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WNY Bowhunter

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNY Bowhunter

  1. Hard to say with only one photo to go by... I believe he'll be hard pressed to hit the 140 mark. His brows are really weak so he's gonna have to go on what's basically a huge 6-pt. frame. Still a really great stateland buck!!!
  2. That's a pretty nice deer. Good luck with him!
  3. I wish it were mine, then I could try to manage it better! Unfortunately, all of the property that I hunt is either owned by family or friends and I'm sure not the only one who's out trying to fill tags during deer season.
  4. It is...but all of it gets hunted hard, especially during firearms season! Drive hunting is the most popular method to move deer around here which sends them looking for security on all the posted ground where most people can't get to. The opening weekend of gun season around here is pure chaos. I much prefer the tranqulity of bowseason.
  5. You'll see deer alright, but they'll be hauling tail trying to get out of the sea of blaze orange!!!
  6. C'mon, everyone knows that there aren't any big bucks here in Region 8...
  7. This year should be a good one...last season's buck take was pretty bleak around here (that's a good thing).
  8. We'll see how that goes. The first step to tagging a big buck is that you need to be hunting where there are some. At the same time, the old addage of "they're big for a reason" holds true because there is virtually no QDM being practiced in these parts and these bucks are living in the WMU in the state with the high deer take per square mile. They're not easy, I assure you!!!
  9. I promise you...he's BIG!!! It keeps getting better...I located another impressive bachelor group tonight feeding out in an alfalfa field on a neighboring farm that I can hunt too. The biggest is a beautiful 140+ class 10-pt that I found sheds from this past spring. He put on some serious inches since last year. There's another really nice 8-pt, a bruiser of a 6-pt and several other nice 2 year old 8-pts. I'm gonna throw a camera up here this weekend too. There sure are some great looking bucks running around this year. I can't wait for October to get here!!!
  10. He's a pretty nice buck...but nothing compared to the one that I'm currently trying to get pics of!!!
  11. I check mine twice a week (in the mornings so my scent has 9-10 hours to burn off before the deer start to come out to feed). I like to check my cams frequently because I don't want them to hang in one spot for several weeks if the spot is unproductive. All of my cameras are set up along fields so I can catch the deer feeding in the evenings and at night. I don't step foot into the woods or disturb thier bedding areas at all while making my rounds. The deer are not bothered at all by this...
  12. I check them twice a week in the mornings so my scent has 9-10 hours to burn off before the deer come out to feed. I like to check my cams frequently because I don't want them to hang in one spot for several weeks if the spot is unproductive. All of my cameras are set up along fields so I can catch the deer feeding in the evenings and at night. I don't step foot into the woods or disturb thier bedding areas at all while making my rounds. The deer are not bothered at all by this...
  13. Well, not much on today's check other that does, fawns and scrubs. I moved 2 cameras to the property where the monster is...can't wait to pull my first set of pics on saturday!!!
  14. Just wait 'til l gets pics of the BIG one...he looks like something that escaped from Lee & Tiffany's farm!!!
  15. Honestly, I don't even know what to make of this offer...
  16. Believe it or not, there is virtually no "deer management" being practiced around my hunting area. Our deer see as much hunting pressure as any in the state. Luckily, they have a lot of cover and a decent number of bucks are able to make it through a few hunting seasons.
  17. Moved my camera this morning. I had a few nice daytime pics...
  18. Believe me, I need all the help I can get...lol.
  19. It's nothing fancy, just plain old red clover hay. If you think that these bucks are nice you should see the bachelor group that I just saw on the way home from work bedded out in another cover field about a half mile from these guys. There were 5 bucks...three big ones, one really BIG one and one HUGE one. The buck in my avatar (aka Big Boy) is an absolute giant this year...couldn't tell how many points, but he's got one of the biggest frames that I've ever seen on the hoof. What a bruiser... . I know where a couple of cams are going up on saturday!!!
  20. These are right after it gets dark. I'm gonna move my cam closer to the bedding area this weekend.
  21. A few more. The buck in the background to the left is "Little Freak-Nasty", my double dropper from last year. Can't tell too much about him from the pics other than he looks pretty good. It's the first time I've got him on my cams this summer. Hopefully, he'll stop by again and give me some better photos...
  22. These guys are both two year olds and not quite shooters yet. Looks like they've got some potential though...
  23. Finally, I had some good action on my #1 cam set-up!!! Still seeing lots of fat/bulby tines so they've got some growing to do yet. This buck is a 3 year old and will be on the hitlist this fall despite his screwed up right antler... The buck on the right is also a 3 year old making him fair game this fall too...
  24. I'm still undecided on them. They may help in the eastern half of the state...but a 3-pt. rule will do nothing here in WNY if the goal is to produce more/bigger bucks. What we need is more ECO officers!!!
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