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Posts posted by DoubleDose

  1. 23 hours ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

    In the old days the inmates were required to work in the prisons. Now it must be voluntary becasue that would be infringing on their "rights". I don't remember if it was this thread of another but I said many of these situations boil down to one word...."choice". No one made the guy you know do what he did and contrary to what the left believes is right, in the real world, actions have consequences. SO if he did 7 years It would have been a felony and a pretty substantial one probably. What's he done to prove he has turned his life around?  Did he apply for some entry level apprenticeships? maybe your ex helped him attend a community college to try and better himself? 

    Inmate rights is an interesting  topic that is inconsistently applied. They take away their right to vote but allow other rights to apply.  Makes no sense to me.  Inmates either have rights or have their rights suspended during incarceration.  I also think they should have all their rights restored after paying their debt to society.

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  2. 34 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    No, just that we have so much control over all world events.  That's why we are the world's policeman.

    ...and being the world's policeman is why half the world hates the USA!!!  They view it as a form of USA imperialism.  The USA exerting and imposing it's will, morals, and ethics on them.  It needs to be the UN with other countries having skin in the game.

    • Like 2
  3. 11 hours ago, phantom said:

    So how is the UN which is   made up of many that do the same in there country's going to do anything  about  china's human rights violation's ? This is why we should try and detach from china's cheap shit products and trade else where or make it here . 



    10 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    The countries with the worst human rights abuses and most weapons of mass destruction are on the most powerful committees in the UN and prevent anything from improving around the world.  China, Russia and the US control most everything in the UN.

    The UN, which is made up of many countries that do not do the same in their country, are supposed to act together and vote to impose sanctions, humanitarian aid, and inspections.  The USA alone cannot succeed here.  Here is the problem with the UN system.  This is raised as an issue and voted on.  Countries assess, in many different ways,  how this impacts them.  Many countries turn to the USA and want some benefit for their vote.  Others will turn to China to "sell"  their vote.  Doesn't the UN sound like our Senate!

    On another point, my understanding is this is an anti-Muslim/Islam genocide going on in China.  Where are the Muslim nations in condemning this?  Where is Isis and the other Islamic extremist terrorist groups? Shouldn't they be the most vocal ones attacking China on this?


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  4. The receiver/frame is the gun (by legal definition); and has the serial #.  Everything else, stock, barrel, trigger assembly, etc  is a part.  An FFL is needed to transfer ownership of receiver/frame, as that is the "gun".  A receiver/frame that is only 80% finished is not by legal definition (yet) a gun.  They are novelty paperweights.  These 80% (or less) finished receiver/frames can be purchased without an FFL.   This law is aimed at stopping this.  Some folks have been purchasing 80% finished receivers, completing the work, and building operational firearms.  These firearms will have no FFL paper trail of origin.  One of the school shootings was done by a kid, who was prohibited from firearms ownership due to mental illness, who did this.

  5. 3 hours ago, DoubleDose said:

    Here are some bigger libertarian questions.  1) What does any of this have to do with COVID19 vaccination eligibility? 2) Why is the government collecting this information? 3) How is it going to be used?


    3 hours ago, Jeremy K said:


    These are questions on a NYS COVID19 Immunization Screening and consent form.  None of this information is necessary or has anything to do with COVID19 or receiving the vaccine, so why is it being asked?  Non-NYS COVID19 vaccination forms DO NOT ask for this information.  IMO, this is a Libertarian/privacy issue because the government should not be collecting information about any of us unless it is necessary to purpose.  

  6. 4 minutes ago, Northcountryman said:

    Yeah, I have to agree with Belo and Chef  here, on this one, although I am ambivalent , no doubt, due to my own intrinsic biases--but I am working on controlling those!! Years ago, I used to oppose gay marriage, predicated simply upon the principle that the laws --at the time-- defined marriage as the union of a man and a woman exclsuively. But one day I got into a philopsophical discussion/argument with a liberal kid and he tore me to shreds because I couldnt justify my position !!  I knew then I had to back off and adjust my think ing because I was wrong. The law is not sacrosanct , immutable or infallible and CAN BE CHANGED OR ALTERED WHEN UNJUST.  And, knowing myself, I'm self aware enough to realize that although i'll never understand a dudes compulsion to get naked with another dude, IT IS ABSOLUTELY INHERENT TO THEIR MAKEUP AND NOT A CHOICE; so, it aint their fault their gay! I would apply the same kind of logic to transgenders and those who experience some form of gender dysphoria.  I dont think its their fault; its inherently the way they are and WHO they are, so  They should not be ridiculed.

    I couldn't agree more.  This is not a choice. If you believe it is then ask yourself the following two questions: 1) Why would someone chose this? and 2) When in life did you make your choice?

    • Like 4
  7. On 2/3/2021 at 2:56 PM, Grouse said:
    Why is the left obsessed with electric vehicles?
    On average, you might get less emissions from EVs, but they’re not all they’re hyped up to be. Here are the facts:
    1. Electric vehicle parts rely on lithium batteries. Manufacturing lithium batteries, largely in China, for electric vehicles releases 30% MORE emissions than normal combustion engine manufacturing.
    2. Our electricity is still primarily generated from natural gas + coal. So, depending on the fuel mix, your EV might rely on these fossil fuels and have higher emissions than a normal vehicle.
    3. Forcing natural gas out of the market - which the left wants to do by banning fracking - ends up bringing us back to coal, which has 1.5x more emissions than natural gas.
    4. Electricity is mostly generated by natural gas, nuclear, and coal. Solar and wind make up a VERY small percentage of that, despite taxpayers paying massive subsidies for it.
    5. So when President Biden promises a new fleet of electric vehicles. Ask yourself: what powers those electric vehicles? And do they really deliver a “green revolution” the left is promising you?
    To conclude:
    So while average emissions might be less, it depends entirely on the energy source from the grid.
    EVs are far from an environmentalist panacea. Massive infrastructure is required to support them, range is limited, and large industrial transport still needs gas.

    A good friend of mine owns an auto repair shop that specializes in troubleshooting and repairing electric issues on high end vehicles.  In a discussion about EVs he raised some interesting points not commonly discussed.  The BATTERIES themselves.  1) When they expire/fail can the average person (EV owner) afford to replace them?  He estimates they are about 1/3 the cost of the vehicle.  2) How long are they going to last for the average EV owner? 3) How are you going to dispose or recycle these batteries?

  8. 58 minutes ago, BowmanMike said:

    You guys talking about Cuomo or Trump? The names could easily be swapped and it is true for both. 

    It is only upsetting when it is not your guy though,right?

    I only hope, for you, that you are objective enough to see how differently these two people were and are handled by the MSM and political leaders in power.  There was and is  blatant and objective bias.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Northcountryman said:

    I agree with your analysis, but disagree that he will be found guilty.  My call is votes to convict remain trhe same as the intital vote on constitutionality of the entire process: 56-44 with the same 6 Republican "Traitors"  voting to convict w/ the Dems. Without the requisite 2/3, he will , thus, be acquitted.  

    It is ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that he is NOT GUILTY of incitement of a riot, pure and simple.  Read the speech--case over .

    Ncm, you need to read my posts more carefully.   Every time you disagree with me we are actually in agreement.  I never stated or implied he would be found guilty.  In fact, I didn't say anything regarding guilty or not guilty. I gave all the reasons people will use to cast a guilty vote; and none of them are about his speech that day.  Now, on the subject of voting, I completely agree with you.  I do not see anyone changing their vote from what it would have been before the trial.  Final outcome, not guilty, further division, and further escalation of attacks from the Left onto the Right.

  10. This is an op-ed piece.  Having watched enough of the "impeachment trial", my understanding is that it has nothing to do with lieing or voter fraud.  It all has to do with whether his speech on that day called for or incited the riot.  I am sure many are going to vote guilty for the following reasons: 1) DJT hatred (derangement syndrome), 2) claims he lied (about what irrelevant), 3) his claim of voter fraud (stop the steal), 4) Dems have been striving and calling for this since before inauguration, 5) Republican hatred, and 6) eliminate him as a potential 2024 candidate.  I deliberately left off the list actual belief the speech incited the riot.  The evidence presented was scenes of the Capitol that day, which is after the fact and not disputed.  How people there felt (scared) on that day, which is also after the fact and not disputed.  DJT tweets from before that day, which had nothing to do with that day. Rioter tweets from that day which incriminates them not DJT, etc etc etc.  DJTs defense team showed much of the evidence presented was doctored and edited for effect.  The actual evidence of the speech did not call for or incite riot, in fact the opposite was explicitly stated.  They also showed all the speeches and tweets of Dems that were far more vitriolic and demonstrate that DJT speech that day did not cross the line of current (LOW) standards.

    This is just another example of a process our founding fathers put into place to protect the republic that has been weaponized for political purposes.  This is a kangaroo court of political theater without the slightest resemblance to a criminal legal process.

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  11. The issue for impeachment is did the DJT speech on that day call for and incite the Capitol riot?  After also watching some, it is ridiculous to even consider this a trial.   1) About half of the plaintiffs are the jurors.  2) Gratuitous video of the riot itself which has no bearing on the question, 3) Showing tweets & photos of the rioters, which incriminates themselves not DJT, and 4) Gratuitous history of DJT speeches and tweets which again has no bearing on the question for that day.  In a criminal court with a fair and impartial  objective judge this would all be not allowed.  This should all be focused on dissecting his speech that day.  This is a true kangaroo court of political theater and only further solidifies and divides this country.

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  12. The deer adapt for survival to their environment.  Interesting tale of two bucks reactions in the same season in November.  I stopped along side the road in a no hunting park in unit 1C to watch a buck feeding approx 50 yards away in the woods.  It stopped to watch me several times.  Eventually, I lowered the drivers window to take a picture.  The deer heard the power motor and proceed to march right up to the truck.  A few weeks later, I stopped along side the road in a wooded area in unit 4? to watch a buck feeding approx 50 yards away in the woods.  It stopped to watch me several times.  Eventually, I lowered the drivers window to take a picture.  The deer heard the power motor and bolted in the opposite direction.

    • Haha 1
  13. 46 minutes ago, virgil said:

    Nobody is claiming that only the Right does this nonsense. But the OP implies that it only comes from the Left. 


    3 minutes ago, Northcountryman said:

    I think  his point is (barring a few exceptions here and there )that the majority comes from the left.

    There is and was no implication just a statement regarding the Left having a long history of this.  What makes this so profound and hypocritical is that it is the Left that has the MSM and Celebrities claiming the left is virtuous and justified.  Recall "When they go low we go high"?  It is a false narrative.   It further fuels the "fake news" narrative and division.  Being on the Left and silent about it is also not helping; and defending it is worse.  

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    • Haha 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, phade said:

    I view urban hunting no different than a type of landscape, ag, big woods, midwest creek bottoms, etc. I'm not of the mindset to knock other hunters for being successful. JMO. Leverage skills to do what you need to do. I'm sure we all see the peaks and not so many valleys that make it difficult regardless of hunting environment.

    Agree.  Much of these areas of LI with trophy deer are a mix of suburbia, farmland, and woods (in that order of area); with a break-up of 90% no hunting public & private land, 1% private allowing hunting, and 4% public allowing hunting. The public hunting land is small, relative to 1C, and hit very hard.  These are the perfect conditions for deer, not hunting.  Conversely, a section of Westchester we had permission to hunt was all estates with high fences to keep deer out.  There was so much high fencing out that it created the condition of the deer being fenced into the small strips of woods separating the properties.  Oddly, that still counts as fair chase.

  15. 58 minutes ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

    Comparing the 3 series 2.5-8 x 36 and 3.5-10 x 40, what’s your thinking in preferring the second one? You don’t think 10 ft of FOV matters when walking or still hunting?   With a 40 vs 36, you’re getting more light I take it.  This makes a noticeable difference assuming glass quality is equal? 

    I have the VX-5HD in 3-15x44. I wanted the VX-5HD 2-10x42 since you get an extra 20 ft FOV at low mag but it was out of stock. A larger FOV has to matter when jump shooting deer...

     Before variable power scopes were common, fixed 4x were the historical standard for an all around woods scope.  Based on that, I don't consider there to be any meaningful difference between low powers of 4x and down.  So, I will tend to look for and push the higher magnification, providing the low does not exceed 4x.  So higher power and larger objective is my thinking.   Jump shooting is interesting.  Your going to be at low power if/when jump shooting deer and at very close distance.  In that situation, you're shouldering the gun and swinging like a shotgun focused on the deer.  FOV is useful up to a point, then it is just extra FOV.  How much do you need to see to the left and right of the deer?  I've seen decisions made based on eye relief, objective diameter, variable range, reticle, etc, but not FOV.  I wouldn't put the V3 3.5-10x40 over the VX-5HD 2-10x42 though.

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