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Bigfoot 327

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by Bigfoot 327

  1. This is a lie. If they were really looking for input they would let all stakeholders participate! Instead they will send out their surveys according to some libtard  formula (DEC probably paid Cornell to come up with it). I would be willing to bet that less than 10% of the people on this forum will receive a survey. So, if you have an opinion, DEC probably isn't going to get it.

  2. NYS banned nunchucks in 1974. Federal Judge Pamela Chen recently invalidated NY's law ruling that their use/possession was protected under the 2nd amendment and the right to self defense. Judge Chen is an Obama appointee and her district is in Brooklyn. Go figure. Good to see judges that actually follow the constitution and Supreme Court decisions. http://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/19/nyregion/nunchuks-ban-overturned-new-york.html

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  3. He is facing three charges:

    1) illegal taking of protected wildlife , penalty could be up to a $250 fine or up to 15 days in jail or both

    2) illegal taking of wild birds, penalty could be up to a $250 fine or up to 15 days in jail or both

    3) illegal taking of a bald eagle, penalty for a first offense is up to a $5,000 fine or up to 90 days in jail or both

    I hope the town justice makes an example of him!


  4. 35 minutes ago, Dom said:

    Can I ask what area not the town nor address? I live in co-op other than water we pay for our supply.They have natural gas down in town but no propane.I'm just asking cause if I didn'e know where my shut off valve was then I wuold be nearvous as heck

    Niece lives in Cortland County. 

    I have a friend/contractor that lives in Schuyler County and swears by his co-op (this is not the same one that the niece belongs to). If there is one in your area, you  should be able to find it with an internet search.

  5. If it were me I would check to see if there is a propane "co-op" in your area. Not available in the county that I live in, but I know a couple people in other counties that belong to co-ops and could not be more pleased. Wife's niece owns 1000  gallon tank and buys years worth of propane each summer when the price is low. They heat their house, pool, water and cook with propane. Her unit price is a fraction of what I pay.

  6. I take one for the freezer off of my 38 acres which is about all we need for the year. Anything after that is gifted to relatives or donated to the venison coalition. I could probably take 20 a year and it wouldn't make a difference to the local population.

    The two parcels to my west (excellent whitetail habitat) total 209+ acres and they don't allow any hunting. During the gun season most of "my" deer spend the daylight hours on those neighboring properties and cruise my property at night. So, it is hard to make the case that hunting is controlling the deer population in my area.

    The first week of November I saw 8 different bucks visiting a scrape on my back lawn!

    I do not doubt that there are bucks that die of old age on those neighboring properties.

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  7. I am not looking to start a discussion about climate change or global warming with any of the sky is falling types out there, but I think it is very note worthy that  this year is my 50TH year hunting deer in NY and it is the only year where we have had snow cover on each and every day of the regular season! We used to feel lucky to hunt one or two days in the snow. As I get old I can't tolerate the cold like I used to. I don't know how much of this "global warming" I can take.

  8. On two occasions I have shot coyotes at first light and taken bucks from the same stand later the same morning.

    If you have a concentration of coyotes in the area the deer will move out for a few days. Because you have half a small deer left I have to believe that you have a limited yote population feeding at that location. A large pack of yotes can clean up a small deer in a day or less. Then again, you may have multiple gut piles in your greater area, so the yotes are probably fat and happy. 

  9. 2 hours ago, G-Man said:

    Hair and stomach material is left. That is good evidence.now if they had tip on someone baiting with corn and asked to see gut pile and there is no corn for miles and stomach is packed only with corn... see how it works?

    I live in an area where farms are going out, but I have no doubt that almost every deer visits the few remaining corn fields on a regular basis. I set up as much as 1,000 yards from the nearest cornfield, but I have had great luck intercepting bucks returning from their nightly visits to the fields as they head to their bedding areas. In my area their is no area where there is "no corn for miles".

    I checked the area of my last gut pile this afternoon. The yotes had even removed a pair of bloody latex gloves which I had inadvertently left behind. Sometimes they leave the stomach pouch, but I couldn't find it. I would probably have a hard time convincing a LEO that I really gutted a deer there!  I don't think their finding a little blood or hair would be evidence of baiting.

    BTW, I never (EVER) gut my deer anywhere near the kill site. Why would I purposely draw yotes into a prime deer area?

  10. If asked by a LEO to see a gut pile I would probably laugh my butt off. Such a waste of time. Yotes/foxes remove almost 100% of the evidence overnight. Perhaps there would be a few spots of blood left- nothing left from the doe I harvested last week due the heavy rain and 14 inches of snow melt.

    For what it's worth, every deer I have ever checked, (either accidently or on purpose) has had corn in it. And no, I have never baited.

  11. 5 hours ago, sits in trees said:

    Leaving the state I love because I can't have an AR15 is nuts. I still have all the guns I need and carry concealed every day. Yep taxes are high but I've been to other states and from what I'm seeing NY has got them beat by a huge margin. The south has lots of evenly spread poverty so when you leave that really nice gated community with all NYers in it your going to see dirt assed Poo white and otherwise folk everywhere. Not to mention alot of these republican run shangrila states are crawling with stupid people and drugged up trash. NY has got it all. I like winter, I hate heat and the spring and falls are great. Could never live in a state with 6 months of oppressive heat every year.

    Hunting here is awesome and the seasons are very liberal. Hell deer season will be over soon and in 4 quick months TURKEYS!

    Now for the serious stuff. You get paid more in NY for whatever you do than anywhere else. The healthcare and education in NY is second to none. NY is leading the way in affordable quality healthcare. Your real estate is worth more here than anywhere else. 

    I'm a realist and won't find myself sorry for leaving this state like to many others I know. I don't think just anyone should be able to buy a handgun and carry. I don't think the general public needs access to high capacity capable semi auto firearms. I won't live in a state where the NRA has your politicians bent over a barrel and stop legislation for things like stopping private sales of firearms to any nut who wants to buy one.

    Yep I'll be staying right here in NY

    While I disagree with almost everything you say, I can see that the NY you live in isn't the NY I live in. 

    You are happy that you can concealed carry every day. I can't do that in the county I live in. The judges here will issue a restricted permit here, but unless your job requires concealed carry (LEO's and security work) you have virtually NO CHANCE of obtaining a CC here.

    Crime is rampant here. There are two separate unsolved murders within two miles of my place. A neighbor was the victim of an armed (illegal handgun) home invasion by a druggie after cash for his next fix. The State Police swat team recently raided a house within 500 yards of my place and arrested the occupants for heroin sale and possession. Meth use is rampant. I have traveled all 50 states and the drug problem here is as bad as any place except maybe some inner cities.

    If it sounds like I live in some big city, I don't. I live in a rural township of about 4,000 people.

    The statement that " Your real estate is worth more here than anywhere else" might be true where you live, but that's not the case here. This year the assessed value of my land was reduced from $2,000/acre to $1,400/acre. My land sits on top of 700+ feet of natural gas bearing shale and there is Trenton/Black River gas below that. Thanks to King Andy's fracking ban and my local township's ban on mineral exploration my mineral rights are worth nothing. I would be lucky to sell my place period, let alone get a good buck for it.

    There are places in the South that have deer, bear, turkeys and yes: brook, brown and rainbow trout. And no Cuomo!

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  12. 5 hours ago, wolc123 said:

    Because it is a meat-hunter's paradise.   I can't even imagine another state where it would be half as easy to live a subsistance lifestyle, off the fat of the woodlands and waters,  and none have a better climate or scenery (I can take the cold a lot better than the heat).   Watching them reality shows from Alaska, it looks like even those folks usually struggle to get enough meat to last thru the winter.   I am thankful for our high taxes, and semi-disfunctional politics.   Without that, the traffic would be a lot worse on the roads and the competition would be much greater for our abundant fish and wildlife.  Some of that tax money goes towards feeding the poor, disabled, and elderly and I have no problem with that.   The gun laws don't bother me because I have little use for a semi-auto or pistol anyhow.  I would be happy with a bolt-action if they ever come for my Ruger 10/22.    Heaven will be, but certainly no place on earth will be better than living in upstate NY.    Those who are thinking the grass is greener someplace else might be in for a rude awakening.   

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you think that because you don't care about semi's and pistols you will be isolated from the coming gun restrictions you are horribly mistaken. Andrew has already promised a "red flag" law (the courts will take your guns at the drop of a hat if they think you are a danger) , you can expect to see gun storage laws where you will be expected to keep your guns under lock and key, you may be required to have liability insurance on your guns, you may be required to register that bolt action, and how do background checks on ammo purchases sound? Andy has also promised a ban on bump stocks. I'm sure they have other tricks up there sleeves. You can bet some of this stuff will be on the books by the end of January.

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