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Everything posted by Husker5

  1. Looks to be a older genetically inferior buck.. definitely one to cull from the herd before he can pass it on
  2. Anyone who has the money to do so can take a trophy buck from that place, but could you really call yourself a hunter?
  3. Thats good enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck to stand straight up! It makes you wonder.
  4. I am with you on that! It seems to me that you are going by heresay. You know how stories grow from the truth. It could have started out that they shot 10 deer on that property and through the grapevine now its 80! I would also like to know where this was that that property was so overrun with deer that it was able to have 80 deer taken. That is a ridiculous amount of animals to be held on a single property, not to mention that you claim they shot every last one. I have yet to SEE 80 deer in a season!
  5. Here is my deer I got last year with the trusty ol' 30-06. First evening after first snow of the year.
  6. Husker5

    Bad News

    Dont give up... all it takes is one hunt! Good luck.
  7. What a hog! Congratulations!
  8. Looks like some kind of rabbit badger!
  9. To everyone who is getting all bent out of shape about my comment of wasting my tag, it was a joke! I'd be happy to take a deer like that any day of the week.
  10. Yes that deer was taken in Ulster County. And so was this one I got this year with the bow.
  11. Can't believe I had to waste my tag on this guy opening day! This buck comes with an interesting story. Last year on opening day in the evening, I was in my stand when a nice buck walked right beneath my stand. He must've winded me and started to walk straight away. I let an arrow fly right into his back and he took off. Long story short, I never recovered the deer and was extremely disappointed. Fast forward to this year, and I go and sit in nearly the same tree as last year, and this 9 point comes through at nearly the same time. When skinning him out the next day, this buck had a patch of hair missing on his back and a scar the size of what a 2" Rage broadhead would leave. Coincidence? More like a fairy tale ending!
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