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Posts posted by Engraver99

  1. broke my collar bone a few days before gun season a few years ago. Still went hunting opening day but brought my 06 instead of my shotgun due to recoil differences. Got 2 shots at a pretty nice buck (at least an 8 possible 10) twice while standing broadside at about 80/90 yards. Missed em twice no blood no hair followed tracks for a couple hundred yards. wasn't sure if the gun was off or if it was me. the following year I check my gun and it was still dead on. I must of been flinching at the shot since that was the side my collar bone was broken on when anticipating the recoil. was bummed but what can ya do?

  2. Congrats to all who scored today - hoping the rest score tomorrow! I'll be out in the morning, before I go get my new pups, as the adult with my friends daughter's first youth hunt. She just got her licenses today. Gonna try and get her on a buck. If I knew this before today, I would have saved my doe tag for her but I just found out tonight and offered to take her tomorrow morning for her first hunt. Hoping she has beginners luck.  Ah good times passing on the traditions!

  3. 46 minutes ago, nybuckboy said:

    I get the "want to use"  in using a rifle but unless you are sitting on a field edge can anyone think of a better weapon for a whitetail than a 12 g slug.  I've often said there is nothing more powerful inside than a 12 g slug inside 50 yards... maybe an elephant gun. ;)

    Am in rifle country and always choose my Browning A-Bolt 12 guage Slug Gun utilizing lightfield slugs. My shots are typically under 75 yards and no tracking is EVER needed as long as you do your part. I do have an 06 and 30-30 but they never go on a deer hunt - they watch the safe!

  4. Just now, Nytracker said:

    I prefer a bipod... tripod doesn't leave alot of room for the feet between the blind wall and feet. Never used a monopod but I can't see where it would be better than a bipod or a tripod . Love my trigger sticks bipod in  tall and short. 

    Prob no difference but I like the mono - less weight to carry - i'm gettin old....lol

  5. 4 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

    Lightfields are legit. I've killed a lot of deer with them. Energy dump is amazing. People bitch they don't exit for 2 holes to track. SMH........Never had one go more than 20 yards. Had 2 consecutive deer with slug just under skin of opposite shoulder. One was a big doe at 11 yards with a 3". Deer just fall over

    yea, too bad they don't make em anymore. Got about 10 boxes left hoping they last me till I can't hunt anymore (am 62)...lol

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