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wildcat junkie

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Posts posted by wildcat junkie

  1. First off, I think I'm older than you are, even though I don't look it.  


    Second, I wouldn't let you touch my feet unless you were female and much younger.  


    Third, you need to go back and read the original post I was referring to regarding the one you just quoted in order to understand that one.


    Fourth, when people do take up the sport of hunting for the first time, they do better if they watch and listen, than if they try to pontificate on ethics, equipment and methods they have heard is the best way to approach it.  Especially if they go about insulting the past practices of more experienced hunters they hope will accept them.  The same can be said of new members of this particular forum.  Come in here and preach to me about how your way is better and more acceptable or respectable and I will debate you with the same disregard.


    Lastly, it's not about seniority or service, it's about etiquette.  Decorum suggests dignity and a sense of what is becoming or appropriate for a person of good breeding.

    Your pompous attitude is such that if everyone isn't a flag waving right wing "conservative" you start throwing around names like <<<SHUDDER>>> "liberal" like it's some sort of insult. I would much rather be a "liberal' as in someone that THINKS rather than oh say a narrow minded zombie that marches lock step with everthing that the untra conservative rule book dictates. I must say, you are a useful little tool for the pupeteers that control you.


    You started the snide remarks & tried to bully me & when you got it thrown back at you, you couldn't take the heat. And, when your buddies didn't pile on to bail you out, you wilted, just like any bully. Don't start adolecent school yard spats if you can't take a (verbal) licking.


    NOW, you want decorum & dignity? Sounds just like the guy that got a black eye when he picked a fight running, whining to the teacher to tell her how he is getting picked on.


    Like I posted elsewhere, the "conservatives" in 1776 were kissing King Georges a$$. Thank God for our progressive, liberal founding fathers or we would all still be doing the same thing..


    Kiss the Koch brother's a$$es if you like. I will stand up for progress 7 right for everyone.


    Now hike your pants up & quit whining . Be a big boy & accept that others have a right to their opinions too.

    • Like 1
  2. or what if your neighbor says "hey, let's go for a drive", and proceeds to do 60 mph in a 55 mph area, chances are it wouldn't even phase you.....same neighbor says "hey, let's go for a drive" and then proceeds to pull up to a field, whips out a rifle and spotlight and proceeds to look for a deer to kill, my guess is you would have a much different reaction, would you not?


  3. I was referring to certain hunters who are new to this forum with that post.

    Just because a hunter might be "new to the forum" doesn't mean he's a "new hunter".


    I started hunting in 1964 so I don't think you are intitled to some kind of hunting seniority rights that demand subserviant behavior from "new hunters".


    As far as I know, we are all equals here. I show respect when it is reciprocated.


    Excuse me if I forgot to bathe your feet.


    • Like 2
  4. I would prefer a points system. I don't think someone should lose their privileges for life for a minor violation. I do think they should for major and also repeat offenders. I do not believe they should lose their guns. We have the point system for driving cars, no reason we can't do something similar.

    I think jacking a deer with a light, especially from a vehicle or immediately after exiting a vehicle, should be as severe as DWI. It isn't a crime of temptation, it takes preparation for a willful act & it is dangerous.


    1st offense, fine & loss of hunting privileges for 5 years. 2nd offense a felony.

    • Like 1

    I'm trying to figure out who would say no and why....


     The question was raised on another thread about the safety factor & whether or not there would be enough light 1/2 nour before/after sunrise/sunset.


    Clearly, in this case, this would be an ethical shot with any weapon if it was legal, which it isn't in New York.

  6. Gee, The ACA, modeled after Romneycare in Massachusetts, (a Republican idea no less) didn't affect my rates at all since I'm not a dead beat & have had health insurance for ages. What it did do was allow my son to be covered under my wifes policy for a small additional fee, so he could get treatment for a pre-existing knee injury.


    All the ACA does is regulate the insurance industry. What really pi$$es them off & the reason they are pumping the ill informed with their propaganda is the 80/20 rule.


    That mandates that they spend 80% of their revenues on actually providing health care. What a damned socialist nightmare! No more writing off exorbitant executive bonuses & corporate jets used to fly them around on trips to the Caymen Islands & such. The nerve of those damned liberals expecting the health insuarnce industry to spend money on health care!


    And are you really naive enough to think that if Robme & the Aynn rand deciple had been elected we wouldn't have the same damned thing being sold as the best thing since sex by the GOP?

    • Like 1
  7. I give you credit, you stick to your guns.


    When in a room and everyone says I'm the idiot, at least I am smart enough to know I am wrong or may likely be looking at something wrong. I'd be really stupid if I didn't realize it after they tell me such. Rarely is the room wrong and the individual right - it happens in certain situations, but I don't think this is one of them sir.

    I off & on frequent a lot of different interest communities. R/C aircraft, XC sking, cars, trucks, Norton motorcycles, even mountain bikes.


    It's a toss-up between between hunting/firearms related forums & mountain bike forums as far as which community has more fly off the handle before reading & fully comprehending posts types.


    I think hunting/firearms is taking the lead though. :rolleyes:

    • Like 1
  8. I looked at the date. Sorry, again, God forbid any of you master posters make a damn mistake.

    I stand by the snow makes things look brighter.

    No I would not shoot. Even thought I only hunt with a bow.


    This is a troll thread. You are looking for validation to break the law, or for others to accept and go along with breaking the law.


    Been done 30 times since I been a member here. Wrong is wrong.

    Still can't read!

  9. No. The OP said time of sunrise was 7:10. Pic was what? 6:22? Snow reflects light and UV rays. Makes things look brighter then they are.


    This is yet again, another "Would You Break The Law?" troll thread.

    Do any of you read  comprehend the ENTIRE post before you respond? He clearly stated the condition of legality.



  10. It's like every other issue in this country.  Nothing ever gets resolved anymore because if it ever did, someone would NO longer be making money off of it.  The whole idea has become to keep issues alive for decades without ever coming to any sort of compromise and resolution.  They keep going around and around on issues just so they could keep the money flowing (into their pockets).  Very sickening, but that's where we are at and I don't see things changing anytime soon.

    Same thing with our so called "health care system". Cures are not nearly as lucerative as pedeling drugs & "treatment".


    My mother had "blue ribbon" health insuarnce. They couldn't spend enough time "treating her" for real or imagined ailments. Meanwhile some young 20 something father without healthcare could die for lack of treatment because he didn't afford or couldn't even get "health insurance" due to "pre-exiting conditions".


    Then there were those times that the insurance companies just kicked patients to the curb when they reached their "coverage limit" I.E. cut too far into the Insurance companies "bottom line".


    Yeah, those were "the good old days" alright. Freedom!

  11. Big difference the state "owns" the deer so them telling me how and how many deer I can kill is completely different than them telling me what I have to wear on MY land!

    In most states, the laws make the game property of the people of the state. 


    In Indiana, you don't need a license of any kind to hunt on your own land or any adjoining land with permission. At least it was that way when I hunted there.


    All you had to do was follow game laws & make your own tag. Not sure if you had to check the deer in or not. I think you did. When you checked am deer in, the paper tag was exchanged for a metal tag that was afixed to the carcass right there. Bait shops, sporting goods stores, gas stations & country stores where some of the places you checked in deer.

  12. Good point.  I tell you, if Romney had been in office during the Sandy Hook shootings, you'd have seen national gun control on AR guns, high-cap magazines and such.  The ONLY reason a law wasn't enacted is that the republicans are using it as a political tool.  It wins them votes to be against anything Obama might want to do, so they shot any gun control measures down.  Plenty of republicans don't sleep comfortably knowing that the populace has a lot of firepower, just like democrats.  Just wait until the next republican sits in the White House and you have another one of these massacres.  The NRA won't do $#!+ about it either!

    Finally, someone that is not blinded by the right. (pun intended)


    As I see it, it would be better to work to change/moderate the ones that are open about the gun control issue than to be blindsided by those that lie about it for political expedience.


    It wouldn't be a big surpirse if the NRA is in bed with them. Spreading panic about gun confiscation brings more publicity for them, more contributions to fatten the front that they use to launder all the money they get from the power brokers.

  13. I believe the stock is inleted as described on their site for that particular model. Are you saying it differs from each firearm?



    Its inletted for that model, I think the concern is that if its not sufficiently precise some minor modifications (trimming) may be required.  Yes, they are all specific to a certain model.

    They usually leave some wood for trimming. That allows a more precise fit in the end. Not a big deal, just expect to spend an evening or maybe even 2 getting that fit.


    Take your time & you will get better results.

  14. I have thought about lowering the scope, but that is not an option due to ejection reasons. I have watched videos on bedding a stock, that doesn't seem to difficult. I may just try this and hope the accuracy remains the same.

    Use some inletting black on the action & only remove wood where the black indicates a high spot. when you get black across a broad area, you have it. You can use smke from a candle to blacken the action.


    Relieved the wood behind the rear tang a little to prevent splitting.


    You can always go back to the old stock with a leather cheekpiece if the accuracy suffers.

  15.  I don't agree with anything about Quomo & what you can't seem to grasp is that the dark $$$ on right made sure their guy, you lnow, the one that ram-rodded the Safe Act through got re-elected. But the Koch brothers have your 2nd ammendment rights on the top of their list right? Well come to think about it, that may be true, but not in a way that you would prefer. You see, thanks to Citizens United, they can hide lots and lots of money contributions through PACs & they can support whatever they choose W/O the political fall-out.


    The GOP candidate was just a sacrificial goat & he was further vilified by the same ads that were used to vilify Alise's opponent.

  16. You said you agree with him on everything but the Safe Act.


    So you agree that traditionally minded conservatives have no business living in NY?


    Cuomo doesn't sound like someone who is '90% conservative' , as you claim. Sounds like someone who is 100% fascist.

    Man oh man, get your glasses checked.


    How in the he!! do you get that I agree with Quomo on everything but the Safe Act. Is it because I stated that he was 90% conservative?


    Your knee jerk reactions are really getting quite amusing. What's so funny is that your question of "So you agree that traditionally minded conservatives have no business living in NY?" would probably be exactly how YOU feel about liberals. Funny how some people project their own weakness onto others.


    I don't have a problem with "traditionally minded conservatives". I have a problem with extreme right radicals that call themselves "conservatives" trying to bully others that perhaps don't share their myopic view of having the 20th century appealed.


    Hint. bullying only works with those that are insecure.


    BTW: If the "conservatives" had gotten their way in 1776, we would still be kissing the king/queens a$$ just like they did.

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