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Bigfoot 327

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Posts posted by Bigfoot 327

  1. Sorry, I can't make the link work. Hunter was tangled in his harness and hanging upside down. He was found by another hunter by dumb luck. Apparently no one even knew he was missing. He was reported to be in critical condition. Rescuers brought in a bucket truck to get him down. He was about 30ft. off the ground. 

  2. 14 hours ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    I actually try to get mine to sink in to the first step.  Makes it even more stable. 

    This is a great idea. However, it is not feasible where I hunt. I would need a pile driver to sink my stands to the first step!

    I used to have a cheap ladder stand (set up on a friend's property) that sank in during the course of the season. It got to the point where the ladder was actually suspended from platform.....pretty scary situation. I have never had the legs sink in with any degree of predictability, usually one leg sinks in more than the other. I much prefer, using a board (plank) to provide a stable base and have never had any issues with it. I guess I could hollow out a couple spots on the plank to eliminate any possibility of slippage.

    I buy stands rated for 300lbs. even though I weigh 210. Overkill? Maybe. But, that's what I'm comfortable with. Also, I buy stands with large platforms. It gives me the flexibility to move around a little bit if needed and adds to my comfort.

  3. Home invasions can happen without warning and take any of us by surprise......A neighbor of mine was puttering around in his basement workshop when his wife called for him to come upstairs. Upon arriving in his living room he was greeted by the sight of a thug holding his wife at gun point. Despite a house full of guns, he was totally defenseless. The crook asked for money and the home owners wisely complied. Thug left. Crook ran past a gas station on the way to his car and was "caught" on tape. Cops picked him up within hours sitting at mickey d's in his car doing drugs....

    Bad guy got a slap on the wrist and will back on the street soon.

    Couple has their house on the market and they are kissing NY good bye.

    Wife and I have a code word. If she calls to me and uses that word, I will be ready!

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  4. 7 hours ago, Steuben Jerry said:

    Illegal as can't do it with a crossbow in early October at night with the aid of a light, over bait, and from a motorized vehicle, or just plain illegal?

    Flat out illegal. Story goes that the folks that believe this crap asked then DEC Commissioner Martens to formulate regulations to protect bigfoot. His office replied that it was already illegal under existing rules. A Google search under "is it illegal to shoot bigfoot in NYS" will provide more details than anyone really needs. 

    I guess when I shoot one I will have to claim self defense...………...

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  5. Lodi on Seneca Lake got hammered hard. 50 people had to be rescued near Lodi State Park. Official rainfall total was 6.4 inches for Lodi. Spotters reported 8.75 inches for both Valois and Dresden. Some cars and travel trailers were reportedly washed into the lake. Governor what's his face toured the area this morning for his photo op. National Guard has been called out and 14 NY counties have been declared disaster areas.

    Seneca Lake was reported to have risen 10 inches in 9.5 hours!

    I live about 30 miles SE of Lodi. We also dodged a bullet. I had 1.75 inches in my rain gauge. I would not be surprised to take a buck with webbed hooves this year!

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  6. I may have built a few of the parts on your Ithaca. I worked there as a milling machine operator prior to my military service for about a year 1970-71. My starting hourly wage was $2.08 with $.08 shift differential. Most of my labor was piece work, so the goal was to make a lot more. And yes, those were union shop wages.

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  7. Recurve, compound, car, truck and shotgun. One time while hunting I heard a commotion in a creek bottom and walked over to investigate. A young lad had wounded a small  buck and run out of ammo. He was trying to finish off the hapless criiter by throwing small boulders at it. Fellow would not let me shoot "his deer". After several minutes I was able to talk him into using one of my slugs. I didn't realize until today that he was after the coveted "took deer by boulder" designation.

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