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Everything posted by CuseHunter

  1. I'll let you know with the offer! I planned on going to my hunting camp over near cortland for opening. I appreciate the offer!
  2. Thanks for the advice guys. I'll go walk around the swamp this weekend and give it some scouting. Next time I do agree it would be easier to get permission alone and will see if that makes a difference. I had good luck back home when I went alone. I actually planned on hitting letchworth at some point this season too. I didn't apply for the special permit for gun and I assume that fills up probably the first couple days after registration opens.
  3. Well all jokes aside, I seem to have hit a wall. Since moving to the WNY area, I'm stuck in Brockport surrounded by country everywhere but still am coming up empty handed. Me and a friend went door to door two days in a row and knocked on over 20 doors. Either people already had hunters on their land or didn't allow hunting there. Looks like I'm going to have to suck it up and get a new climber and hunt the Bergen swamp this year while I'm at school. Anyone have advice on getting permission? I tried in September at some farms and went last week to tons of houses with no luck. Seems like you have to know people personally to get permission. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish I was back in Syracuse.
  4. I have issues usually in the summer months with cams. I try to avoid grassy areas with weeds because they always seem to trigger the cam and all I get are pictures of weeds. Good article though! I made some simple adjustable screw mounts for higher angled mounting to trees but never honestly used them because it was a pain to screw it into a tree or bring a drill. I do have to admit, I don't buy into the whole scent thing. If I only go into the woods once every month or two, I don't see it being an issue, but that's just me.
  5. I'll never buy another Wild Game product. I had one, put it out in the field... Water damage issues with it and they wouldn't stand behind their product. I have a primos and moutlrie's that I like, but my covert is my favorite.
  6. I've never had it. I wouldn't pass up the opportunity if it arose.
  7. CuseHunter


    Welcome. Seems like you have a lot of experience in the field
  8. Yeah, I just looked that one up. A good drive though from Brockport, a little over an hour away. I'd like to stay within 30-40 minutes of a drive for a during the week type of place to go. I'll put it on my list though. There is a lot of really good land out that way, south of Rochester.
  9. Welcome! You'll find quite a lot of folks from downstate and should be a big help for you.
  10. there are a few good "see-thru" style ring bases, I'm sure if yours came with the gun as did the scope, it would be best in my opinion to replace the rings/base and the scope. With the cost involved in sighting in a rifle and shooting, it just doesn't make sense to cheap out and not replace the rings too for ~$25 to be safe. I'd recommend a vortex, nikon, or higher-end bushnell model. With a 30-30, don't worry about getting anything more than a 2-7x or 3-9x. either mount it yourself if you know what to do or can learn from reading and/or watching videos online. If you don't think you can do it right, then I'd say go to a gunsmith, in which it usually is best to buy the base and scope there when you have them mount it for you. overall, if it were me- I'd buy the following and mount it myself. (I'm not sure on the model of your gun and the mounting style for the rings/bases so the see-thru mount might be different from my choice). See-thru rings: $19 http://www.amazon.com/Leupold-Rifleman-Detachable-See-Thru-55880/dp/B001HN5H8Y Scope: variable zoom- http://www.natchezss.com/bushnell-trophy-xlt-riflescope-150858.html *I'd even recommend considering getting a fixed zoom scope (4x) since the style of hunting done with a lever rifle is less than 200 yards.
  11. yeah, I plan a weekend bow hunt in letchworth this season already. I got a nice 10pt buck last year on some land I had access to south east of there. I'll have to go knock on some doors and see what I can do. Thanks, I love the western NY area for hunting
  12. I always thought that the Iroquois NWF wasn't allowed to the public to hunt, but I stand corrected now. I see if butts up the the Oak Orchard WMA which is a nice track of land. Thanks everyone for the ideas. Looks like I'm going to make a drive back to Rochester and do some scouting.
  13. will do, I know the bergen area slightly. Thanks for the recommendation, it's greatly appreciated. I was thinking of asking land owners around as there is nothing but farm land around the area. I was hesitant though because I know the college students don't have the best reputation with the locals. Which is too bad, but I'm sure there is justified reasons with the students having to walk from campus to the bars, I'd probably not be fond of the students either.
  14. Well I've hunted the Syracuse and Cortland area for the past 5 years and know most of the spots to go. I went to University at Buffalo last fall and didn't hunt besides when I went back home to Syracuse on the weekends. That being said, now I go to SUNY Brockport. I have my own place off campus so I can bring my hunting stuff to school. With the stress from all my school work (pre-med student) I love to enjoy the silence and relax while hunting during the school year whenever possible. I looked online on the DEC website and I'm surprised at the lack of public land around the Brockport area. It's sad that Syracuse has more land I can go to than the country of Western Rochester. Anyone have some public spots they'd recommend? I'd be more than willing to share some spots back in the Syracuse area that I've found in return if that's something you'd like too. It doesn't have to be any honey holes you've found, I just want a piece of land to hunt during the school year and I can't find anything close as of my searches yet for public land.
  15. Well I'll chime in... I did some looking on the GIS two years ago and asked only two of the houses I thought were really nice spots. Out of the two, the one was okay with me hunting because he was a vet and we talked about the Army for a couple minutes. WITH THAT SAID, I was supposed to have the only rights to hunt there but that was not the case. It was apparent that others have been there in the past. I left a climber stand in the woods for one night and the next day it was gone. So moral of the story, if you get rights to hunt there still treat it as public land until you establish a better feeling for the area.
  16. Well here is some advice from a youngin'. I'm 22 and can only imagine what you're worried about and being of the age, I can definitely understand the concerns. With that said, in my experience it's BEST if you're at the girls parents house. I wouldn't try any funny business at someone's house with their parents home. I respect women and their parents, I can only assume others do too. If you lock her down too much, be wary. I've met girls who have fathers that were the textbook hardasses and all I can say is they took that resistance and it didn't help the case. I know it has got to be hard... I can only imagine myself in your shoes. My advice is that you be stern, but also give her some room. The best thing you can do is control the environment.
  17. Make sure Cuomo doesn't see it. It looks too tactical, no way you need all that jazz for hunting! Seriously though, awesome looking x-bow. I bet there will be some meat in the freezer from it.
  18. Long story short, I lost my two screws that mount my stock to my barrel. I was wearing a pair of pants with a perfectly sized hole on the inside of the pocket. *face palm* My CVA is the Electra which I love by the way, but was discontinued after a short period of time so parts are nearly impossible to find online. I called and waited only about 2 minutes before speaking to someone. He was a nice guy who was clearly from the US and was easy to talk to (unlike any other CS support). It took him a minute or two to find the schematics and which screws I had lost. Then he takes my address and contact info. I then asked him about a breech plug because the electra works off of a completely electric ignition so the breech plug replacement is very hard to find since its discontinued as well. He simply said, sure I can add that too. I was then expecting him tell me the total cost with shipping after asking for my zip code, yet he just said "Okay, I'll throw in the breech plug too for you. No problem.". That was it. No credit card, no payment. There was no charge, it was on CVA. I looked up the pricing and it would have cost me well over $25 for new replacement parts and thats IF I could have even found any. CUDDOS TO CVA, I'll be a lifelong customer with them. I just wanted to share my experience because usually all you hear is bad things about customer service, especially within the firearms community with the recalls (Remington comes to mind). Anyone else have good/bad experience with CVA or other firearm companies they'd like to share?
  19. Well I joined the forums and loved being a part of them. Around last year I noticed my taptalk app wouldn't let me log in, and after trying to log in on my computer, It seemed like I was deleted from HuntingNY forums. I tried sending multiple emails to the site to try and see what happened to my account and never received a response. ANYWAYYYY... I'm back under the same name. I got a great 10 pt buck last year and a couple does for the freezer so you can say it was a successful year!
  20. not 100% sure yet. I am trying to get a spot in the dorms but they are on a wait list for spots right now. So I'm looking into off campus housing options. Which would be nice in some ways (more living space, can cook, bring my hunting stuff), but being in the dorms would be a good way to start my first semester at a new school id think.
  21. I would agree with that. Heck I need to avoid them and focus on the books. As they said, nothing good happens after midnight, ain't that the truth. (Well I can think of a few exceptions )
  22. Appreciate the assistance here guys. I'm more or less Looking forward to the new lifestyle and experience of living somewhere new. And the 4am bar scene sounds interesting
  23. I appreciate the words of advice. I'm actually still open minded about everything. I have shadowed PA's and like the idea of less school and BS you have to deal with. It is definitely a choice I'll have to really consider in the next year. I actually was thinking about applying to u of r too, it's just so expensive [emoji16]. I wasn't worried with the financials of med school because currently I am in the army reserves, and once I get into med school and sign a new contract with amedd, I will have no cost for med school. I appreciate the "enlightenment" if you call it that, and will continue to seek and explore other avenues within the upper medical field.
  24. Nice looking buck. Good luck
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