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Posts posted by DoubleDose

  1. 10 hours ago, Four Seasons said:

    Facts are facts my man. If there is something in my words that are not fact feel free to call them out. The man backed off a smaller buck in order to harvest a bigger one. Period. Most hunters would have not even took the distance between the trees in relation to the size of the bucks rack but this hunter sure did. And it paid off handsomely for him. As It would for many hunters if givin the chance.  In this case.. like most… the guy got the bigger headgear and the bigger bag of meat. 

    It's also possible that when he saw the tracks pass through the two narrow trees he thought this may be a big doe track.

  2. 21 hours ago, CarlosB said:

    Appreciate the offer. Just picked up a small kit. Hope to set it up an run it this weekend.


    Excellent kit.  After cleaning and straining the media from the cases, be sure to check each case that there is no media stuck in the case, flash hole, or primer pocket as you remove them and place in your reloading block/tray.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Four Seasons said:

    Not sure what or why you want me to sugar coat something but sorry that’s not going to happen. There are so many people on this site that would probably tell you that this man still did not go for rack size even though it’s there in real time   I will never miss my chance to show once again proof of what I have said all along and caught shit for. Rack Matters !!

    Rack matters to the majority, but not everyone.  The reasons are B&C, P&Y, State records, and it's in all the advertising, regardless if the product even has any relevance.  Racks are sexy, they are all different and unique, and sex sells.  Who wants to look at doe heads?  What I like about the videos is the lack of products pitching, like a NASCAR winners circle in the major hunting  shows.  The take away for newbies should be it is about hunting skills and woodsmanship, not products and gimmicks.

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  4. 13 hours ago, ATbuckhunter said:

    Update on the guy that stole my friends deer. I sent the DEC officer pins of where the gut pile was, and he was able to find it. I haven't heard the whole story yet, but the guy basically admitted that he took the deer. His story was that he shot a deer, gutted it and thought that was his deer so he took it. Obviously its a complete lie. He knew he missed those deer he shot at and he found a deer that was gutted and had a drag rope attached to it 

    Interesting.  I've done this hunt many times before.  Met some great guys and some real AHs!!!  Like the ones that say "Your in my area" when they do not know the lay of the land or have ever hunted there before!  Not only does he seem to be committing a theft, he is also in illegal possession of a deer.  Since he did this all on a DEC managed hunt, DEC should be showing no mercy on charges.  They can confiscate his weapon and take his license.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, SilentStalker said:

    Thanks DD for helfpul information. I do workout at night (6pmish) and take it after that. If i am understanding, you say i should wait longer like before bed?

    I hate skim milk but have been drinking it as well as eating eggs almost daily. 

    Your timing is good.  You will get used to the skim milk, it takes time.  Eventually regular milk will taste like heavy cream to you and you will not like it.  Regarding eggs, I said egg whites.  Yolks are fat, whites are protein.  You do need fat in your diet, though to absorb vitamins A, D, E, & K.  I would by both eggs and egg whites.  When eating eggs, use one whole egg (for the yolk) and substitute the remainder for egg white only.

    • Like 1
  6. On 1/2/2022 at 5:53 PM, Steve D said:

    Covid is rampant among deer, research shows       Humans have infected wild deer with Covid-19 in a handful of U.S. states and there’s evidence the virus has been spreading between deer, according to recent studies, which outline findings that could complicate the path out of the pandemic. 

    Covid is rampant among deer, research shows (nbcnews.com)


    I am confident Biden, Hochul, and Fauci are putting together a comprehensive mandatory mask, mandatory vaccination, and mandatory testing plan for our white tailed deer.  I am sure there will be an announcement shortly banning them from yarding this winter in order to minimize social gathering transmission.  Perhaps even the 2022 rut will be banned to prevent a surge.  All the lessons learned on us humans will be leveraged to the benefit of the deer.  The challenge will be for NYS DEC to put regulations in place for 2022 season to ensure that we easily identify and only harvest vaccinated, negative testing, masked wearing deer.  This will be like antler restrictions, the deer must have a K or N95 mask or double of others, a real not fake vaccination card, and an FDA authorized test.  It will be an interesting social study to see if the deer are more cooperative than the humans.

    • Haha 1
  7. On 1/2/2022 at 6:08 PM, Four Seasons said:

    6 cases of human to deer cases?  Yet none shown?  Swabbed 6 deer?  So those deer were alive and interacted with humans?       Sounds like the beginnings of another scientific money grab like they have used the harmless CWD for the last 50 years.         Democrats!!


    18 hours ago, Larry said:

     Hey four season CWD is not harmless it is always fatal. It is non-recoverable to the deer that contract it.


    2 hours ago, Four Seasons said:

    Yeah harmless when it takes years for a deer to succumb to CWD. 99.9% will die of other issues before the disease takes them out. There are test herds behind fence that have deer 3 years positive and still living the good life. Now ad in the fact that not all deer in a herd will ever contract cwd even being exposed makes cwd harmless in the big picture. Such has been proven for the last 60 years. Sucks that it’s a thing but it’s sure way down on the list of hazards a deer is going to die from in its short life. 

    All of the above is true.  The concern with CWD is that it is a prion disease, like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) which affects humans.  The official position on CWD transmission to humans is that there have been no known cases.  That does not mean it is not possible. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, suburbanfarmer said:

    Somewhere as parents we messed up giving in to the tech craze :(

    While I sometimes feel like that too, I have to remind myself that my role as a father was first to prepare them for the world, which is a tech world; and not my desire for them to be my hunting/fishing buddy.  Denying tech to the young is problematic too, probably more problematic than we can imagine.  Everything has tech now.   In the end, we have to accept that they are individuals that have their own interests which are different from ours, and we did not mess-up as parents.  We just have to accept that some  parent got tech kids who like to hunt and fish LOL!

  9. 2 hours ago, SilentStalker said:

    I’m in the same boat with being healthy. I’m trying to build muscle/gain weight. A couple friends who workout a lot advised me to get the whey protein below. I’m 3 weeks in to working out 5 days a week and take that immediately following my workout. 
    I can’t help you with the good stuff bc I’m eating for a different purpose. Good luck Swamp!


    For your goals, gaining weight/muscle mass, I do not recommend taking after working out, unless you work out in the late PM.  During workout, your body has shifted your blood supply to where it is needed, your muscles and not GI tract. If you take your protein shake in the evening, before bedtime, while you are asleep your body will shift blood supply to GI tract maximizing absorption.  This will make the protein available for muscle building when your body does it, which is maximal while you sleep.  This is the opposite advise you give to a dieter looking to lose weight.  Regarding protein, no-fat milk and egg whites are the only complete proteins, that is they contain all the amino acids.  Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and hence building blocks of muscles.

    The product you choose is excellent.

  10. 11 hours ago, suburbanfarmer said:

    Hunting is not a hobby but a lifestyle. Most kids including my own who are 20 & 18 yr olds have no drive to get out of bed at 4AM to go chase deer. They would rather sleep in and get their fun twiddling a joy stick.

    My oldest does make it out with me on gun opening day but not a die hard crazy dark to dark sit enthusiast like his old man :P


    Agree.  In my experience, most of the younger generation has no patience.   They want instant gratification.  They have no drive to get out of bed early in the AM to hunt or fish BUT have no issue with staying up to any hour of the AM playing video games.  Thankfully, there are exceptions though.

  11. On 12/31/2021 at 11:21 AM, DoubleDose said:

    Whatever the reason(s) "the right leaning, gun owning demographic" is leaving NYS, let's never forget that former Gov Andrew Cuomo said to the press in regards to this exodus, he did not want these people here anyway.

    ...and if your truly old enough, you can remember when his father Mario as Gov told the press that hunters go hunting to drink and cheat on their wives!!!!  The apple did not fall from the tree with respect to the elite left disdain of "the right leaning, gun owning demographic".


  12. 9 minutes ago, Don_C said:

    As hunters we tend to assume that a large number of gun sales are for hunting, but I have to say I know far more gun owners than I do hunters. Personal protection firearms seem to be popular, not duck guns. My BIL has more guns than my local PD and would never even think of going hunting.

    I don’t know if numbers across the nation are growing or not, but I don’t see it anywhere I hunt. Opening day of gun was mostly quiet in my area for the third year in a row. I also heard from a friend that some of the state land near Buffalo was wide open most of the time this year, when only 10 years ago you couldn’t find a place to park. I agree that more and more hunters are buying and leasing land, that itself may change the perception of hunter numbers, I’m sure in some areas we have more and some less, but overall in NYS I have to believe the numbers are dropping.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Now let's look at the bolded text, 2A, and gun control politicians.  2A was never about hunting, it was about personal protection and defense of the constitution itself, hence "...shall not be infringed.".  Yet the politicians love to mislead that they are not taking away our hunting firearms.  Many Americans witnessed first hand that the government cannot and sometimes will not protect you.  Many or most of these first time gun owner Americans have no intentions to hunt, only protect themselves.  That leads to the firearms themselves.  What are the optimal firearms for personal protection?  Not hunting firearms!!!!  The optimal firearms for personal protection are the same ones our military and police/law enforcement use.  Interesting that all of the gun control measures seem to be directed precisely at owning those; which certainly  is an infringement to 2A and a breach of the oath to uphold the constitution.   

    • Like 1
  13. This is in response to some recent posts regarding judging hunters skills/abilities, based on their harvest record.

    Is it because you know the deer behavior/biology better, like they have antlers and not horns?

    Deer antlers and body size are a factor of age, genetics, and food.

    Is it because you happen to hunt where all 3 of these factors are optimal (antler restrictions, agriculture, doe management)? Some of us can only hunt crappy public access state land.

    Is it because you hunt in a high deer density area? Some of us may go days to weeks without seeing a deer.

    Is it because you hunt in a low hunting pressure area? Some of us will see multiple hunters every day we hunt.

    Is it because you put in more time?  Some of us have work and family commitments that may limit our season to a few days.

    Are you "hunting" open areas where shooting is in the 100s of yards or are you hunting thick areas where shooting can be measured in feet?

    You cannot kill big deer where there aren't big deer and that deer management has nothing to do with an individual single hunter and their skill/ability.

    I propose that If you are fortunate enough to hunt an area with optimal deer and hunting conditions, you can be an average to below average hunter and kill many trophy deer.

    This is a PSA for any newbies to hunting.  

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  14. One last tip.  You are loading .308 and may come across military ammo or once fired military cases/brass.   Military ammo has the primers crimped in place.  This requires the primer pocket to be swaged for reloading purposes; basically extra case preparation and equipment. 

  15. 14 minutes ago, CarlosB said:

    Deer hunting is my focus. I anticipate shots being under 100yds, probably well under. 

    I am rethinking my bullet selection though. Checking the Barnes website it seems like the all copper bullets need more speed compared to conventional bullets.

    I'm shooting out of a Rem 783 with 16.5 inch barrel. Looking at the Lyman data for TC Contender/Encore pistols (15 inch barrels) vs. the regular data, equivalent bullets/weights show a 300 to 400 fps reduction out of the TC.

    The regular Lyman data vs. Barnes data is 100 to 150 fps less than the Barnes info on average.

    So I would be looking at 400 to 500 fps less on a average out of my rifle. Is that considered a large drop? It feels like it to me but I don't know. My concern is expansion of the all copper bullets. It seems the internet suggest going a few steps light in bullet selection vs what you would use in lead core bullets.

    Any thoughts?

    From your first post you are shooting a .308, considering Barnes full copper bullets, and plan on a diy case cleaning regimen. 

    Your .308 has a carbine length barrel so you will lose some FPS; but not enough to factor in to your reloads, IMO.You will not have any noticeable performance difference and more importantly the deer won't. 

    I would not opt for the Barnes bullets.  All copper bullets came about because of CA law to save the Condor. This did not change the game for the better.  Recommend using traditional lead/copper jacket bullets from Nosler, Speer, Hornady, etc. 

    Regarding your DIY case cleaning regimen, cleaning your brass cases you need to use products intended for this purpose.  Household brass cleaners contain chemicals that will weaken your cases.

    Lastly, always start with the minimum charge loads and work up looking for pressure signs.

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    plus all the people that have just moved out of NY.  This state has the largest declining population.  Esp the right leaning, gun owning demographic. - because of the weather of course......

    Whatever the reason(s) "the right leaning, gun owning demographic" is leaving NYS, let's never forget that former Gov Andrew Cuomo said to the press in regards to this exodus, he did not want these people here anyway.

    • Like 2
  17. 4 minutes ago, wolc123 said:

    Add that to the fact that our current whitetail population is at or near an all time high, and it gets very clear why it is important for us to at least make an attempt to fill our tags.

    I am very glad I was born in NY, where tag filling is getting easier every year.  It must suck for those folks in the states with growing hunter numbers and dwindling game populations.  I feel sorry for the poor bastards. 


    Great point.  I remember as a kid getting into NYS deer hunting and doe permits were party permits; 3-5 people jointly applying for a single permit.   Now NYS has longer seasons and more permits available; including ability to transfer.

    • Like 1
  18. They are talking all of USA.  My personal experience in NYS is that it is going down.  Most "old-timers" I know have stopped hunting and their sons and daughters have not continued in the sport.  From the article itself:

    2004: New York           696,679

    2021: New York          550,868

    • Like 4
  19. 3 hours ago, bruno1 said:

    The info I gave you was for archery season. Shotgun season is by reservation 

    Understood, archery season.  Same question:  Just to be clear, are the Toppings Path spots Ridge station check-in or access permit only? My recollection from the 1990s was they were part of the Ridge station check-in.  

    I want to start bow hunting again in 2022 and want to avoid the Ridge check station if possible.

  20. On 12/22/2021 at 8:22 PM, bruno1 said:

    Nope, south of LIE is no reservation or check in during archery season. You do need your free access permit. So basically from Toppings Path all the way south on state land, that doesn’t include county spots @DoubleDose

    @bruno1 Just to be clear, are the Toppings Path spots reservation or access permit? 

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