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8s or Better HC

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  1. That one your probably onto something, that’s neighbors cam, he may or may not have let some fall out of the combine lol (his business not mine).. but the point of the story is let em grow and the bigger deer will show up. By the way the one in background was taken on my side of the hill last year..
  2. If only he could tell the difference between corn and bluestone he’d be onto me.. lol
  3. Way to accuse, but your a bit off on that my friend, apology accepted.
  4. That’s the way to do it if your looking for the “big boy”. Nice buck, good luck, at the end of the day, don’t need the state to tell you what to do, take matters in your own hands, the deer that have potential let them pass and procreate... the good genes on my hill are there because we let them stay there not killing them off. love sharing trail pics here’s my case and point as well:
  5. If he responds to you, tell him thanks from me. You know, for giving me a lesson on why there is a three inch rule for an antler. And that is how I know I’m looking at a buck. Fascinating!
  6. He (wilderness) hasn’t responded to me... I guess he realized wrong Forrest and definitely wrong tree he was barking at.
  7. Solar battery charger with cigarette plug.... read all day
  8. The dog takes priority in this, if it tracks passed a property line , he absolutely can stay with the dog.. it’s proper to ask neighbor first but if unavailable doesn’t mean you don’t go track a dying deer. They can’t track unless they call in first. at least thisis how it was explained to me
  9. Call a k9 to search, they are all over the state. We used one last year and I learned a lot and they are so helpful. Costs nothing to do it and no need for blood, the dog tracks the scent from foot glands. Best part is he calls in to DEC and can track into neighbors property, if anyone calls in to report poachers they already know who it is. its worth the try, you shot it, you should find it
  10. Sasquatch poached? And then molested a child because of a bait pile of corn? And it was all witnessed by a chicken flying a drone from a swimming pool deck with a high expensive fence? Got it!
  11. But rule number one... Sasquatch never squeals on Sasquatch
  12. There’s professionals that get paid for conservation, I’ll let them do what they do. But since you asked here’s my answer: i hunt for my personal reasons, and because I’m allowed to do so. I love everything about deer, especially the way they look so if I’m going to hunt, I want to remember every second of that day by looking at the mount and telling the story.
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