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Dr Juice

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Dr Juice last won the day on April 9 2024

Dr Juice had the most liked content!

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Sullivan County
  • Hunting Gun
    Browning A-Bolt
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com
    Gobbler Nation

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  1. I bought a pair of insulated Rocky’s a number years ago and found an inch long slit in the rubber toe when I got in from deer hunting. My guess is that it happened when I was walking the rock ledges on my cousin’s property. I contacted Rocky to see if I could get a replacement pair since they were nearly brand new and they did not honor my request. I told them, and I have held to my word, that I will not buy another Rocky product again. I’m surprised they’re still business with such lousy customer service.
  2. Go for it! I love my 270 and killed lots of deer using 130-grain bullets. I prefer the 130s over 150s because of accuracy and less kick. Good luck with it!
  3. Beautiful buck and nice job. Congrats!
  4. I shot a decent 8 on the afternoon of opening day and I’m grateful. However, I put a lot of time in between the xbow and rifle seasons and did not see much. Actually, I have been seeing less deer each year and the kill rate amongst me and my peers seems to be declining as well. I don’t get it. You would think that we should be seeing more if we’re killing less year after year.
  5. I’m a trophy hunter and only seen scrub bucks thus far[emoji12]
  6. Congrats. Awesome buck!
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