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Posts posted by Grizz1219

  1. 1 hour ago, turkeyfeathers said:

    Well there we go. As you probably read that's my go to Just love the sweetness it makes.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Ha!!! Just went back and read your post!!! To funny... sweet sounding call for sure... Took 2nd place in a calling contest with it... lost to a calling rep so I didn't feel bad... LOL

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  2. For me... 25-06 is by far one of the best deer hunting calibers bar none... shot a lot of deer with it and the longest track job was 20 yds.. seriously... As for black bears, they have less lung capacity than deer, stay away from bone and they probably won't take a step... Welcome to the hunting community... As for tips... Patience while on stand, confidence in your stand locations and putting the time in scouting will get you more animals than any other tip... 

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  3. Awesome to see you guys still diving in!! Wife only wants to hunt 1 day a weekend.... We drive 2 hours to get to our spot so I understand her thinking... I worked birds all Saturday morning, had 3 LB's coming in at 70 yards, then the farmer did his usual thing, got him on camera every day doing this very thing all pre season, brought his tractor down to spray something in the field... birds left gobbling, went to the neighboring land, I don't have permission to hunt there... they just would not come back to my farm... left them gobbling... but we will be back this coming weekend for a rematch though!!!! LOL

  4. Who is still hunting turkeys hard??? Who's got tags??? Who's given up??? As posted, I'm tagged out but now I am calling for either my wife or my buddies 14 year old kid... I'll hunt till they are either tagged out or quit wanting to go... 

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  5. Thanks guys... So far so good... Took 2 rookies out in Ma, they both killed 3 year olds... I hunted 3 days in NY and killed 2 LB's.... total hunting days is 6, 4 birds killed, should have been 5, one kid passed... Best season start for me EVER... 

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  6. Shot a nice 2 year old opening day and then, this passed Saturday I tagged out in Ny... Started off the morning setting up with my wife to try and get her a bird, scouted this spot and last Sunday we had 6 long beards right where we set up this past Saturday. Friday night a storm system blew in, lot's of rain, wind etc... Wasn't sure how that would effect the birds but went in as planned.. Wife's got arthritis in her knee pretty bad and it was really hurting her on the way in.. I set up the decoys, got her set up and settled long before first light.. At first light the birds gobbled on the roost but not where they have been. Thinking the system moved them down a hundred yards or so into a gully. I also noted the once 6 birds were now more like 2 or 3, the flock had broken up during the week. Fly down they did gobble on the ground a bit but soon it got quiet.. Wife decided she didn't want to chase them hoping some birds would still follow their pattern and end up at our set up within an hour.. I left her some calls and took off on a run & gun hunt.. Worked my way around to another field and found birds were gobbling still on the ground, so used my crow call to keep them located and work in to where I could set up on them. Got within 70-80 yards of them, they were on another field edge or just inside the wood line I was in... Set up, broke out my slate call and they gobbled right on top of my calling.. worked 2 of them in but they walked just 30 yards away on the other side of a hill, then came in around me.. At one point they were 10 yards away drumming... I couldn't shoot because of a HUGE thorn bush behind me.. So I waited till I knew they were farther out from me and used the big oak I was leaning against to stand up.. When I did one of the Tom's saw me, putted but wasn't sure what I was... Slowly raised the Ulti Mag up, safety off, Red Dot on, found a hole to shoot through and got the red dot on the one that was strutting... He was 40 yards out and the load of #5's dumped him right over... Great bird... 3 year old, 20lbs, 9.25" thick beard with 1 1/8" spurs!!! Awesome way to finish my hunting season... 2 great birds.. 





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  7. Never seen one of these before first hand, only on line when others find them... Got 6, not a lot but I thought it was cool.... going to cook them with some turkey tenders from my opening day bird.. 




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  8. Time to go play with woods birds now though, I'll be out there Thursday I think... That's where I truly love to hunt them.. just figured as a field bird, he was seen to many times out there... someone would try to hunt him.. Why not me first day?... Now I'll go play in the woods... LOL  Taking the wife out this Saturday to see if I can put her on some birds... fingers crossed... 

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