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Posts posted by chrisw

  1. Probably the biggest "demonstration of ecological illiteracy" is the failure to recognize coyotes as being at the top of their food chain here in NYS, with no natural control other than communicable canine diseases and starvation. The only other population control is the so-called "He-Man Coyote Haters". As in all issues of hunting vs anti-hunting, there are damned few animals that die peacefully in their sleep of old age, and it is the lucky critter that meets his end with a bullet. A little bit of knowledge of the effects of rabies, distemper and mange gives you at least a small clue about the fact that these coyotes are not really the cute looking puppy-dogs that we see as family pets anymore than the deer are Disney's version of talking deer. They are animals that occasionally require some thinning. And those that do not get removed are likely to be relegated to an end of crusted up mange, or wandering around in circles being driven mad by rabies, and a similar end with distemper, or a lingering death of slow starvation. There are no wandering veterinarians with syringes of cures out there in the wild world to keep these cute little doggies healthy and not spreading diseases back and forth. So before we get all wrapped up in the anti-hunters world of anthropomorphism, let's understand that the coyote world could probably use a few more of those that we disgustedly label "he-man coyote haters". We can try to do the job of coyote population control or we can kill them with kindness by simply allowing them to multiply completely out of control because we think they are cute little fuzzy doggies. I have always believed in the role of hunting and trapping as we continue to rob the wild critters of their environment. If we are going to eliminate their habitat, I think we automatically inherit the responsibility of trying to keep their numbers in harmony with what shrinking lands we have left for them. Setting coyotes aside from that service simply because they remind us of Fido is not really doing them any favors.
    I haven't read a single post where anyone suggested not killing coyotes, we're just reminding you that the sky isn't falling... Coyotes aren't at the top of the food chain, we are. Also I haven't read any posts that suggest their Disney characters that you can play fetch with as you imply. Nature regulates itself in more ways than you think, those simple little communicable diseases, mange, starvation, account for the death of a lot of coyotes. It'll be ok, Doc... Just be thankful you live in NY, where the only thing you have to be terrified of is coyotes.

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  2. That's what I quickly discovered. I've given it a couple of half-hearted trys at night. Apparently I'm a lousy coyote hunter!
    It's tough man, coyotes are very intelligent, but when you finally do get one it makes it worth it. Just gotta keep at it and it'll happen eventually if you play your cards right. If I could give you one tip, always block off your downwind (pond, river etc..) or be able to shoot to your downwind so in order for them to wind you they have to expose themselves. I can't tell you how many times I've walked back out of the woods from a set and crossed tracks that came to the call, stayed covered up downwind and snuck back out, while never showing themselves. Their will to survive is unrivaled, they'd rather risk starvation than to put themselves in a vulnerable spot. Truly admirable critters in my book.

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  3. Never understood the loathing for a pretty amazing predator.  They do seem to get a lot of blame that belongs to humans when it comes to killing off other game animals (loss of habitat).  In any rate, always heard that the harder the are hunted, the more the reproduce, so killing them seems counter productive.
    If you hang around the site long enough this same type thread pops up like 5 times a year, a lot of irrational fear with little to no facts to back them up. Coyotes are amazing animals and I hope they are never eradicated. Most of it it based around "I didn't get a deer this year because the coyotes ate them all." "I heard a pack of 10 coyotes." "I saw a coyote cross my backyard, therefore they are way overpopulated." Blah blah blah... And how many of these same hunters spend their winters coyote hunting, very few. It's just easier to have something to put blame on. Coyotes are extremely misunderstood by 90% of the population so naturally that leads to fear. What gets me the most is that people feel entitled to the deer in the woods and get angry at other animals for eating them for survival, how self absorbed do you have to be to think you are more entitled to a deer than a coyote is. Noone on this site is going to starve without a deer, coyotes have that real danger. People think killing deer is a challenge, try killing coyotes, I assure you they are far more difficult than any deer. Maybe then more would have a better appreciation for these blood thirsty, baby stealing, stray cat eating, fear stirring, mythical creatures that we true conservationists and hunters simply call "coyotes."

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  4. They are tougher than most think, I have put arrows with gapping holes through them at 20 yards to have them go 200+ yards spewing blood everywhere. I am planning on setting up a bait pile behind my house with a wireless sensor to signal me when they are out there. I have a horrible problem at my property and they usually hunt in packs. I know many say they don't but I have camera photos and have seen it first hand with multiple coyotes working to corner prey. I have only seen it with 3 coyotes no more than that.
    Personally I would be using my .222 but the .22LR might come out if I can get her setup, only issue I might have with the .222 is the sound with my neighbors. Too bad NY doesn't allow suppressors that would make life a lot easier.
    Anyone tell me how the .22LR compares to the .22 Mag sound wise?
    The Mag is definitely louder, I'd dare say 1.5 to 2x as loud as a 22LR, but in the middle of the night I doubt many will notice it inside a home.

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  5. I bought the Canon T6i last spring, it's above what you were looking to spend but I absolutely love it so far, it's got most of the features that the high end dslr's have for a bit less money. You may be able to find a used one for closer to your price range, I bought several cameras in your price range and wasn't overly impressed with any of them. It really depends how in depth she's looking to get into photography, there's a lot to dslr's and settings but it's fun learning to use them. Here's a few pics I took with my T6i to give you an idea of quality and I'm a novice at photography. I researched a lot of cameras before I bought this one, I'm glad I did. 1902cbec5eab8194053eaab25f252235.jpg7a4188ad2e1d1e27fe97b804e5939689.jpgc1ad5c28c0188ba8cc3d1659cb85ba52.jpg1119d7d6265c673ede3191feebc7085d.jpga235e304a56aa3c6c39bdf5a0e6a6fde.jpg58cfef1b94c8e2a0618b043c09b53d08.jpg0e2f253b6e2fbdc7ffe36655dcaf836b.jpgee6eb67299f9f238347b359de5e59cde.jpg4dbbdaa80a13ea87518d8829d3924229.jpg

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  6. As others have said, don't use the 22LR, I use a 22Magnum for shots under 100 yds and even with that I prefer under 75yds. I'd use my AR in 223 but being that some spots aren't too far from housing developments I don't want people calling the police for shots at night. A shotgun is also a very good option, I use no 4 buckshot in a 3" 12 gauge and it works very well, also good for multiple dogs quick. Coyotes are generally pretty easy to put down, but the 22 LR is only going to give you problems. I know a guy that uses a 17HMR too, it works ok, you will lose dogs with it though unless your shots are perfect and even then they can run aways.

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  7. Yes.  Exactly.  There is a difference between the two. 
    That depends on how you look at it. It seems time and money keep coming up as a big difference in the two. Let's say I build a custom rifle, I make the stock, barrel etc... The next door neighbor buys a package Savage Axis. We both hunt, we both kill a deer. Is my hunt more worthy because I spent more time and money building my rifle?

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  8. My take on this... I do not have a hunger to belittle certain people and usually I can keep my thought to myself and move on but constant BS from anyone only goes so far with me. Eventually I'm going to call them on it. What I don't understand is why some people think Grow is so innocent? She can come on here and throw her weight around belittling everyone else's opinion but the second someone does the same to her, you're an A hole. She's made all sorts of remarks about members here and gets away with it unscathed, is it because she's old? A woman? Both? Let's not pretend she's some innocent woman incapable of rude comments or derogatory statements against law enforcement, forum members or her own distaste for NY sportsmen (as she's bluntly stated several times). It does get a little carried away at times but what doesn't? Are we not allowed to disagree anymore? She creates her own turmoil then when she gets lash back she cries bullying. I'm certainly on no crusade against Grow, but she just like anyone else will get criticism where due, the same as she gives out. My rant over.

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  9. You did the right thing waiting, look at it this way, she didn't go to waste that's for sure... You're sure that was the deer you shot? I know yotes can eat a deer pretty quick but that seems too fast to me, unless you've got a PILE of them. Throw a camera on the carcass, better yet put it out in your shooting Lane and dust one of those dogs.

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  10. Looks to be a low hit, I've seen real low hits kill deer but it's not too quick. You're gonna have to dive in the brush and see what you find, you could've zipped her belly open. I hit one low and back once with a slug, we jumped her the next morning, she had several feet of entrails hanging out the hole but little to no blood on the powdery snow. We killed her but she probably could've layed there alive for awhile, it sucks but it happens.

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  11. 12/9 morning: saw nothing but checked cams and my 8pt still alive as of 12/6 and this morning.




    Afternoon: walked in slow and 215pm as I crested a Ridge, I caught movement to my right and there was the 8pt I have had pics of since June. Looked like a racehorse, nice rack and the obvious weaker left side G3. 20yds away and we are face to face heading right at each other. I didn’t want to raise gun and him bound away so I stayed still squinting and he started bobbing his head. I was hoping he would take 1 step behind a tree and I would raise my gun. We stared down for a full 2min and I kept contemplating just going for it with a quick jerk raise and shoot but really thought if I waited him out he would walk fast or turn and I would get shot. Instead in 1 leap he bounded down the steep incline and I couldn’t stop him. I waited 20min and started tracking him. Giants leaps downhill turned to a slow walk and by 315pm as 350yds later I caught movement and he was off running again, no shot. I gave up at that point and found his bed. A spot on the property I never been before since it’s heavy and now I know is probably where he always beds. Heartbreaking. I heard 5 shots in a row at 330 and wonder if someone was shooting at him. Hindsight is I should have taken a chance with quick lift and shoot but if that failed I would have been second guessing myself the other way.



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    Sometimes a quick jerk is the answer! Next time try the old " What's that over there!?" And point a different direction, when he looks away plug him. As long as you hit near him he should drop dead (from the overwhelming soundwave).

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  12. Garbage, unsafe too... I'll give you $150. Just kidding, I know 2 guys with that caliber, it's pretty much a 7mm's less popular brother, the deer won't know the difference. I like the less popular oddball calibers. Nice looking gun

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  13. Feel you there 4 of us drove a bunch of pieces in 7m and 7p no tails, no tracks. Couldnt tell you what a deer looked like havent seen one since my opening day buck.
    5 of us were also there opening day and the buck I shot was the only deer seen that day also. It's been getting tougher and tougher down there the past few years.

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  14. Lol...video tapes...has others with him... says right in the video they skinned the head out and examined it. What's the  velocity of a 50? 12 + thou?  Actually the bullet is travelling at mach speed..causing a sonic wave thus pressure wave. 
    I Don't know if  it did or didn't ..but I wouldn't make the type of statements made here unless I did a bit of reading first..and yes..looking at a skulldefault_rolleyes.gif
    A 12,000 FPS .50 caliber?? And you're scolding us for not "doing a bit of reading first"!?

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