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Posts posted by Grizz1219

  1. Been running cameras for weeks and scouting every weekend... Been watching this bird strut the same place every time... So, set up on him opening day, got in position, decoys out, all set by 4:40am.... Lot's of birds hammering on the roost, tons of Jakes by the sound of it... after fly down started working a hen with some Tom's, had her going pretty good but then she went the other way and took the boys in tow... got real quiet... But stuck to my plan, waiting on that strutter to get to this spot... 6:00am I hear a spit and drum behind me... Thinking "Am I making that up or did I really hear it?".... Then it happened again... Knew he was coming.... He walked by me at 3 yards strutting, spitting and drumming following a hen... Hair on the back of my neck was standing straight up!! LOL... Love that feeling... they worked out in front of me.... less than 10 yards but he was still in full strut and not leaving the hen... had to wait till he moved out from her and she was not in the line of fire.. When he was in strut facing away from me and the hen on the other side of his fan, I brought the gun up and waited... She went right, he turned left... 14 yards... I let the Ulti Mag bark and he was down... 20lbs, 9.5" beard and 7/8" spurs.... Nice 2 year old.... Awesome memories for sure.. especially him at 3 yards spitting and drumming... I think the circle on his neck is from the wad hitting him... Your thoughts???? 




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  2. First, buy Sawyers Spray, you can find it at any Dicks or Walmart. You will get enough to cover 2 shirts, 2 T shirts, 2 pairs of pants plus gloves, hats and head nets. Wearing rubber gloves, spray all the clothing till damp, toss into a plastic trash bag, remove as much air as you can and twist the bag closed. Let sit for 24 hours, wearing the gloves again, remove the clothes and let air dry outside. After that, wear rubber boots, tuck your pants into the boots and you will think ticks are extinct. This will last 6 to 8 weeks and through washing' s. Hope this helps.

  3. As one of the state board members of the NWTF that got a youth hunt in Massachusetts, I know we set it up so the kids would have a chance of hunting without running into other hunter's. Make it as positive an experience as they could get.. I'm sure we all have run into "those" hunters that get under our skin, tick us off, well, it was set up to have them avoid as much of that as possible... Thinking the only ones that would object would be the same people that think "He shot MY bird/deer" is a viable complaint... 

    • Like 2
  4. Get the sawyers, spray your clothing till damp, put in a plastic bag, take out as much air as you can, knot the bag, let sit for 24 hours, remove and let air dry outside.. you will think ticks are extinct... 

  5. I know I fill my doe tags during archery and BP, and will fill my reg. season tag on a doe during BP if I don't see a buck on my "hit list"... But I hunt with a lot of guys that will rarely if ever shoot a doe no matter what... Crazy to me... 

  6. 42 minutes ago, dbHunterNY said:

    seems to be the consensus for parts of region 4.  aside from albany, not sure how some neighboring WMU can have tag allocations so vastly different.  influences buck hunting a lot.

    Yeah, it's tough, I run cameras for months before the season opener and run them during the season.. I pick out the 4 oldest bucks I see and target them... but I can't tell you how many does walk by before I see 1 buck... The most we've seen in an afternoon hunting is 32 deer, 30 does, 1 spike and 1 unicorn... I'm not saying a few bucks were bringing up the rear after dark... just saying we have a lot of does and no DMP tags for 4Z... Sad.... I completely understand why someone would shoot the first legal buck during rifle season... 

  7. I can tell you in 4Z, the buck doe ratio based on my cameras running all summer and fall show a much higher buck to doe ratio... more along the lines of 1 buck to 7-8 does... But we are not given any doe permits in 4Z, no buck is safe during rifle season.. 

  8. I don't think you could get your finger down in there to cut yourself but understand your concern on them.. LOL


    Wanted a "family heirloom" I can hand down to my grand children.. I was the first hunter in my family so I am starting a tradition I hope that lasts... 

    • Like 5
  9. Always loved Damascus steel knives, always wanted one... Last year hinted to my kids and wife I wanted one for Fathers day.... Nope.. they didn't take the hint... sooo.... Been watching this guy out of Idaho post pics of his on Face Book... he posted some "African Hunters" as he called them... I talked to him... We made the deal.. so I got myself one... Love the feel of the rams horn grip, feels like it was made for my hand... Love the blade as well... Anyone else love these???? 




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  10. Best way to use this stuff is to spray the clothing till damp, put in a plastic bag, remove the air out if the bag, knot it, let sit for 24 hours.... Then remove clothing from the bag, let air dry.... You will think ticks are extinct... will last through multiple washing's as well.... 

    • Like 3
  11. I'm still wondering if the guys that are totally against AR's will continue to hunt?? To be fair, that would be the best way to hurt the pockets of the F&W dept.... For me.... I am all for the 1 buck per year rule... if you want to wait for a big buck, wait.. you want to shoot a spike.. shoot it and you are done shooting bucks for the year... I already don't shoot anything less than 6 point, prefer 8 pointers... I run cameras 4 months before the season so I have an idea on what bucks are the larger in the area and target them.. But, if my wife is hunting or another rookie.. They should be able to shoot any buck I think.. so I am not for AR's but will live with them if it happens in my zones... The one thing that needs to change is more doe permits in certain areas... We have such a high Doe to buck ratio it's hurting the herd... 

  12. Still holding their racks this late??? Seems odd... They usually drop them after the does have been bred... How is your doe to buck ratio???? if it's is a high # of does to buck, that could be why... 

  13. Any deer herd with a doe to buck ratio of more than 6 does per buck is the start of a declining herd... After that, does are bred past the December rut if at all, allowing higher #'s of fawns to be eaten by predators because they are dropped over a longer period of time. They are born 1 to 1 and bucks have a natural higher mortality rate... (Run down from the rut for example) so the closer we are to that 1:1 the better the herd will be... 

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