up the last week or two of bow season to allow Xbow use. I also would like to use a Xbow during ML season. I wouldn't like though for xbows to be allowed during the whole archery season. Just my thoughts.
  23. All I can say is thank The Lord for my wooden paneled fence behind my block. It has saved some pass throughs and stray shots in the past.
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