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Everything posted by CuseHunter

  1. It's a good thing there isn't any other threads like this on the internet... :facepalm:
  2. haha no, they were the new kinda hippies. Kinda like this :dreaming:
  3. Ohhh that reminds me one weekend I was at Ithaca college partying. I ended up meeting two girls and went back to their dorm room. Long story short... They saw my dog tags and said "make love not war", "are you really alright with killing". The host hippie tree hugging people I've ever met, and they all were like that I've met. They were pretty nice though
  4. I'll second the axis. At that price, you don't have many options. If you were talking 500-600 then you have the TC venture, and Tikka T3, and new browning AB3. At $300 the only option you have in my opinion is a axis. That's about the only budget rifle in your range. Hell most people spend over $300 just on a scope, so I'd go with the axis as it is the most accurate rifle in your price range. You won't have much money for a scope, if you do look, vortex and Nikon are my favorites.
  5. It's too bad. Definitely looks like his tendon is severed. Could be a yote nipped his leg? Who knows, let's just hope he makes it. If he does, that left hind quarter will be massive next year
  6. I reccommend you who want to participate in the DMFA to look into the cornell programs available. Look up their plantation program to be able to use that land for DMFA season. I didn't know about it till after the application was due (October)
  7. I'll be headed there this weekend with some friends. I'll have to be hitting the state parks BowHunting. I don't expect to see much or if I do I'm lucky. I just want to get out there and hunt while I can. Luckily my buddy goes to IC and we can stay in his dorm the weekend
  8. a simple google search will answer many of your questions...
  9. I have one too. I found if it is set at 5 seconds you will spend days looking for a deer in a picture. I have mine for either 10 or 15 seconds. After all, at 5 sec intervals, when you do have pictures of deer it's usually in 3 picture groups (from my experience). So therefore I use 15 seconds.
  10. Yep, I went out. First set, forgot my decoy at the car :/ but still set up the call. Was in a large hay field. Back to the west edge to woods. Call about 50 yards in front of us in the field. Used locator calls and howl/bark and serenade coyote calls. Had about 5 call back and got real close. Eventually had one run out jn the field. Couldn't see it in the dark, until It bolted to my right. I had a bush on my right side so couldn't spotlight/shoot it. Then about 10 minutes later hit the rabbit in distress calls. Had another yote come out into the field. We heard it bouncing. Couldn't see it though, it was right in front of us on the other side of the call from us. The field banked up to probably a 10 ft slope difference from where we were sitting so it blocked the view of the coyote. It sucks not being able to shoot one, but it was a blast. Great to be able to call a couple in. I'll try a day time hunt and see if it's easier because of the visibility.
  11. Awesome video! Makes me want to gear up and go!
  12. Thanks, that's what I thought. He just was not wanting to get caught using a rifle when it was illegal.
  13. Question... For Onondaga county. Currently after deer season is over. Can I use a center fire rifle to coyote hunt? I think I can, my friend disagrees. The wording on the dec site is very wordy and isn't 100% clear.
  14. This weekend I'll be headed for the DMFA state parks. The bow is ready, I just hope I'll be able to something
  15. NYC needs to be seperate from the rest of the state, it is diversely different.
  16. I went to mine and no .308 ammo there either. Guy said they haven't gotten any in over two weeks
  17. Sorry to hear that, I hope You get better soon! I know once I had good poisoning, and I said that I would never wish that upon even my worst enemies, being sick sucks
  18. Only way I'll approve is if he makes lifetime license rates affordable. I'm hoping since he is just so stupid and seems to not know anything except how to take away rights, that he will reduce to hunting price for lifetime to $150, and I buy it while I can. :wishfulthinking:
  19. I like Easton's, I currently shoot the beman ICS hunter pro's (made by Easton) because I got them for a good price on camofire, $70 for a dozen feltched. They shoot great and this year I can say I had amazing success with complete pass throughs
  20. I'm already looking into getting a lever action gun too I just have the itch to buy everything I want, this could be bad on the bank account. I'm thinking about getting a 336 or similar in .35, and use it as my brush gun instead of my 870
  21. I also clearly state I understand someone who would be against this. You can't be so pig headed to think your way is the right way of thinking.
  22. a car left in a parking space, and a treestand left in the woods are two different things. If I wouldn't like someone sitting in my car, but I wouldn't mind someone using my stand. I wouldn't mind someone use my football I left at the park under a bench if they put it back. But I also wouldn't like someone using my phone I left on the bench when I took a pee.
  23. Someone denying monetary profit, on a moral basis. Wow, this is unheard of in Albany and DC.
  24. The overbearing question of this thread from what I see is "is it okay to use stands "permanently" on public land". I think it is okay if they are removed after every season. If everyone was able to place a stand in the woods, and leave it there, the woods would turn into a junk yard. I do think that if someone wants to set one up, live with the risk that it may be stolen or used, and respect the land, then it is okay to do.
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