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Trust Your Gov't as Far as You Can Throw It!

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I was reading online how the Feds overstepped with regard to the Tea Party, Associated Press, etc. The IRS is evidently the attack dog for the President.

...And I am supposed to believe they won't come knock on my door when they learn I own firearms. Nope, that info is gonna be held in the strictest confidence. I have nothing to worry about!

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The government is NOT your friend.  If you think the Fed isn't actively conspiring to end your 2nd Amendment rights and make all civilian firearms illegal, you are deluding yourself.


They don't plan to knock on your door and ask you to give them up. They have better ways of taking them from you.  One way will be to arrest you in public, incarcerate you, and they go to your home to take them.


The government isn't stupid, but many gun owners are.

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