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About backstrapper

  • Birthday 02/14/1970

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    stone ridge ny

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  1. It's us versus us versus them. It should be us versus them. Actually there should be no 'them' but that's a pipe dream.
  2. This 'in' fighting is playing right into the anti's hands. It's a shame.
  3. Since it';s our tax dollar I would hope the rancher had to prove what killed it, don't you?
  4. Hopefully they widen the specifics on what they consider disabled. As I read it form that link THAT SUCH PERSON IS PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE OF ARM MOVEMENT SUFFICIENT TO RELEASE A BOW Sounds pretty much like what use to qualify for "disabled", basically a quad. I'm hoping my neighbor with Parkinsons can now bow hunt again and my other neighbor that was in a motorcycle accident and has chronic pain and bolts in his hand can too.
  5. Refresh my memory, who won that game?
  6. Now that's what I'm talking about!!
  7. NYRB It appears that might have been an isolated incindent if you go to scopes site they list some of the laws you mentioned and they opposed them. http://www.scopeny.org/anti-gun-legislation.html As far as the NRA goes I believe ( I could be wrong) that most of their lobbyiung for us happens on the national level. As I said before we need groups repping us locally, on the state level and on the national level.
  8. FYI THis convert always reports his kills, when he's lucky to get some.
  9. @ Doc that makes sense. sitting back and reading your response I'd have to say I' just changed my point of view. If someone isn't willing to take 2-5 minutes to make a call or go online to help better manage our deer herds they deserve a fine. Most of us have the time to spend countless hours and days in the woods and on the water so we all have 2-5 minutes to help manage the herd, and the liars, well they'll always be there, nothing we can do about that. Now I can finally make my corny joke. If you just ask, "what's up Doc?" You will find out ;D
  10. What's to prevent someone from reporting they didn't take a deer even if they did? Not sure I get the benefit of calling up to say I didn;t get one. How tough is, call if you take a deer, if you don't call then you didn't take a deer? Kind of like, hey call me Friday if you want to go fishing SUnday. If you don;t call then you're not interested. KISS Kiss It Simple Stupid (not calling anyone here stupid, it's just a saying)
  11. http://www.nraila.org/legislation/read.aspx?id=4560 http://www.nysrpa.org/ Just a couple of things the NRA has been involved in here in NY. Can we really have too many people/orginizations fighting for our gun rights? I believe it helps to have both local and national support against the anti guns crusades. Can't have too much support and in this day and age of politcal BS we need to have local grass roots orginzations fighting for our rights AND we need to have powerful lobby type groups like the NRA dealing with the political crap in DC. What I don't think is helpful is fighting and name calling amongst the average Joes on forums. We need to be informed, debate, discuss, and unite as one against those that want to take away our rights to bear arms that were paved by our founding fathers. Great discussions guys, sometimes we (me) get so caught up in our own hunting and fishing we forget about the bigger fight. Thanks for the reminder guys and try to stay civil amongst ourselves. ;D
  12. "would think a lot of shed bucks are accidently harvested under the unlimited doe category." Not as many guys out there in the single didgits as you would think, only us obsessed wackos ;D and these deer are insanely spooked after 5 months of being hunted. I can't speak for other hunters but with a bow at 20-30 yards we're pretty good at seeing where newly falling racks were and if we see an exceptioanlly large bodied deer with no rack we let them walk. On the other hand they have an huge herd, hence the unlimited doe, so I guess a few accidently taken during the Jan/Feb season hasn't really affected the verpopulated suburban herd. I let a 5 and basket 8 walk this weekend. I am only hunting a nice buck and mature does at this point
  13. Depends on the zone. For winter bow the two I am hunting both start on Jan 1 , one ends on Feb 12 the other Feb 19, One buck unlimited doe, 3 point rule in effect. In the Fall they both start around the 2nd week of Sept. have to take antlerless before buck and it's unlimited doe. Worth the $135. On espot is 10 minutes from my mother in laws the other is about 50 minutes from my mothers.
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