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About 607 HUNTER

  • Birthday 09/09/1986

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  • Hunting Location
    Allegany County
  • Hunting Gun
  • Bow
    Bear Agenda 6

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  1. 120- I wish !!! Never seen an IPO increase so much prior to release. The rich got richer today, I bought in as soon as it opened at 245, sold at 300. Bought back in at 240, set to sell at 300 again. I can see a big correction coming, not sure when though.
  2. SNOW is coming to the market tomorrow. This is the piebald opportunity. Good luck
  3. Hunting and stocks, this is my kind of forum ! Scrolled the last few pages, seems like most comments are about Tesla, hope many of you fellow hunters cashed in on Telsa also. I bought in the day Tesla announced there split, and am up 70% on my investment. Thoughts/ predictions on Amazon doing a share split ?? Makes a lot of sense to me ( Being competitive with Apple and Tesla, making the stock more affordable, increasing change of joining the S and P 500, and capitalize on all the extreme growth Telsa and Apples stock just had when announcing there split) . I would like to be in Amazon before the announcement of a split if my hypothesis is correct. My prediction is a substantial split 10-1 range before black friday 2020. Anyone else have similar or opposing prediction ?
  4. Best of luck ! Very cool you saw elk everyday, you have quite the hot spot. I would love to go 1st Rifle, but I am hooked on 2nd rifle so I could hunt Mule deer and Elk.
  5. Thanks !! What a trip, I am hooked. I am 100% returning next year, I am confident I can get a bigger mule deer and I am very confident I will get a shot at an elk. If you want to switch areas my way let me know, I know we were extremely close already. I found great Elk sign in a deep valley surround by a large canyon the day before leaving. Next year there will be a 9 day break between 1st and 2nd rifle for the first time, I am really excited to see how that affects the movement !
  6. Back to NY, what a trip it was. Where I hunted was Vail, Colorado. Second Rifle, I was there for 5 days. 2 of the 5 days we got over a foot of snow on the Mountain I was hunting, it was very tough getting to my hunting spot( extremely bumpy steep seasonal road/cliffs next to the road with 50 foot drops) , let alone hiking through that much snow. Opening morning I knew a big storm was coming in the following day, I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it back to my spot the remaining 4 days. So I really wanted to get harvest a buck as soon as possible, I hiked about 25 minutes in the dark as the sun started coming up I found a valley with open pines that connected to a dense hill side of pines. I sure picked a lucky spot, it looked like a funnel and it was. With in minutes of sitting down I had a group of 10 does come right out of the dense pines, with out knowing the area and seeing 10 deer so fast I decided I was going to sit on this hill side all day. I ended up not needing to sit all day, at 9:30 a.m. a group of 6 bucks came running through the bottom of the hill. I had enough time to put them all in my scope, I picked out the biggest buck which was the last buck of the group. He had the tallest tines and whitest snout, I shot him at 130 yards and dropped him in his tracks. Upon butchering him I had 15 other deer come out of the pines, it was quite the spot. I sat there the rest of the day to see if any Elk would come through, no luck. Continuing the next 4 days I hiked endless miles looking for an Elk or Bear, I came across 1 set of bear tracks. I saw approx 50 mule deer, 1 buck was bigger then the one I shot ( he was a true trophy) the rest were all does or smaller bucks then what I harvested. I didn't see any elk, the last day I found a hill side extremely steep and only had access from the hunting ground. There was a canyon on the other side of this valley, so the only access was from my direction and sure enough it was loaded with fresh Elk tracks in the snow. A storm rolled in extremely fast, so I was only able to watch the valley for about a half hour on the last evening. I am hooked ! Mule deer were very fun to hunt, and now I am very confident I found a good hill side to find Elk. I will be back !! I am going to try to return in 2020
  7. That looks like a really cool ranch, and a fair price. I didn't see your post on there, how did you make out ?
  8. Hey Biz sorry haven't been online, I leave Thursday. The hunt begins this Saturday, I have hardly been sleeping I am so excited LOL.
  9. While gheesh, wheres my Birthday love moog5050? J/P ...Good luck this fall, I am on cloud 9 tonight.
  10. Thank you All ! Was not expecting to see this on here, I just done writing thanks to every one on facebook. Got to love the hunting community, so much support ! I met a couple nice hunter neighbors by my new property this past weekend, looking forward to making some memories with them over the years. 22 Days away until the season opener for bow for me, and 40 days until opening day in Colorado for me- being 33 is starting off pretty sweet if you ask me ! Be safe and happy hunting huntingny friends.
  11. How exciting, we are actually talking about that for the next trip. Best of luck, a nice pronghorn sure would change the look of any room !
  12. Congrats on your success ! Just like everything else, the rates sure have gone up I am into $1300 in tags. I actually registered my NY Hunter safety course with CO so I won't need to carry it, thank you for that info though I feel like many don't know that info. I am really excited to try Mule deer, I am sure hope its not that Sagey, but we will see !
  13. HA Yup.. the guys I am going with hunted in Pagosa Springs 3 years ago. Two of the guys they went with each shot a bull in a very steep canyon as they described, they contacted every person they could with horses and no one would bring there horses down there. They ended up finding someone with a helicopter who picked up there Elk's and brought them back for them. I sure hope I don't need a helicopter, and the plan is to pack everything out. But I would like to have a couple number of outfitters or pack elk out who do it for extra cash once I arrive in town incase the situation arrises I need some assistance.
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