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About gruffian

  • Birthday 10/03/1958

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rutland, VT

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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    Ruger 7mm-08 Hawkeye
  • Bow
    Mathews eZ7
  • HuntingNY.com
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  1. Oct 15, 16 and 17 unless I tag one before then

  2. Hey gfdeputy2, No I did not make it out there this past winter but I have a couple of bow hunting trips scheduled in mid to late October. I'm staying in Bath. Probably will do quite a bit of scouting and a couple of afternoon sits. I'm sure there is a big learning curve on where to set up. Here in VT it's been an abnormally dry summer and I assume the same for Hi-Tor area. Much of the mast is already dropping and it's very widespread making it hit or miss when hunting in Oaks. Any suggestions for a first timer?
  3. When hiking into a spot/treestand, I always use the double sling and do not have the crossbow cocked. From my experience, being able to get an accurate shot off while hiking to a stand is very rare (for me anyways) and not worth taking the chance of tripping and possibly falling on the bolt. I do not still hunt with my crossbow and if I did, would probably carry it cocked and loaded with a bolt.......
  4. Hey peepsight, Did you try your double sling yet? Not sure what brand I have but it looks just like the one in the picture. I use a piece of styrofoam like (one end) in the attached picture and put my fore grip in the middle and just attach with a small bungee. Helps the fore grip from digging into your back and also help with the rocking back and forth. Sorry so late but I've been away from the forums for a while.
  5. Hey, thanks for the info. I assumed most areas would be hunted hard during gun season. I like bowhunting because there is "usually" less competition for spots. When trying to find new spots, particularly when you have to drive 3-4 hours, the help is very much appreciated!
  6. I bought 2 Stealthcam's from Sportsman's Guide for under $50.00 each. I've used both for 2 years so far without any issues. Video too.
  7. Well, I think I'm going to put off hiking this weekend. Supposed to be in the single digits during the day! I'll wait for a warmer weekend
  8. Thanks for the clarification Elmo and thanks for the info martin. I appreciate it!
  9. Didn't realize I needed a permit to hike public land in Orange County. Wow! Berne County....that's Albany right? I hadn't really considered it because I figured that if I'm going to drive 2 hours, I might as well drive 3 or 3-1/2 hours and hunt areas with higher deer densities.....at least that's what I've read. Have you hunted Berne? Any suggestions?
  10. I am looking at Steuben, Yates, Livingston, Madison, Delaware and Orange counties. Heading to yates this weekend but I have no experience with any of these areas........
  11. I use a (double shoulder) sling and just carry my treestand with my hand. Found this to be easier than the other way around. Also with the double shoulder sling, because the fore grip on my Stryker crossbow made it tilt back and forth (banging on each shoulder), I put a piece of dense foam rubber about 12" long to make a "T" across my fore grip. This keeps the crossbow more stable on my back. I use this set-up when I'm hiking in to hang a stand and hunt from it same day. Any way you do it, carrying a crossbow is a pain in the %*ss!
  12. gruffian


    57 yrs old. Tagged along with my Dad starting at age 8 and been hunting on my own since age 12 (45 years). My first gun was a 22 Remington pump. My Dad bought me a used Springfield Model 1903 in 30-06 on my 14th birthday. At age 16 I inherited my Dad's Savage Model 99F. I still have the Savage but do not hunt with it. Have been bow hunting since I was 23 and that's been my passion ever since.
  13. Hello to All, I’m new to these boards. I’m an old fart bow hunter from Vermont looking to hunt more of New York this year. I spend a lot of time in the Lake George Region Adirondacks area. I’m looking to hike some new areas in Region 3. Been down to Deposit in Delaware County fly fishing the Delaware and it looks like the area holds some deer. Was wondering if anyone could offer advice for Bow Hunting on public land. Does public land get a lot of pressure during the bow season? I’m sure it does for gun. Anyone hunt Kerryville State Forrest? Any advice on this area or any other public lands would be appreciated
  14. Hello to All, I’m new to these boards. I’m just an old dog bow hunter from Vermont looking to hunt more of New York this year. I spend a lot of time in the Lake George Region Adirondacks although I’ve not tagged a buck there in a few years. I’m looking to hike some new areas in Region 3 (looking at Orange County but open to ideas!) and was wondering if anyone could offer advice for Bow Hunting on public land. Does public land get a lot of pressure during the bow season? I’m sure it does for gun. Anyone hunt Pochuck Mountain State Forrest? Can a bow hunter avoid being run over by fellow sportsmen trying their luck?
  15. Hey thanks for the info guys. Are these areas all wooded? Any places where they border ag land? Hadn't considered Harriett Hollister Spencer Park. Is hunting allowed there?
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