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I just may ...


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get some things out of the garden after all....cabbage...just a little spinach ..lettuce...beans ...all the squash seeds are up and the okra, cukes, bush beans,sweet corn,garlic,swiss card..beets brussel sprouts...now if I can just keep the zillion rabbits that have eaten most of my field corn plot and power plant out of the garden!!


Seriously...there are so many...it's a little scary...3 in the drive way this a.m. when I headed out...I'm actually thinking about a nuisance permit...LOL

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Amazingly enough though, when rabbit season opens up, they will seem to be all gone. I'm not sure how that works, but we must have a heck of a predator population. It's too bad, because I do love a good rabbit dinner.


Here's something you might consider: Welded wire around the garden and then two strands of electric fence .... One along the top to discourage the deer, and one 3" off the ground for squirrels, woodchucks, rabbits, chipmunks, etc. It works flawlessly. In fact I wouldn't be able to even have a garden without it. Before I figured it all out, between the deer, rabbits and woodchucks I used to get nearly nothing out of the garden.


Our garden is close enough to the barn that the fencer is located inside and the wire runs out to the garden fence. No power in the vicinity, you might think about a solar unit.

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