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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bigbass007

  1. ok maybe i phrased it wrong was looking to see how many guys and gals out there were meat hunters verses antler hunters more than wheather they would shoot a button or a spike the question is state wide not strictly LI ... I was taught as a meat hunter and that antlers were second but with all the debate out there wanted to see how many of each type were out there
  2. recently in another forum had a small group frown on guys taking certain types of deer for meat porposes was wondering what every ones thoughts are on the subject
  3. ok not familure with the areas but i own 90 up on the border of otsego /delaware counties and between the two seperate taxes its about 800 for the year no house or structure on property small swamp and all hardwood was skimming through the list seemed a little high but not rediculous however didnt say if structure was included
  4. ok if you have complete everything you will have 2 tags for bow/muz 1 reagular season and what ever DMPs you aquired the last two weeks of early bow you may use the XBOW but have to use either your bow/muz tags or dmp tags once reagular season starts you must only use your reagular season and DMPs and all tags are good for the late season reguardless it its muz or bow or xbow hopwe that helps clear it up
  5. awesome hope you get him before the neibors
  6. well after 6 sits in the woods and not seeing a single tail i went and hit my honey hole in duchess county to take some meat on saturday finaly at 8am deer runs full speed at me and hits the brakes directly under me i stand up see no antlers stand squeeks and it jups out to about 8 yards i draw and wamo well after a long search and ending up backing out hour later i come out the cabin and deer is dead 20 feet from the door and thats not even the wirdest part turned out to be a gender bender was male with no antler growth at all smooth skull i aged the deer to be 1.5 years old
  7. my brother had a problem with all his tags called decal and they directed him to a town hall license agent they replaced all his tags and took the defective ones free of charge
  8. I would of done the same and nice going meat is meat nice going as for the hunting hunt·ingnoun \ˈhən-tiŋ\ : the activity or sport of chasing and killing wild animals : the activity of searching for something i think you filled the base deffinition you see it you shot it and you looked for it works for me good job
  9. Hi, go by the name Jay been hunting with and without weapons since as long as i can remember from catching wild rabits bare handed at age 8 or deer hunting with dad untll i was old enough to take my own animal I respect other hunters opinions and expect the same in return
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