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Posts posted by chrisw

  1. I've been out of Boston a few times and we have 2 days booked for this summer also. We fished for cod, Pollock and haddock with shark fishing if we choose to do so (which we did). We brought home a good portion of fish, we didn't keep any of the sharks but we could have. It's a private charter and it's a full day, we left as the sun Rose and got back at sunset. 5 of us went, it was $1500 (plus tip) for the day for everyone. It could've also been considered a whale watch as they could be seen almost anytime breaching. We've also done party boat charters out of NJ, SC and Florida, they're way cheaper but typically the fish aren't as big and you don't get the one on one attention. Also, don't forget about Lake Ontario! Browns, Lakers and salmon will net you some fillets and they're good fighters.

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  2. just an FYI - there is a 2018 thread open now and that fish would be a stunning opener to it.  Beauty of a steelie!  Has some great color to it.  Do the spring runs seem to have any more or less color?  I have done ok on browns but a big steelhead never happened for me for some reason.  Spent a lot of time on the salmon and oswego rivers in my 20"s. 
    Ok thanks, I didn't realize we had a 2018 thread up yet, I just posted it over there. Yea the spring fish get their spawning colors more so, the bucks get real Rosey cheeks and red stripe, the hens typically get dark with a pink/purple line but each fish is a bit different it seems. This fish was a buck. They're gorgeous fish no matter what color phase they're in!

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  3. Water temp is key for bullheads, typically it's mid to late April when I do best, it's hard to beat worms or liver for bullheads. I do love cold water bullheads and they're a lot of fun to fish for.

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  4. Just curious: What is the advantage of a centerpin reel over a spinning reel?  I'm not familiar.  Nice steelhead!  
    A centerpin reel is basically just a free spinning spool. The advantage to this is the spool will spin at the same rate that the water is taking your float downstream so you just let it do the work and if you need to set the hook you just wrap your pinky and index finger around the spool and set the hook normally. What you want steelhead fishing is a drag free drift, this carries your bait downstream at a natural current speed. Steelhead can be extremely finicky so the right drift is essential a lot of the time. You can do this with a spinning reel also but it's not going to be as smooth a drift and won't be as long either typically as you need to pull line off of the spool while keeping as much line off of the water as possible. That's where the longer rods come in handy. You certainly don't need a centerpin, it's just a more specialized tool for current fishing and is also a bit more challenging as there is no drag system on 99% of centerpin reels, you're applying tension with your fingers on the outer edge of the spool to fight the fish. They are rather expensive but you can get a great functioning reel for $200. Check out the Okuma Raw II if you're interested!

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  5. How do you like the Pierce grip extension?
    Contemplated getting one, I know they are only $10, and it wont break me, but still undecided. 
    It makes a big difference to me, feels like I have a lot more control. I keep one mag with extension and one without, the extension profiles a bit more under clothes but I can work around that. Get one, you won't regret it!

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    • Thanks 1
  6. Sweet looking fish! May I ask what you are catching them on? And what weight gear. One of these days I am going to try it I live to close not too!
    I catch most of mine on egg sacs with steelhead eggs cured a natural color. I tie up sacs in blue, pink, white, chartreuse and orange, the blue is typically the top performer though. Beads are also extremely popular to use. I use a 10' float rod with a centerpin reel, spooled with 12# monofilament mainline and a 3' leader of 6# flourocarbon. Typically you'll set your float 3-4' above your bait and drift the seams and deeper pools. I bring a 10' light action noodle rod with a spinning reel also as a backup. It seems really complicated at first but once you get into it things click quickly, although they are said to be the fish of 1,000 casts!

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  7. Nice shots man! Looks like you got a little QUACK in your lens!
    Sure wish I had a good spot to shoot waterfowl like you got there. Got a little swamp I'm hoping to shoot some woodies nd honkers on next month but nothing in comparison to that!
    Thanks! It's pretty short lived here, all of these birds are just passing through and the cold snap seems to be making them stay longer than usual, I love this time of year taking photos.

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  8. The decision for someone to take or not should not be base you what you think is right or wrong or whether a person has tags left over in their pockets. It really should be made on whether the population needs it or not. We have areas that lend themselves to taking as many as you can. The venison donation program is a good program. IMO
    I think that some hunters (I know of a few) that are out there for the kill count and they justify their actions by giving the meat away as if it turns them from greedy sportsmen to hero feeding the hungry... Truly overpopulated areas are a different beast altogether and yes I agree that venison donation program is a good thing when the population/habitat allows.

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  9. I typically only share venison with close friends or family and generally only if they too hunt but had a bad year, I work my ass off hunting to kill my deer every year and I don't like to just hand it out, especially to someone I don't think will appreciate it. I do make salami, sausage, jerky etc. that I will bring to parties and whatnot. I generally never shoot deer and give them away, if I don't personally need them then they walk. When I get to 3 deer for the year I don't plan on killing any more as 3 is good for my wife and I. I will admit it annoys me a bit when people go out and fill every tag they have and just hand it out to people, same with fish, if you don't need them let them go, chances are there is another sportsmen out there who would love the opportunity at it.

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  10. Here's another comparison between my XDS45 and my XD45 Compact. While I love both guns, the XD45 is a bit much to conceal inside the pants, 99% of the time I Grab the XDS, even when I'm out in the woods and concealment isnt a concern I still grab the xds a lot of the time, it's a pleasure to carry. Heck it even slides into my front pocket on loose fitting cargo shorts for summer, you can't do that with many 45's...IMG_20180307_165607603.jpgIMG_20180307_165650370.jpgIMG_20180307_165724590.jpg

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  11. Probably my most notable moment was opening day of rifle in the southern tier about 4 years ago, I had taken my climber way up high on the edge of a real thick brushlot that the deer go into once they get pushed, from 30ft up I can see anything down in the brush. I'm about 350 yds from private farmland and some fields on the backside of the state land, before legal shooting light someone started shooting out in the field and almost instantly I could hear the rounds buzzing as they went by me ticking branches in the brush near me. I jumped up and shimmied my climber to the backside of the tree and tried to stay behind the trunk. There was a total of 5 spaced out shots, and all that I can guess is that those rounds were bouncing off of the field and ricocheting back up into the woods.

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  12. I just got home walk a whole park from one side to the other found two spikes and a 30rd. Mag. Must of fell out of a helicopter there’s an airbase about 10 miles up the road. It was in the middle of nowhere. 
    Never heard of anyone finding a felony while shed hunting! I'd keep looking around you might find a matched set!

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    • Haha 2
  13. I don't think gun are a major percentage of the sales at Dicks. Honestly whenever I'm in there the gun dept is never that busy. There are some changes coming, even was said by the President he wants 21 to be the legal age to buy a gun. It's fine by me. 
    Your also being a hair short sighted, I spend a considerable amount of money every year at Dick's up until now, I rarely bought firearms from them but firearms is not where the real money is, it's the accessories (ammunition, scopes, slings, cleaning kits etc...). What youre not taking into account is how many sales they will lose from less foot traffic. I worked retail firearms sales full time for 8 years so I have a pretty good handle on margins and what happens when sales are down. Not to mention I bought a lot of archery/fishing/hunting equipment at dicks previously, that will also stop, it's not "just" firearms where the sales will drop, will all of this shut their doors? Probably not, but I think dicks has been on the way out for years anyhow and this is just another nail in the coffin. The only thing for certain is they will not get another $1 from me and I can only hope sportsmen around the country do the same.

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  14. i think there are certainly people on both sides who feel they can't give an inch and who feel total confiscation is the end game. I have faith that the vast majority of people know the answer is some tighter laws while still upholding the 2nd amendment. 
    I don't have a whole lot of faith in a country where you need to lock up Tide pods because people are eating them for fun. And an anti's version of upholding the 2A is "allowing" you to have a musket...
    Here's an analogy, you're eating dinner at your table, your dog comes over because he wants what you have, you give him a little bit, does he leave? No, you give him some more, does he leave? No. He isn't going to leave when he thinks he's had a reasonable amount, he wants all of it. The point is you don't start feeding the dog at all unless you're willing to give it all to him.

    I'm not saying everything that's been proposed is necessarily a bad idea, I like the "red flag law", I don't mind giving up bump stocks, but in the end of the day don't think for a second that antis are reasonable on this topic. I guess when people start blaming inanimate objects as murders as a political bargaining tool to achieve an underlying agenda I rule them out as being reasonable. You have more faith in the general population than I do I guess.

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  15. i'm all ready to be upset and pissed by this. But then I also believe improved background checks and tighter restrictions that do not ban guns is the right move. I've said this for a while on here and I know not many agree with me.
    Also, think about this for a second. We could have hildabeast in office and we might lose the senate and/or the house this November. What Trump is doing could be the "give a little so they shut up" approach and far better than what happened to us New Yorkers after sandy hook. If the dems were in control this could be a lot worse. idk...
    A lot of people think that by giving them something that they will be appeased, the only problem is they will only be appeased by a gun ban, sure, they'll take anything they can get in the moment, but don't expect the assault to stop or even slow down afterwards...

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