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Everything posted by OtiscoPaul

  1. Jerry called me out on your behalf relax And I’m not expressing popular sentiment so don’t worry you got plenty of group-think support
  2. The right is calling it Wuhan... reminds me of Wutang so I’m all in
  3. Not for 2 years of polling...also a white dude He was the dem nom front runner from day 1 the left didn’t like the party didn’t love it but a plurality of dems and never trumpers always have and now the rest will fall back in line. Will win PA and Michigan...game over
  4. You want to see me go full on crackpot...This was Kim’s Christmas surprise Attacks only oldies or “dottards” as kim would say, important for his malnurished country. Starts launching rockets like a science Olympiad (pa regionals are cancelled)
  5. It’s fairly easy to look up...no this thing that just blew up all over Wall Street is Trumps pumped up economy. Obama increased both growth and the interest rate while leaving in tough and expensive environmental regs and green energy....after bailing out the banks without reinstating glass-steagall, big mistake Barry If someone so much as whispered recession on fox business then Trumps been up the feds ass to lower interest (bad for your savings) so the banks and traders felt comfortable riding a bubble 10x slick Willy’s tech bubble. You are now firmly entrenched in Trumps bear market (Obama inherited one then never saw one again) BTW I sold all my freed up stock almost 4 weeks ago at the 52 week high...it was the record for one of the companies. Edit: I think the bottom of this thing is prolly 17,000-20,000 depending how long the Wuhan causes problems
  6. We went from the w’s Great Recession to 17,000 stable in his 8 years. Trump put the Obama economy on steroids and doubled the market volume in 3 years...real organic growth there pop goes the bubble and Coronavirus is not a myth
  7. Joe is not Hillary...he’s worked at the whitehouse not just lived there 7,700 was the market volume Jan 2009 when barry took office almost 17,000 when he left, how many crashes none all while increasing interest rates (good fir your savings) not artificially lowering them with unnecessary fed pressure a year ago during a dip like your bubble boy (10x bigger than .com bubble every good analyst knew up to 30% correction was coming
  8. You can look it all up trump, w, Reagan, hoover presided over the 4 worst days in the markets history rcp is hardly a liberal propaganda site
  9. Politics is not sports and life is not politics...The last 4 times the market tanked like this it was under a Republican President (2020, 2008, 1987, 1929) No one on earth right now is happy their grandparents are at risk and their retirement is in the toilet Biden has led trump head to head by mostly double digits since last April no wuhan required...midterms were 2 years prior to onset of Wuhan.
  10. fake news...The WHO just officially called it a pandemic...fake news https://apple.news/AzwFk-LX9SCy75Oa9JAlG-g Can you believe these tin-foiled Leftists: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-us-canada-51812153
  11. This is where trying to get together and win the fight with your neighbors and community could start to help. People should be using social media to offer what they have: extra n95s for collection and redistribution to pros and then back to the public anyone who can home school do it right now so the schools can stay open fir those who need them fir daycare and meals thats 2 ideas anyone else got one
  12. That’s not my chart it’s the CDC’s chart in cooperation with the Chinese...regardless if the numbers are accurate The proportions of actual deaths is obviously greater in the covid group. Also how many people report “the flu” each year, most who are not severely sick do not so those numbers are likely proportionally precise
  13. The US had a chance at quarantine last week even earlier really...once school told me to keep my kids 5-7 days for flu they were out, we have limited our movement a lot, I’ve done what I’ve been asking others to do. wife works from home travel ban started 3 weeks ago now even domestically groups of 10 in meetings is too many. You can have this thing a long time without knowing it and spreading it the entire time...the media outbreak is weeks behind the actual initial outbreak The guy I am buying land from works for the state he was trained last night in HAZMAT will be transporting specimens and yes the NY hand sanitizer was a great idea as I said before most proactive thing since China locked Wuhan down with less reported cases than Washington state
  14. No no contradictions This thing is real scary, not cause it’s gonna kill me but because it can’t be contained the suggestion is that libs love this cause it’s gonna ruin the Don..that’s ridiculous cuz biden has been beating the pres by double digits in head to head polls since last April.
  15. JM...you know this market was cruising fir a bruising: 1999 first 10,000 2010 stable at 10,000 thanks Barry 2017 stable at 17,000 thanks again Barry 2020 we nearly hit 30,000 (thanks fir pressuring the fed when we didn’t need it Don) Every dip the past 6 month most analysts were predicting correction...Wuhan corrected it alright Buy Low Sell High that’s my motto!
  16. I don’t like em atleast they showed up for work, where are all your cpac boys...staycation
  17. This is the difference...and the rate of transmission and the incubation period and the number of asymptomatic carriers (probably you)
  18. What a dope...everyone has older people in their lives and most people have retirement money in the market nobody wants this thing at all let alone to last to archery season (hunting site just remembered)
  19. Cause they locked down wuhan with 215 cases and 13 deaths...we missed that boat
  20. The hand sanatizer was a good idea I don’t care what anyone says. It was being price gouged now it’s free for NY institutions, name another proactive thing that’s been done since China locked Wuhan down with 216 case and 13 deaths
  21. Exactly, so there is no other way to prevent the spread from overwhelming the healthcare system without otherwise healthy people understanding the need for social distancing..you are doubling the flu which already taxes the system My wife is a QA Director in phase 3 CR... Re-read what I said, “won’t get sick” as in asymptomatic
  22. This is from the chief science officer of a major pharmaceutical company my wife is associated with: no one is saying we are all gonna get sick most won’t
  23. Italy is locked down...the Duomo in Milan. That’s not some fantasy land it is a western democracy. It spread from 5 brits in the alps 3 weeks ago. How bout all them wussies who brushed up against the Wuhan at CPAC...They are just gonna take a 14 day vacation with no work from home protocol fir the senate or congress who might be needed to approve a few emergency spending bills...fake news
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