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Posts posted by Engraver99

  1. 34 minutes ago, CapDistPatriot said:



    I am signing up for this guy. I like that it is lightweight and portable, has more than enough calls, decoy compatible, long range remote and is made in the USA. Was gonna spring for a Primos dog catcher or an IcoTec 300 but both are made in CHYNA. In addition, it comes with a 3 year warranty. All reviews I have read rave about how solid and well built this unit is.


    Oh, and it comes with a 3 year warranty.

    good luck with it!


    • Thanks 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, CapDistPatriot said:

    This will be my first time out in the bush coyote hunting, want to use an electric caller. What would you guys who have done this before recommend as a newbie set up (i.e. brand, model etc)?

    lucky duck revolt, foxpro, icotech

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  3. 34 minutes ago, grampy said:

    I'm over in the Berne area. They travel quite a bit here too. Whenever I'd hear them at the lake property, I wouldn't at the farm property, and vise versa. About five miles apart. But no doubt there are always a couple home bodys that stick around.

    My favorite coyote set ups are in a hedgerow, with a field in front of me and behind me, with the wind in my face. Calling to a thick area, where I expect them to be. A decoy out 75 yards away helps keep them focused on something. I like to start with a challenge bark and howl. Go silent then start with a distressed rabbit. This gives the impression that "hey we got interlopers, and they are stealing our food"!!!  This works well during the daylight hours for us. 

    I heard some last night but they were pretty far away - to far to get them to respond. Could hear them howling after the train whistle.

  4. 6 minutes ago, UpStateRedNeck said:

    Near Gilboa?  Our farm is above Livingstonville, and we have a crap ton of coyotes.

    i'm in jefferson/Stamford area - maybe that's where they go after they leave here....lol...send some up this way...George at Georges gunshop says he has alot of coyote, bobcats, and bear around him in grand gorge. you guys ought to send some up our way!

  5. 3 minutes ago, Lawdwaz said:

    I'm just going off hundreds and hundreds of trail cam video clips and a fair amount of opportunities to see tracks in the snow each year.  They sure seem to be around each and every day according to my eyeballs. 

    I WISH they were only around every 2-3 weeks.......

    Where are you...i am in schoharie/delaware county...wish my area was like yours. Our small game here sucks as well. I coulf count on 1 hand how many rabbits I've seen in 12 years.


  6. 2 minutes ago, Steve D said:

    Using the caller is only a part of it. Just like deer you have to learn the critter you are hunting. Put yourself in a good shooting  position on the down wind side you expect them to come from. Keep the caller at or pointing to the upwind side. 99% of the time they will approach from down wind. If they circle your position and get a whiff they are gone.

     No guarantees in predator hunting and always expect the unexpected. I am sure there will be more advice coming from others on here. Good luck and don't educate them all.

    and when it happens...it usually happens fast. I start out with a low volume mice, mole,vole rabbit for a few minutes, then a few minutes of silence, followed with a little louder volume for like 5 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of silence, last call I use if nothing has happened is pup cries or whines. I switch up the the mice, rabbits, and use bird distress (day) sometimes.

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  7. 1 hour ago, dan46n2 said:

    Another vote for the First Lite Sanctuary bibs here (although you already bought the sitka).  Well worth the money IMO- super warm, great fabric that doesn't collect burrs, ample pockets. Not sure about them being water proof but their DWR works well for a light rain and snow. Sitka's prices are too hard to swallow, I thought Kuiu was expensive....

    I had the sanctuary bibs and the mt050 in my basket trying to decide between the 2 if I couldn't find the incinerator bibs. During my research I found out that the sanctuary's were water resistant and I really wanted waterproof so I went with the gortex instead. My pocket fought me tooth and nail pulling out the wallet, but I figure since this would be my last hoorah (as far as new camo goes- had my last good camo for 30+ years), they'd be able to bury me in the sitka stuff (am 59). Wanted to  make sure I was warm as my aging continues. The older I get, the colder I get. Also am a firm believer in down which is in the Sitka stuff. Hoping it lasts me 10 years and hoping I last 10 years...lol.

    happy hunting

  8. Ended up ordering the incinerator bibs in size medium. I think I got the last incinerator medium in the country-had to pay full price. Couldn't find any deals in my size and only found a couple places that even had them in my size. When I did, I frustratingly pulled the trigger before I couldn't get them at all. So now I have the incinerator jacket and the incinerator bibs. Hoping to test them out coyote hunting.

    thanks for all the suggestions guys

  9. 16 minutes ago, airedale said:

    I would open them up so the Crows can get at them and also send out more scent, varmints can read Crow activity. Light them up at night once they start getting hit, if you have varmints in the area you will see all kinds of eyes.


    i'll have to go out later and unzip them i guess

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  10. a couple of my neighbors pigs got sick and the vet came and shot them up with some anti-biotics but they died anyway. He asked if he could dump them on my property so I let him since deer season is over and I do coyote hunt. Now I have a pig bait pile about 125 yards from the garage. I never hunted over a bait pile for coyotes and figure the birds would end up scavenging most of it for their winter food. the 2 pigs are huge - 1 is about 400lbs, the other is about 300lbs. Might be too close to the garage for coyotes to bother but thought i'd give them some time and check them at night once in awhile. I can look out the garage upstairs window to check for any activity. I don't really know the basics of bait pile hunting but thought this might keep those dogs nearby when I go out.




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