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PETA Urges law breaking?


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PETA Urges People to Break the Law

Posted on October 11, 2012

There was no denying that PETA opposes hunting. Now the animal rights group also is on record urging people to violate laws—make that hunter harassment laws.

In an October 9, 2012 blog posting, PETA urges its minions to: “Help counter the cruelty of hunting in your area: Post “No Hunting” signs on your land and that of sympathetic neighbors and friends, join or form a local anti-hunting group, protest organized hunts, and spread deer repellent or human hair (from barber shops) near hunting areas. Also, before supporting any wildlife or conservation group, make sure that it opposes hunting.”

Fortunately for hunters, these tactics constitute hunter harassment, a practice that is illegal in all fifty states and also on federal land. The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA) championed the enactment of these laws during the 1980’s and 1990’s in response to a campaign entitled “Hints for Hunt Saboteurs” by the anti-hunting organization, Friends of Animals. The Sportsmen’s Alliance also helped defend state hunter harassment laws in both Iowa and New Jersey courts when challenged by the anti-hunting lobby. The result has been protection for American sportsmen and women from the exact sort of thing being promoted by PETA.

“It may be hunter harassment in itself for PETA to be encouraging others to break the law,” observed USSA president and CEO, Bud Pidgeon. “If indeed there are foolish people out there who follow the PETA directive to harass hunters, I would not be surprised to see the authors of this article charged as well as the perpetrators.”

Hunters encountering protestors, deer repellent or other items placed in their hunting areas should immediately contact their local Conservation Officer (game warden) or local sheriff’s department and report the violation.

Source: http://www.ussportsm...-break-the-law/

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Some of these PETA people are real pieces of crap. In the area I live in they have harassed, threatened and otherwise victimized the owner of a local fur shop. They don't try to change laws, they victimize. Hippie scum bags...thats all they are, kind of like the occupy crowd.

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As a teacher, primarily my colleagues fall close to the PETA, hippy-loving, liberal democratic world. I don't hide that I hunt. I don't boast about it either but I will share my weekends experiences like everyone else shares their weekends. More and more, the opposition to my hunting stories has decreased while some have even begun to ask about the butchering process, taste of the meat and the hunting process in general. Will they be out there with us one day...NEVER! Do they now tolerate it more and understand what it actually is...yup.

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