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House passes ban on assault weapons

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The undisputed truth again is that insanity Is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


The article states "40,000 Americans die from gunshot wounds every year

But the article does not explain that approximately two-thirds of those 40,000 deaths are self inflicted gun shots for the sad purpose of suicide.  The article does not further explain that the root cause of many of the other deaths have the distribution, sale and use of illegal drugs (responsible for over 100,000 deaths last year from drug over doses) and the failed mental health system as the major root causes of PEOPLE VIOLENCE where a firearm is used. 

Mean while the same anti-gun politicians have done nothing to improve security at schools, food markets and shopping malls, but continue their attack on the Second Amendment with more nonsense gun control. 

The ant-gun politicians will do everything in their power to reduce or eliminate our rights under the Second Amendment.  But wait, here is what President Biden, said:  Nothing — nothing I’m about to recommend in any way impinges on the Second Amendment.  They’re phony, arguments suggesting that these are Second Amendment rights at stake from what we’re talking about. “  Reference:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/04/08/remarks-by-president-biden-on-gun-violence-prevention/


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If people keep voting for politicians who will vote for these unconstitutional bills, because they want them to support their pet desires for abortion, legal drugs, gay rights or whatever, we will continue to see this type of tyranny in the future.

At this point, if it becomes law, the only option for people to resist this tyranny is to not comply.

There is an old saying that predicts what this type of oppression will produce.  "The end of the 2nd Amendment will be the beginning of the 2nd Revolution".  Perhaps that is what the leftist politicians are hoping for.

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Never forget...

The Constitution was not written to tell the citizen what they CAN do;

It was written to tell the government what it CAN'T do.

US law and the Constitution were based on English Common Law principles...which is to say: anything not specifically prohibited to the citizen, is allowed.

This is the fallacy with leftist arguments on restriction of rights.

Since the government is legally banned from restricting and regulating said rights...and the citizen is completely free to exercise them, there is nothing government can legally do to infringe upon them (aside from a constitutional amendment).

That is of course...unless you allow them to...

This is why...the only appropriate response to unconstitutional laws must be mass noncompliance.

If you choose to comply...you have chosen subjugation.

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