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Putnam County (3N) Pics


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So I checked my trail cam today. First time ever putting a trail cam out where I hunt in Putnam County (3N). I jumped 2 fawns on the way in, both still had spots.

Trail cam was there from 7/15 - today (including that heat wave). Nobody stole it, so thats good lol. Anyway, I wasn't expecting to see much since It's not watching a food plot or anything like that. I have it setup watching a trail that I know deer use in the fall, but unsure about the summer. Got 10 pics. A few pics of a fawn (1 pic was 3 hours after I setup the cam), and 1 small buck (looks like a spike). Also, caught something else, my best guess is an opposum? Caught this animal on 4 separate days, each time it was moving quick and at night so the pics are blurry. I would think its either a raccoon or opposum, but since there is no distinct tail, im thinking opossum?

I'm hoping with cooler temps to come, more pics will surface. Also the cam I am currently using can only take a pic every 15 seconds. Since the animals aren't eating or anything in the view of the camera I am probably missing out on a lot more pics. I just bought another trail cam that can take pics every 1 second. Should have that one setup by mid august.







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try putting out some doe pee, or even buck urine on a tree in line with the cam.. i use bow hunters fatal obsession and it does a pretty good job stoppin long enough to get a solid pic while they stop to smell the roses... unfortunately the two pics i posted i ran out on that set, tough luck but at least i know he's there...

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