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"It's not tougher Gun control stupid".....

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It's a good article... common sense from our perspective though it will do little to change the minds of those that are anti-gun. Appropriate school security these days should include:

1) Secured, alarmed entrances/exits

2) Reasonably secured main entrance with a "buzz-in" system.

3) Panic button at front desk and on each and every staff member. This silent alarm receiver/transmitter could be set off at the first sign of trouble and cause immediate lock-down in place. Panic alarm should also alert local law enforcement. All doors should have dead-bolts.

4) A police officer should make frequent, random stops at all schools.

5) Competent, armed security officer at each school (retired law enforcement, properly trained private security) It's impractical and would be too expensive to have police at all schools and is probably not necessary.

Deterence would prevent most of these kinds of incidents, having an armed person on site would be as a last resort.

Edited by Woodcock
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Amazing read

Favorite quote

"Let's get real. America has an estimated 300 million guns. We could make owning a gun a capital crime today and by tomorrow 100 million guns would be hidden in our closets and buried in our backyards."

Edited by DTG3k
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Sad that this conversation should even take place. That a government should question its populace from arming themselves. To think that patriots shed their blood and gave their lives to create what used to be a free nation and that we lose a piece of that freedom everyday.

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