How does Northern Whitetail Scents compare? Let's start with basics. I own my herd and collect, bottle and ship fresh DAILY. The scent is yellow as urine should be. There is nothing added. I do not sell last years products, they are discarded or sold at the end of the season at discount. Northern Whitetail Scents collects and sells all winter and spring to larger companies who add preservatives and have it bottled, shipped and sitting on store shelves in MAY. They do not discard old product but simply put it in the back room until the next year or until it sells. Check out the all the State record bucks and more taken with Northern Whitetail Scents on the website under Testimonials. Dan Bedell was a skeptic until I sold him 'Intruder' and 'Fighting Mad' gel and he bagged a 195-1/8 BC buck here in New York just last year. Dan now graces the pages of many magazines just like others across the country who have tried and now believe in fresh scent.
How do I know the buck wasn't coming by anyways? Test sights (in and out of our pens and across the country and Canada) were used as 'mock scrapes' and monitored. All of a sudden new paths were worn, the 'mock scrape' was torn up, double the size and really stunk; the rub was seriously abused and used and the licking branch was gone and a new one started.
Northern Whitetail Scents collects, bottles and sells to order not bottled sitting on a shelf waiting for you to order. Fresh from the deer to your door!