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Bigfoot 327

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by Bigfoot 327

  1. Depends on what the guy ahead of you is doing. If he is also still hunting move 100 yards to the left or right (depending on the cover) and continue your hunt. You will see deer that he moves. An amazing number of deer will simply move out of the path of an approaching hunter and circle back after the hunter passes. They will concentrate on him and be inattentive in your direction. In addition, most still hunters move way to fast- he's probably going to walk away from you and leave you in the dust anyway!

    If the guy is on stand then you need to skirt the area he is in and continue on.

  2. I wear camo all of the time in NY when on stand. If I am walking or hunting state land I wear a reverseable camo beanie turned to the blaze orange side. Too many idiots out there. In PA I add a blaze orange vest to meet the requirement.

    I have found it be important that the material be quiet (like fleece) and not shine. 

    • Like 1
  3. Timber report is only as good as the person (forester I hope) that did it.

    DEC has stumpage reports on line. You can look these up to see how much average prices have changed over time. I believe some species have gone down and some have gone up. In timber sales, timing counts for a lot.

    Prices are heavily dependent on export demand. The Chinese are THE major purchaser of our exported timber. That market has soured of late.

    If you buy the place I would suggest you consult with a reputable forester to develop a management plan that takes your goals in mind. Avoid a once and done cut at all costs and you can probably have a harvest every 10-15 years.

    Also, it's nice to have windmill income, but there also things to be aware of. In my township the law reads that you can't build within so many feet of a windmill- even if it's not on your property! Windmills can depress property values and some people believe their are health issues related to living close to windmills. Don't know what you're intended purpose for property is, it sounds to me like you have a lot to consider.

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  4. My mineral lease used to provide me with $900/year income. Plus I am sitting on 89ft of Marcellus Shale and 600+ ft of Utica shale (from well logs on a neighbors property). They hit gas 200 ft from my property line. Due to Cuomo the well was abandoned and plugged.

    Cuomo took that money right out of my pocket with his fracking ban.

    One of my sons worked a high paying job ( $80K a year plus overtime) in the drilling industry. That's good money for the Horseheads area. This job killing Dem made that job go away. He makes about half that now working for Corning Inc and is lucky to make that in this area.

    Any mention that andy has kept local taxes down with his property tax cap is pure BS. County taxes are mostly the result of NYS refusal to pay for Medicaid (most other states pay for the full Medicaid cost at the state level). Eliminate state mandates and property taxes would plummet providing real property tax relief.

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  5. 10 hours ago, wildcat junkie said:

    If you don't have time to make the 1st shot count, how will you have time for a "follow up shot"?

    Of the 50 or more deer I have killed over the last 35 years or so, I have had to shoot 2 a 2nd time. One was after I walked up on him as he was crawling away with a broken back. The other after I clipped the tops of the shoulder blades on a close jump shot. That 2nd deer was shot with a traditional muzzleloader using a patched round ball and real black powder. I was able to reload and put another ball through the back of his head from the same spot where was standing when I made the 1st shot.

    When I started hunting deer in Southern Indiana in the late 1970s, I opted for the greater accuracy of muzzleloaders over the shotguns available at that time. Make the 1st shot count and you won't need another.

    I most instances I would agree that with "Make the first shot count and you won't need another", however I can remember at least one time when that really wasn't the case.

    Friend bought a ML and was itching to get a deer with it. We put on a drive through a postage stamp piece of woods right behind a neighbors house. (Standers were a proper and safe distance from the house). Friend was on stand near a barn watching an open field. Drive worked far better than most.....A large doe exited the patch of woods and went straight to the friend who drilled it with the ML from 15 yards. He looked up after shooting to see the buck of a lifetime -a 180-200 class B+C buck bearing down on him! The buck came to an abrupt stop at 20 yards, briefly leered at the friend fumbling to reload, and left for parts unknown like it had been shot out of a cannon. We never saw the buck again nor did we ever hear of it being harvested.

    Friend gave the ML to one of his sons and he never hunted with one again.

    • Like 1
  6. I hope everyone remembers that Cuomo pardoned 3 time cop killer Herman Bell and restored his voting rights (along with 24,086 other felons in NY). Bell lured NYPD officers Joseph Piagentin and Waverly Jones to a housing project and gunned  them down in cold blood! Several months later he joined in a Black Liberation Army hit on a San Francisco cop.

    Not only did the Cuomo's parole board let this animal out, but Cuomo pardoned him so that he could fully return to society!

    This makes me sick!

    Sorry! I don't share Cuomo's values.....and he will never get my vote.

    • Like 1
  7. Even though Cuomo crushed Nixon in the primary it is important to note that many Democrats aren't happy with Prince Andy. He won mostly due to strong downstate support. Upstate dems dissatisfaction showed as Andy lost Schenectady, Tompkins, Otsego, Schoharie, Greene, Columbia, Washington, Fulton, Renselaer, Saratoga, Lewis, Montgomery and Albany Counties. A few of these he lost by 2:1 margins.

    Molinaro is unlikely to pick up many of these voters (IMHO) but a significant number may just vote for one of the third party candidates instead of voting their party line. Food for thought- time will tell.

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  8. On the first day I am always in my stand way before daylight. I love to watch the woods wake up and would not dream of sleeping in. One year a coyote came through at 6:05 AM and due to a clear sky and a slight snow I had no trouble making the shot (legal on coyote, but would have been illegal on deer). This would been about an hour before legal start time. I had also on occasion watched bucks approaching through open hardwoods and had to hold my fire until the legal start time. I'm not talking a minute or two, once it was 20 minutes. Never had a slammer come by early, so I haven't been tempted. In fact all of my big bucks have been taken near lunch time.

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  9. 13 minutes ago, Four Season Whitetail's said:

    That buck could be confused with a high fence deer. Not saying that it is but all those rounded points are something that show up on bigger bucks that feed head down in feeders.  Neat buck either way.

    Several tight lipped local bowhunters (including a official scorer) knew of the deer's existence prior to it's being taken. Definitely not a farm raised deer. Several sanctuaries including a state park are close to where it was taken on private land.

  10. I hunt with the same technology (even the same gun) that I had in 1968. Only thing that is different for me is that the treestands are light years ahead of what we had back in the day. No cell phone service where I live, but I wouldn't own one if I did.

    This buck was taken a few miles from where I live a couple of years ago. I didn't know he existed until he showed up on FB. 


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  11. I had a pistol permit when I was stationed on Oahu during the early 1970's. It said right on the permit that it could be revoked at any time by either the: county sheriff, military commander of the island, or the governor.

    Did you know that pineapples make great targets? LOL

  12. 1 hour ago, turkeyfeathers said:

    Back to car. Things to do. Pulled cam card. Thought I saw 8 but looking like 7 now. Happened fast Sorta big body on him. What’s the giant mass in front ? Maybe should have zipped him. I don’t know lol dabcbcbf35a4b06e4fba4d2637a84009.png1af98fd4922bd58bab724942272903d3.png

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Given the location of the mass it could also be possible that he impaled himself on stick (while running) which broke off inside him and became encased in scar tissue. Doesn't happen very often, but I have seen it before.

  13. 6 hours ago, fasteddie said:

    They used that damn thing to give shots when I was in the Marine Corps . If they didn't have it close enough to your arm , it hurt like hell . 

    When was in the Army I was waiting in line to get my shot.  A fellow ahead of me moved his arm at the wrong time and the gun opened up a nasty horizontal cut about 2 inches long that instantly bled like a stuck pig. I actually looked forward to shots with old fashioned needles after that!

  14. Some years ago while hunting a state forest I ran into a posted property line.

    The signs said something like:

    Game Reserve

    No trespassing for any purpose. Area under electronic surveillance.

    Daily fee to hunt of $200 applies.

    If caught trespassing you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and sued for the daily fee of $200 plus triple damages.

    Then the owners name and address were listed.


    Needless to say I was careful to stay on the state land.


  15. I am reluctant to disagree with the hundreds of years of solid deer hunting experience on this board, but I know several bow hunters that waited an hour or so to track their deer and had NOTHING except the rack to recover due to Wily E Coyote! Would I wait 2 hours? Probably not. Times have changed. Then again, my recent deer harvests have all been one shot gun kills at standing or slowly walking deer from 5 t0 20 yards. So tracking isn't something that I need to do.

  16. 18 hours ago, G-Man said:

    was only 50 yards or so past where i got my bear few years ago..onlt 100 yards or so behind house..crazy 13 bear seen same area ove last 8 years.

    G-Man, any thoughts on why the bears find this area so attractive?  Also, if you have food plots do the bears use them? I would be happy to see just one!

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